/* * uhub - A tiny ADC p2p connection hub * Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Jan Vidar Krey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "uhub.h" struct hub_info* g_hub = 0; int hub_handle_message(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u, const char* line, size_t length) { int ret = 0; struct adc_message* cmd = 0; LOG_PROTO("recv %s: %s", sid_to_string(u->id.sid), line); if (user_is_disconnecting(u)) return -1; cmd = adc_msg_parse_verify(u, line, length); if (cmd) { switch (cmd->cmd) { case ADC_CMD_HSUP: ret = hub_handle_support(hub, u, cmd); break; case ADC_CMD_HPAS: ret = hub_handle_password(hub, u, cmd); break; case ADC_CMD_BINF: ret = hub_handle_info(hub, u, cmd); break; case ADC_CMD_DINF: case ADC_CMD_EINF: case ADC_CMD_FINF: /* these must never be allowed for security reasons, so we ignore them. */ break; case ADC_CMD_EMSG: case ADC_CMD_DMSG: case ADC_CMD_BMSG: case ADC_CMD_FMSG: ret = hub_handle_chat_message(hub, u, cmd); break; case ADC_CMD_BSCH: case ADC_CMD_DSCH: case ADC_CMD_ESCH: case ADC_CMD_FSCH: case ADC_CMD_DRES: case ADC_CMD_DRCM: case ADC_CMD_DCTM: cmd->priority = -1; if (hub->config->chat_only && u->credentials < cred_operator) { /* These below aren't allowed in chat only hubs */ break; } default: if (user_is_logged_in(u)) { ret = route_message(hub, u, cmd); } else { ret = -1; } break; } adc_msg_free(cmd); } else { if (!user_is_logged_in(u)) { ret = -1; } } return ret; } int hub_handle_support(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u, struct adc_message* cmd) { int ret = 0; int index = 0; int ok = 1; char* arg = adc_msg_get_argument(cmd, index); if (hub->status == hub_status_disabled && u->state == state_protocol) { on_login_failure(hub, u, status_msg_hub_disabled); hub_free(arg); return -1; } while (arg) { if (strlen(arg) == 6) { fourcc_t fourcc = FOURCC(arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5]); if (strncmp(arg, ADC_SUP_FLAG_ADD, 2) == 0) { user_support_add(u, fourcc); } else if (strncmp(arg, ADC_SUP_FLAG_REMOVE, 2) == 0) { user_support_remove(u, fourcc); } else { ok = 0; } } else { ok = 0; } index++; hub_free(arg); arg = adc_msg_get_argument(cmd, index); } if (u->state == state_protocol) { if (index == 0) ok = 0; /* Need to support *SOMETHING*, at least BASE */ if (ok) { hub_send_handshake(hub, u); net_con_set_timeout(u->connection, TIMEOUT_HANDSHAKE); } else { /* disconnect user. Do not send crap during initial handshake! */ hub_disconnect_user(hub, u, quit_logon_error); ret = -1; } } return ret; } int hub_handle_password(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u, struct adc_message* cmd) { char* password = adc_msg_get_argument(cmd, 0); int ret = 0; if (u->state == state_verify) { if (acl_password_verify(hub->acl, u, password)) { on_login_success(hub, u); } else { on_login_failure(hub, u, status_msg_auth_invalid_password); ret = -1; } } hub_free(password); return ret; } int hub_handle_chat_message(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u, struct adc_message* cmd) { char* message = adc_msg_get_argument(cmd, 0); int ret = 0; int relay = 1; if (!message || !user_is_logged_in(u)) return 0; if ((cmd->cache[0] == 'B') && (message[0] == '!' || message[0] == '+')) { /* * A message such as "++message" is handled as "+message", by removing the first character. * The first character is removed by memmoving the string one byte to the left. */ if (message[1] == message[0]) { relay = 1; int offset = adc_msg_get_arg_offset(cmd); memmove(cmd->cache+offset+1, cmd->cache+offset+2, cmd->length - offset); cmd->length--; } else { relay = command_dipatcher(hub, u, message); } } if (hub->config->chat_is_privileged && !user_is_protected(u) && (cmd->cache[0] == 'B' || cmd->cache[0] == 'F')) { relay = 0; } if (relay) { /* adc_msg_remove_named_argument(cmd, "PM"); */ if (cmd->cache[0] == 'B') hub_chat_history_add(hub, u, cmd); ret = route_message(hub, u, cmd); } hub_free(message); return ret; } void hub_chat_history_add(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct adc_message* cmd) { char* msg_esc = adc_msg_get_argument(cmd, 0); char* message = adc_msg_unescape(msg_esc); char* log = hub_malloc(strlen(message) + strlen(user->id.nick) + 14); sprintf(log, "%s <%s> %s\n", get_timestamp(time(NULL)), user->id.nick, message); list_append(hub->chat_history, log); while (list_size(hub->chat_history) > (size_t) hub->config->max_chat_history) { char* msg = list_get_first(hub->chat_history); list_remove(hub->chat_history, msg); hub_free(msg); } hub_free(message); hub_free(msg_esc); } void hub_chat_history_clear(struct hub_info* hub) { list_clear(hub->chat_history, &hub_free); } void hub_send_support(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u) { if (user_is_connecting(u) || user_is_logged_in(u)) { route_to_user(hub, u, hub->command_support); } } void hub_send_sid(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u) { sid_t sid; struct adc_message* command; if (user_is_connecting(u)) { command = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_ISID, 10); sid = uman_get_free_sid(hub, u); adc_msg_add_argument(command, (const char*) sid_to_string(sid)); route_to_user(hub, u, command); adc_msg_free(command); } } void hub_send_ping(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user) { /* This will just send a newline, despite appearing to do more below. */ struct adc_message* ping = adc_msg_construct(0, 0); ping->cache[0] = '\n'; ping->cache[1] = 0; ping->length = 1; ping->priority = 1; route_to_user(hub, user, ping); adc_msg_free(ping); } void hub_send_hubinfo(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u) { struct adc_message* info = adc_msg_copy(hub->command_info); int value = 0; if (user_flag_get(u, feature_ping)) { /* FIXME: These are missing: HH - Hub Host address ( DNS or IP ) WS - Hub Website NE - Hub Network OW - Hub Owner name */ adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "UC", uhub_itoa(hub_get_user_count(hub))); adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "MC", uhub_itoa(hub_get_max_user_count(hub))); adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "SS", uhub_ulltoa(hub_get_shared_size(hub))); adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "SF", uhub_itoa(hub_get_shared_files(hub))); /* Maximum/minimum share size */ value = hub_get_max_share(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "XS", uhub_itoa(value)); value = hub_get_min_share(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "MS", uhub_itoa(value)); /* Maximum/minimum upload slots allowed per user */ value = hub_get_max_slots(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "XL", uhub_itoa(value)); value = hub_get_min_slots(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "ML", uhub_itoa(value)); /* guest users must be on min/max hubs */ value = hub_get_max_hubs_user(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "XU", uhub_itoa(value)); value = hub_get_min_hubs_user(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "MU", uhub_itoa(value)); /* registered users must be on min/max hubs */ value = hub_get_max_hubs_reg(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "XR", uhub_itoa(value)); value = hub_get_min_hubs_reg(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "MR", uhub_itoa(value)); /* operators must be on min/max hubs */ value = hub_get_max_hubs_op(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "XO", uhub_itoa(value)); value = hub_get_min_hubs_op(hub); if (value) adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "MO", uhub_itoa(value)); /* uptime in seconds */ adc_msg_add_named_argument(info, "UP", uhub_itoa((int) difftime(time(0), hub->tm_started))); } if (user_is_connecting(u) || user_is_logged_in(u)) { route_to_user(hub, u, info); } adc_msg_free(info); /* Only send banner when connecting */ if (hub->config->show_banner && user_is_connecting(u)) { route_to_user(hub, u, hub->command_banner); } } void hub_send_handshake(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u) { user_flag_set(u, flag_pipeline); hub_send_support(hub, u); hub_send_sid(hub, u); hub_send_hubinfo(hub, u); route_flush_pipeline(hub, u); if (!user_is_disconnecting(u)) { user_set_state(u, state_identify); } } void hub_send_motd(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u) { if (hub->command_motd) { route_to_user(hub, u, hub->command_motd); } } void hub_send_password_challenge(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* u) { struct adc_message* igpa; igpa = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_IGPA, 38); adc_msg_add_argument(igpa, acl_password_generate_challenge(hub->acl, u)); user_set_state(u, state_verify); route_to_user(hub, u, igpa); adc_msg_free(igpa); } static void hub_event_dispatcher(void* callback_data, struct event_data* message) { struct hub_info* hub = (struct hub_info*) callback_data; struct hub_user* user = (struct hub_user*) message->ptr; assert(hub != NULL); switch (message->id) { case UHUB_EVENT_USER_JOIN: { if (user_is_disconnecting(user)) break; if (message->flags) { hub_send_password_challenge(hub, user); } else { on_login_success(hub, user); } break; } case UHUB_EVENT_USER_QUIT: { uman_remove(hub, user); uman_send_quit_message(hub, user); on_logout_user(hub, user); hub_schedule_destroy_user(hub, user); break; } case UHUB_EVENT_USER_DESTROY: { user_destroy(user); break; } case UHUB_EVENT_HUB_SHUTDOWN: { struct hub_user* u = (struct hub_user*) list_get_first(hub->users->list); while (u) { uman_remove(hub, u); user_destroy(u); u = (struct hub_user*) list_get_first(hub->users->list); } break; } default: /* FIXME: ignored */ break; } } struct hub_info* hub_start_service(struct hub_config* config) { struct hub_info* hub = 0; struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t sockaddr_size; int server_tcp, ret, ipv6_supported, af; char address_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1]; hub = hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct hub_info)); if (!hub) { LOG_FATAL("Unable to allocate memory for hub"); return 0; } hub->tm_started = time(0); ipv6_supported = net_is_ipv6_supported(); if (ipv6_supported) LOG_DEBUG("IPv6 supported."); else LOG_DEBUG("IPv6 not supported."); if (ip_convert_address(config->server_bind_addr, config->server_port, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &sockaddr_size) == -1) { hub_free(hub); return 0; } af = addr.ss_family; if (af == AF_INET) { net_address_to_string(AF_INET, &((struct sockaddr_in*) &addr)->sin_addr, address_buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); } else if (af == AF_INET6) { net_address_to_string(AF_INET6, &((struct sockaddr_in6*) &addr)->sin6_addr, address_buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); } LOG_INFO("Starting " PRODUCT "/" VERSION ", listening on %s:%d...", address_buf, config->server_port); server_tcp = net_socket_create(af, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if (server_tcp == -1) { hub_free(hub); return 0; } ret = net_set_reuseaddress(server_tcp, 1); if (ret == -1) { hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } ret = net_set_nonblocking(server_tcp, 1); if (ret == -1) { hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } ret = net_bind(server_tcp, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sockaddr_size); if (ret == -1) { LOG_FATAL("hub_start_service(): Unable to bind to TCP local address. errno=%d, str=%s", net_error(), net_error_string(net_error())); hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } ret = net_listen(server_tcp, config->server_listen_backlog); if (ret == -1) { LOG_FATAL("hub_start_service(): Unable to listen to socket"); hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT if (config->tls_enable) { hub->ssl_method = SSLv23_method(); /* TLSv1_method() */ hub->ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(hub->ssl_method); /* Disable SSLv2 */ SSL_CTX_set_options(hub->ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2); if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(hub->ssl_ctx, config->tls_certificate, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) < 