# vim: set filetype: py EnsureSConsVersion(1, 2) import os,sys from build_util import Dev gcc_flags = { 'common': ['-g', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-unused-value', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-address', '-Wno-unknown-pragmas', '-fexceptions'], 'debug': [], 'release' : ['-O3', '-fno-ipa-cp-clone'] } gcc_xxflags = { 'common' : ['-std=gnu++0x'], 'debug' : [], 'release' : [] } msvc_flags = { # 4100: unreferenced formal parameter # 4121: alignment of member sensitive to packing # 4127: conditional expression is constant # 4189: var init'd, unused # 4244: possible loss of data on conversion # 4290: exception spec ignored # 4355: "this" used in a constructor # 4510: no default constructor # 4512: assn not generated # 4610: no default constructor # 4706: assignment within conditional expression # 4800: converting from BOOL to bool # 4996: fn unsafe, use fn_s 'common' : ['/W4', '/EHsc', '/Zi', '/Zm200', '/GR', '/FC', '/wd4100', '/wd4121', '/wd4127', '/wd4189', '/wd4244', '/wd4290', '/wd4355', '/wd4510', '/wd4512', '/wd4610', '/wd4706', '/wd4800', '/wd4996'], 'debug' : ['/MDd', '/LDd'], 'release' : ['/O2', '/MD', '/LD'] } # we set /LD(d) by default for all sub-projects, since most of them are DLLs. don't forget to # remove it when building executables! msvc_xxflags = { 'common' : [], 'debug' : [], 'release' : [] } gcc_link_flags = { 'common' : ['-g', '$UNDEF', '-time'], 'debug' : [], 'release' : ['-O3'] } msvc_link_flags = { 'common' : ['/DEBUG', '/FIXED:NO', '/INCREMENTAL:NO'], 'debug' : [], 'release' : [] } msvc_defs = { 'common' : ['_REENTRANT'], 'debug' : ['_DEBUG', '_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0', '_SECURE_SCL=0'], 'release' : ['NDEBUG'] } gcc_defs = { # _BSD_SOURCE is for some int types in LuaSocket on Linux. 'common' : ['_REENTRANT', '_BSD_SOURCE'], 'debug' : ['_DEBUG'], 'release' : ['NDEBUG'] } # --- cut --- import os,sys,distutils.sysconfig plugins = filter(lambda x: os.path.isfile(os.path.join('plugins', x, 'SConscript')), os.listdir('plugins')) langs = ['lua', 'python', 'ruby'] defEnv = Environment(ENV = os.environ) opts = Variables('custom.py', ARGUMENTS) if sys.platform == 'win32': tooldef = 'mingw' else: tooldef = 'default' opts.AddVariables( EnumVariable('tools', 'Toolset to compile with, default = platform default (msvc under windows)', tooldef, ['mingw', 'default', 'clang', 'clang-analyzer']), EnumVariable('mode', 'Compile mode', 'debug', ['debug', 'release']), ListVariable('plugins', 'The plugins to compile', 'all', plugins), ListVariable('langs', 'The language bindings to compile', 'all', langs), BoolVariable('secure', 'Add support for secure TLS connections via OpenSSL', 'yes'), BoolVariable('gch', 'Use GCH when compiling GUI (disable if you have linking problems with mingw)', 'yes'), BoolVariable('verbose', 'Show verbose command lines', 'no'), BoolVariable('savetemps', 'Save intermediate compilation files (assembly output)', 'no'), ('prefix', 'Prefix to use when cross compiling', ''), EnumVariable('arch', 'Target architecture', 'x86', ['x86', 'x64', 'ia64']), ('python', 'Python path to use when compiling python extensions', distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var('prefix')), ('ruby', 'Path to the ruby binary', 'ruby'), ('lua', 'Path to the lua binary', 'lua'), BoolVariable('systemlua', 'Try to use the system lua libraries', 'no'), BoolVariable('systemboost', 'Use the system boost libraries', 'no'), BoolVariable('docs', 'Build docs (requires asciidoc)', 'no') ) opts.Update(defEnv) Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(defEnv)) # workaround for SCons 1.2 which hard-codes possible archs (only allows 'x86' and 'amd64'...) # TODO remove when SCons knows about all available archs TARGET_ARCH = defEnv['arch'] if TARGET_ARCH == 'x64': TARGET_ARCH = 'amd64' env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, tools = [defEnv['tools'], 'swig'], toolpath = ['tools'], options = opts, TARGET_ARCH = TARGET_ARCH, MSVS_ARCH = TARGET_ARCH) # filter out boost from dependencies to get a speedier rebuild scan # this means that if boost changes, scons -c needs to be run # delete .sconsign.dblite to see the effects of this if you're upgrading def filterBoost(x): return [y for y in x if str(y).find('boost') == -1] SourceFileScanner.function['.c'].recurse_nodes = filterBoost SourceFileScanner.function['.cpp'].recurse_nodes = filterBoost SourceFileScanner.function['.h'].recurse_nodes = filterBoost SourceFileScanner.function['.hpp'].recurse_nodes = filterBoost dev = Dev(env) dev.prepare() env.SConsignFile() conf = Configure(env, conf_dir = dev.get_build_path('.sconf_temp'), log_file = dev.get_build_path('config.log'), clean = False, help = False, custom_tests = { 'CheckBoost' : dev.CheckBoost }) if dev.env['systemboost']: sysBoostLibs = [] def checkBoostLib_(lib, header, call): if conf.CheckLibWithHeader(lib, header, 'C++', call, 0): sysBoostLibs.append(lib) return