import glob import sys import os class Dev: def __init__(self, env): self.env = env self.build_root = '#/build/' + env['mode'] + '-' + env['tools'] if env['arch'] != 'x86': self.build_root += '-' + env['arch'] self.build_root += '/' def prepare(self): if not self.env['verbose']: self.env['CCCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET (static)" self.env['SHCCCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET (shared)" self.env['CXXCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET (static)" self.env['SHCXXCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET (shared)" self.env['PCHCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET (precompiled header)" self.env['GCHCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET (static precompiled header)" self.env['GCHSHCOMSTR'] = "Compiling $TARGET (shared precompiled header)" self.env['SHLINKCOMSTR'] = "Linking $TARGET (shared)" self.env['LINKCOMSTR'] = "Linking $TARGET (static)" self.env['ARCOMSTR'] = "Archiving $TARGET" self.env['RCCOMSTR'] = "Resource $TARGET" self.env.SConsignFile() self.env.SetOption('implicit_cache', '1') self.env.SetOption('max_drift', 60*10) self.env.Decider('MD5-timestamp') if 'mingw' in self.env['TOOLS']: self.env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc"]) prefix = '' if self.env.get('prefix') is not None: prefix = self.env['prefix'] elif sys.platform != 'win32': prefix = 'i386-mingw32-' self.env['CC'] = prefix + 'gcc' self.env['CXX'] = prefix + 'g++' self.env['LINK'] = prefix + 'g++' self.env['AR'] = prefix + 'ar' self.env['RANLIB'] = prefix + 'ranlib' self.env['RC'] = prefix + 'windres' if sys.platform != 'win32': self.env['PROGSUFFIX'] = '.exe' self.env['LIBPREFIX'] = 'lib' self.env['LIBSUFFIX'] = '.a' self.env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = '.dll' # some distros of windres fail when they receive Win paths as input, so convert... self.env['RCCOM'] = self.env['RCCOM'].replace('-i $SOURCE', '-i ${SOURCE.posix}', 1) def is_win32(self): return sys.platform == 'win32' or 'mingw' in self.env['TOOLS'] def get_build_root(self): return self.build_root def get_build_path(self, source_path): return self.get_build_root() + source_path def get_target(self, source_path, name, in_bin = True): if in_bin: return self.get_build_root() + 'bin/' + name else: return self.get_build_root() + source_path + name def get_sources(self, source_path, source_glob): return map(lambda x: self.get_build_path(source_path) + x, glob.glob(source_glob)) def prepare_build(self, source_path, name, source_glob = '*.cpp', in_bin = True, precompiled_header = None, shared_precompiled_header = None): build_path = self.get_build_path(source_path) env = self.env.Clone() env.VariantDir(build_path, '.', duplicate = 0) sources = self.get_sources(source_path, source_glob) if precompiled_header is not None or shared_precompiled_header is not None: # TODO we work around the 2 problems described on # - remove once not needed if shared_precompiled_header is None: pch = precompiled_header else: pch = shared_precompiled_header for i, source in enumerate(sources): if source.find(pch + '.cpp') != -1: # the PCH/GCH builder will take care of this one del sources[i] if 'msvc' in env['TOOLS']: env['PCHSTOP'] = pch + '.h' pch = env.PCH(build_path + pch + '.pch', pch + '.cpp') env['PCH'] = pch[0] env['ARFLAGS'] = env['ARFLAGS'] + ' ' + str(pch[1]) env['LINKFLAGS'] = env['LINKFLAGS'] + ' ' + str(pch[1]) elif 'gcc' in env['TOOLS']: if shared_precompiled_header is None: gch_tool = 'Gch' else: gch_tool = 'GchSh' exec("env['" + gch_tool + "'] = env." + gch_tool + "(build_path + pch + '.h.gch', pch + '.h')[0]") # little dance to add the pch object to include paths, while overriding the current directory env['CXXCOM'] = env['CXXCOM'] + ' -include ' + env.Dir(build_path).abspath + '/' + pch + '.h' return (env, self.get_target(source_path, name, in_bin), sources) def build(self, source_path, local_env = None): if not local_env: local_env = self.env full_path = local_env.Dir('.').path + '/' + source_path return local_env.SConscript(source_path + 'SConscript', exports={'dev' : self, 'source_path' : full_path }) def i18n (self, source_path, buildenv, sources, name): if not self.env['i18n']: return p_oze = glob.glob('po/*.po') potfile = 'po/' + name + '.pot' buildenv['PACKAGE'] = name ret = buildenv.PotBuild(potfile, sources) for po_file in p_oze: buildenv.Precious(buildenv.PoBuild(po_file, [potfile])) lang = os.path.basename(po_file)[:-3] locale_path = self.get_target(source_path, 'locale/' + lang + '/') buildenv.MoBuild(locale_path + 'LC_MESSAGES/' + name + '.mo', po_file, NAME_FILE = buildenv.File(locale_path + 'name.txt')) # languages = [ os.path.basename(po).replace ('.po', '') for po in p_oze ] # for lang in languages: # modir = (os.path.join (install_prefix, 'share/locale/' + lang + '/LC_MESSAGES/')) # moname = domain + '.mo' # installenv.Alias('install', installenv.InstallAs (os.path.join (modir, moname), lang + '.mo')) return ret # support installs that only have an file but no executable def get_asciidoc(self): if 'PATHEXT' in self.env['ENV']: pathext = self.env['ENV']['PATHEXT'] + ';.py' else: pathext = '' asciidoc = self.env.WhereIs('asciidoc', pathext = pathext) if asciidoc is None: return None if asciidoc[-3:] == '.py': if self.env.WhereIs('python') is None: return None asciidoc = 'python ' + asciidoc return asciidoc def CheckPKGConfig(self, context, version): context.Message( 'Checking for pkg-config... ' ) ret = context.TryAction('pkg-config --atleast-pkgconfig-version=%s' % version)[0] context.Result( ret ) return ret def CheckPKG(self, context, name): context.Message( 'Checking for %s... ' % name ) ret = context.TryAction('pkg-config --exists "%s"' % name)[0] if ret: context.env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags --libs "%s"' % name) context.Result( ret ) return ret def CheckLuaPKG(self, context, name, version): context.Message( 'Checking for %s version %s... ' % (name, version) ) res = context.TryAction('$lua -l %s -e "os.exit"(("%s._VERSION == \'%s\'")" and 0 or 1")' % (name, name, version)) [0] context.Result( res) return res def CheckBoost(self, context, version): v_arr = version.split(".") version_n = 0 if len(v_arr) > 0: version_n += int(v_arr[0])*100000 if len(v_arr) > 1: version_n += int(v_arr[1])*100 if len(v_arr) > 2: version_n += int(v_arr[2]) context.Message('Checking for Boost version >= %s... ' % (version)) ret = context.TryCompile(""" #include #if BOOST_VERSION < %d #error Installed boost is too old! #endif int main() { return 0; } """ % version_n, '.cpp') context.Result(ret) return ret def array_remove(array, to_remove): if to_remove in array: array.remove(to_remove)