0) { LOG_ERROR("SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); } if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(hub->ssl_ctx, config->tls_private_key, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) < 0) { LOG_ERROR("SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); } if (SSL_CTX_check_private_key(hub->ssl_ctx) != 1) { LOG_FATAL("SSL_CTX_check_private_key: Private key does not match the certificate public key: %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); return 0; } LOG_INFO("Enabling TLS, using certificate: %s, private key: %s", config->tls_certificate, config->tls_private_key); } #endif hub->config = config; hub->users = NULL; if (uman_init(hub) == -1) { hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } if (event_queue_initialize(&hub->queue, hub_event_dispatcher, (void*) hub) == -1) { uman_shutdown(hub); hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } hub->recvbuf = hub_malloc(MAX_RECV_BUF); hub->sendbuf = hub_malloc(MAX_SEND_BUF); if (!hub->recvbuf || !hub->sendbuf) { hub_free(hub->recvbuf); hub_free(hub->sendbuf); uman_shutdown(hub); hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } hub->chat_history = (struct linked_list*) list_create(); hub->logout_info = (struct linked_list*) list_create(); if (!hub->chat_history) { list_destroy(hub->chat_history); list_destroy(hub->logout_info); hub_free(hub->recvbuf); hub_free(hub->sendbuf); uman_shutdown(hub); hub_free(hub); net_close(server_tcp); return 0; } hub->status = hub_status_running; hub->server = net_con_create(); net_con_initialize(hub->server, server_tcp, net_on_accept, hub, NET_EVENT_READ); g_hub = hub; return hub; } void hub_shutdown_service(struct hub_info* hub) { LOG_DEBUG("hub_shutdown_service()"); event_queue_shutdown(hub->queue); #ifdef USE_LIBEVENT event_del(&hub->ev_accept); #endif net_con_close(hub->server); hub_free(hub->server); uman_shutdown(hub); hub->status = hub_status_stopped; hub_free(hub->sendbuf); hub_free(hub->recvbuf); hub_chat_history_clear(hub); list_destroy(hub->chat_history); list_clear(hub->logout_info, &hub_free); list_destroy(hub->logout_info); hub_free(hub); hub = 0; g_hub = 0; } #define SERVER "" PRODUCT "/" VERSION "" void hub_set_variables(struct hub_info* hub, struct acl_handle* acl) { int fd, ret; char buf[MAX_RECV_BUF]; char* tmp; char* server = adc_msg_escape(SERVER); /* FIXME: OOM */ hub->acl = acl; hub->command_info = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_IINF, 15 + strlen(server)); if (hub->command_info) { adc_msg_add_named_argument(hub->command_info, ADC_INF_FLAG_CLIENT_TYPE, ADC_CLIENT_TYPE_HUB); adc_msg_add_named_argument(hub->command_info, ADC_INF_FLAG_USER_AGENT, server); tmp = adc_msg_escape(hub->config->hub_name); adc_msg_add_named_argument(hub->command_info, ADC_INF_FLAG_NICK, tmp); hub_free(tmp); tmp = adc_msg_escape(hub->config->hub_description); adc_msg_add_named_argument(hub->command_info, ADC_INF_FLAG_DESCRIPTION, tmp); hub_free(tmp); } /* (Re-)read the message of the day */ hub->command_motd = 0; fd = (hub->config->file_motd && *hub->config->file_motd) ? open(hub->config->file_motd, 0) : -1; if (fd != -1) { ret = read(fd, buf, MAX_RECV_BUF); if (ret > 0) { buf[ret] = 0; tmp = adc_msg_escape(buf); hub->command_motd = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_IMSG, 6 + strlen(tmp)); adc_msg_add_argument(hub->command_motd, tmp); hub_free(tmp); } close(fd); } hub->command_support = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_ISUP, 6 + strlen(ADC_PROTO_SUPPORT)); if (hub->command_support) { adc_msg_add_argument(hub->command_support, ADC_PROTO_SUPPORT); } hub->command_banner = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_ISTA, 25 + strlen(server)); if (hub->command_banner) { tmp = adc_msg_escape("Powered by " SERVER); adc_msg_add_argument(hub->command_banner, "000"); adc_msg_add_argument(hub->command_banner, tmp); hub_free(tmp); } hub->status = (hub->config->hub_enabled ? hub_status_running : hub_status_disabled); hub_free(server); } void hub_free_variables(struct hub_info* hub) { adc_msg_free(hub->command_info); adc_msg_free(hub->command_banner); if (hub->command_motd) adc_msg_free(hub->command_motd); adc_msg_free(hub->command_support); } /** * @return 1 if nickname is in use, or 0 if not used. */ static inline int is_nick_in_use(struct hub_info* hub, const char* nick) { struct hub_user* lookup = uman_get_user_by_nick(hub, nick); if (lookup) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * @return 1 if CID is in use, or 0 if not used. */ static inline int is_cid_in_use(struct hub_info* hub, const char* cid) { struct hub_user* lookup = uman_get_user_by_cid(hub, cid); if (lookup) { return 1; } return 0; } static void set_status_code(enum msg_status_level level, int code, char buffer[4]) { buffer[0] = ('0' + (int) level); buffer[1] = ('0' + (code / 10)); buffer[2] = ('0' + (code % 10)); buffer[3] = 0; } /** * @param hub The hub instance this message is sent from. * @param user The user this message is sent to. * @param msg See enum status_message * @param level See enum status_level */ void hub_send_status(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, enum status_message msg, enum msg_status_level level) { struct hub_config* cfg = hub->config; struct adc_message* cmd = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_ISTA, 6); if (!cmd) return; char code[4]; const char* text = 0; const char* flag = 0; char* escaped_text = 0; #define STATUS(CODE, MSG, FLAG) case status_ ## MSG : set_status_code(level, CODE, code); text = cfg->MSG; flag = FLAG; break switch (msg) { STATUS(11, msg_hub_full, 0); STATUS(12, msg_hub_disabled, 0); STATUS(26, msg_hub_registered_users_only, 0); STATUS(43, msg_inf_error_nick_missing, 0); STATUS(43, msg_inf_error_nick_multiple, 0); STATUS(21, msg_inf_error_nick_invalid, 0); STATUS(21, msg_inf_error_nick_long, 0); STATUS(21, msg_inf_error_nick_short, 0); STATUS(21, msg_inf_error_nick_spaces, 0); STATUS(21, msg_inf_error_nick_bad_chars, 0); STATUS(21, msg_inf_error_nick_not_utf8, 0); STATUS(22, msg_inf_error_nick_taken, 0); STATUS(21, msg_inf_error_nick_restricted, 0); STATUS(43, msg_inf_error_cid_invalid, "FBID"); STATUS(43, msg_inf_error_cid_missing, "FMID"); STATUS(24, msg_inf_error_cid_taken, 0); STATUS(43, msg_inf_error_pid_missing, "FMPD"); STATUS(27, msg_inf_error_pid_invalid, "FBPD"); STATUS(31, msg_ban_permanently, 0); STATUS(32, msg_ban_temporarily, "TL600"); /* FIXME: Use a proper timeout */ STATUS(23, msg_auth_invalid_password, 0); STATUS(20, msg_auth_user_not_found, 0); STATUS(30, msg_error_no_memory, 0); STATUS(43, msg_user_share_size_low, "FB" ADC_INF_FLAG_SHARED_SIZE); STATUS(43, msg_user_share_size_high, "FB" ADC_INF_FLAG_SHARED_SIZE); STATUS(43, msg_user_slots_low, "FB" ADC_INF_FLAG_UPLOAD_SLOTS); STATUS(43, msg_user_slots_high, "FB" ADC_INF_FLAG_UPLOAD_SLOTS); STATUS(43, msg_user_hub_limit_low, 0); STATUS(43, msg_user_hub_limit_high, 0); } #undef STATUS escaped_text = adc_msg_escape(text); adc_msg_add_argument(cmd, code); adc_msg_add_argument(cmd, escaped_text); hub_free(escaped_text); if (flag) { adc_msg_add_argument(cmd, flag); } route_to_user(hub, user, cmd); adc_msg_free(cmd); } const char* hub_get_status_message(struct hub_info* hub, enum status_message msg) { #define STATUS(MSG) case status_ ## MSG : return cfg->MSG; break struct hub_config* cfg = hub->config; switch (msg) { STATUS(msg_hub_full); STATUS(msg_hub_disabled); STATUS(msg_hub_registered_users_only); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_missing); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_multiple); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_invalid); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_long); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_short); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_spaces); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_bad_chars); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_not_utf8); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_taken); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_restricted); STATUS(msg_inf_error_cid_invalid); STATUS(msg_inf_error_cid_missing); STATUS(msg_inf_error_cid_taken); STATUS(msg_inf_error_pid_missing); STATUS(msg_inf_error_pid_invalid); STATUS(msg_ban_permanently); STATUS(msg_ban_temporarily); STATUS(msg_auth_invalid_password); STATUS(msg_auth_user_not_found); STATUS(msg_error_no_memory); STATUS(msg_user_share_size_low); STATUS(msg_user_share_size_high); STATUS(msg_user_slots_low); STATUS(msg_user_slots_high); STATUS(msg_user_hub_limit_low); STATUS(msg_user_hub_limit_high); } #undef