True return False def checkBoostLib(lib, header, call): return (checkBoostLib_(lib, header, call) or checkBoostLib_(lib + '-mt', header, call)) # Cygwin boost libs are named that way if (not conf.CheckBoost('1.49.0') or not checkBoostLib('libboost_system', 'boost/system/error_code.hpp', 'boost::system::error_code ec;') or not checkBoostLib('libboost_date_time', 'boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp', 'boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();') or not checkBoostLib('libboost_locale', 'boost/locale.hpp', 'boost::locale::generator().generate("");')): raise Exception('Cannot use system boost libraries - try with systemboost=0') if not dev.env['systemboost']: env.Append(CPPPATH = ['#/boost/']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK=1']) if env['CC'] == 'cl': # MSVC env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1']) if not dev.is_win32(): env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_XOPEN_SOURCE=500'] ) env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-fvisibility=hidden']) env.Append(LIBS = ['stdc++', 'm']) if 'gcc' in env['TOOLS']: if dev.is_win32(): env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,--enable-auto-import']) if env['savetemps']: env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-save-temps', '-fverbose-asm']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-pipe']) # require i686 instructions for atomic, used by boost::lockfree (otherwise lockfree # lists won't actually be lock-free). if env['arch'] == 'x86': env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-march=i686']) if env['CC'] == 'cl': # MSVC flags = msvc_flags xxflags = msvc_xxflags link_flags = msvc_link_flags defs = msvc_defs if env['arch'] == 'x86': env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_USE_32BIT_TIME_T=1']) # for compatibility with PHP else: flags = gcc_flags xxflags = gcc_xxflags link_flags = gcc_link_flags defs = gcc_defs env.Tool("gch", toolpath=".") env.Append(CPPDEFINES = defs[env['mode']]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES = defs['common']) env.Append(CCFLAGS = flags[env['mode']]) env.Append(CCFLAGS = flags['common']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = xxflags[env['mode']]) env.Append(CXXFLAGS = xxflags['common']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = link_flags[env['mode']]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS = link_flags['common']) env.Append(UNDEF = '-Wl,--no-undefined') if dev.is_win32(): env.Append(LIBS = ['ws2_32', 'mswsock']) env.SourceCode('.', None) import SCons.Scanner SWIGScanner = SCons.Scanner.ClassicCPP( "SWIGScan", ".i", "CPPPATH", '^[ \t]*[%,#][ \t]*(?:include|import)[ \t]*(<|")([^>"]+)(>|")' ) env.Append(SCANNERS=[SWIGScanner]) if not env.GetOption('clean') and not env.GetOption("help"): if not dev.is_win32(): if conf.CheckCHeader('poll.h'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES='HAVE_POLL_H') if conf.CheckCHeader('sys/epoll.h'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H']) if conf.CheckLib('pthread', 'pthread_create'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_PTHREAD']) if env['secure'] and conf.CheckLib('ssl', 'SSL_connect'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_OPENSSL']) if conf.CheckLib('dl', 'dlopen'): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_DL']) else: if env['secure'] and os.path.exists(Dir('#/openssl/include').abspath): conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['HAVE_OPENSSL']) env = conf.Finish() env.Append(LIBPATH = env.Dir(dev.get_build_root() + 'bin/').abspath) if not dev.is_win32(): dev.env.Append(RPATH = env.Literal('\\$$ORIGIN')) if dev.env['systemboost']: env.Append(LIBS = sysBoostLibs) else: dev.boost_system = dev.build('boost/libs/system/src/') dev.boost_date_time = dev.build('boost/libs/date_time/src/') dev.boost_locale = dev.build('boost/libs/locale/src/') env.Append(LIBS = ['aboost_system', 'aboost_date_time', 'aboost_locale']) dev.adchpp = dev.build('adchpp/') dev.build('adchppd/') # Lua for plugins & swig if 'Script' in env['plugins'] or 'lua' in env['langs']: dev.build('lua/') # Library wrappers dev.build('swig/') # Plugins for plugin in env['plugins']: dev.build('plugins/' + plugin + '/') if env['docs']: asciidoc_cmd = dev.get_asciidoc() if asciidoc_cmd is None: print 'asciidoc not found, docs won\'t be built' else: env['asciidoc_cmd'] = asciidoc_cmd def asciidoc(target, source, env): env.Execute(env['asciidoc_cmd'] + ' -o"' + str(target[0]) + '" "' + str(source[0]) + '"') doc_path = '#/build/docs/' env.Command(doc_path + 'readme.html', '#/readme.txt', asciidoc) guide_path = '#/docs/user_guide/' env.Command(doc_path + 'user_guide/basic_guide.html', guide_path + 'basic_guide.txt', asciidoc) env.Command(doc_path + 'user_guide/expert_guide.html', guide_path + 'expert_guide.txt', asciidoc) env.Command(doc_path + 'user_guide/images', guide_path + 'images', Copy('$TARGET', '$SOURCE'))