STATUS return "Unknown"; } const char* hub_get_status_message_log(struct hub_info* hub, enum status_message msg) { #define STATUS(MSG) case status_ ## MSG : return #MSG; break switch (msg) { STATUS(msg_hub_full); STATUS(msg_hub_disabled); STATUS(msg_hub_registered_users_only); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_missing); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_multiple); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_invalid); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_long); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_short); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_spaces); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_bad_chars); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_not_utf8); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_taken); STATUS(msg_inf_error_nick_restricted); STATUS(msg_inf_error_cid_invalid); STATUS(msg_inf_error_cid_missing); STATUS(msg_inf_error_cid_taken); STATUS(msg_inf_error_pid_missing); STATUS(msg_inf_error_pid_invalid); STATUS(msg_ban_permanently); STATUS(msg_ban_temporarily); STATUS(msg_auth_invalid_password); STATUS(msg_auth_user_not_found); STATUS(msg_error_no_memory); STATUS(msg_user_share_size_low); STATUS(msg_user_share_size_high); STATUS(msg_user_slots_low); STATUS(msg_user_slots_high); STATUS(msg_user_hub_limit_low); STATUS(msg_user_hub_limit_high); } #undef STATUS return "unknown"; } size_t hub_get_user_count(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->users->count; } size_t hub_get_max_user_count(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->max_users; } uint64_t hub_get_shared_size(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->users->shared_size; } uint64_t hub_get_shared_files(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->users->shared_files; } uint64_t hub_get_min_share(struct hub_info* hub) { return 1024 * 1024 * hub->config->limit_min_share; } uint64_t hub_get_max_share(struct hub_info* hub) { return 1024 * 1024 * hub->config->limit_max_share; } size_t hub_get_min_slots(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_min_slots; } size_t hub_get_max_slots(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_max_slots; } size_t hub_get_max_hubs_total(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_max_hubs; } size_t hub_get_max_hubs_user(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_max_hubs_user; } size_t hub_get_min_hubs_user(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_min_hubs_user; } size_t hub_get_max_hubs_reg(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_max_hubs_reg; } size_t hub_get_min_hubs_reg(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_min_hubs_reg; } size_t hub_get_max_hubs_op(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_max_hubs_op; } size_t hub_get_min_hubs_op(struct hub_info* hub) { return hub->config->limit_min_hubs_op; } void hub_schedule_destroy_user(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user) { struct event_data post; memset(&post, 0, sizeof(post)); post.id = UHUB_EVENT_USER_DESTROY; post.ptr = user; event_queue_post(hub->queue, &post); if (user->id.sid) { sid_free(hub->users->sids, user->id.sid); } } void hub_disconnect_all(struct hub_info* hub) { struct event_data post; memset(&post, 0, sizeof(post)); post.id = UHUB_EVENT_HUB_SHUTDOWN; post.ptr = 0; event_queue_post(hub->queue, &post); } void hub_event_loop(struct hub_info* hub) { do { net_backend_process(); event_queue_process(hub->queue); } while (hub->status == hub_status_running || hub->status == hub_status_disabled); if (hub->status == hub_status_shutdown) { LOG_DEBUG("Removing all users..."); event_queue_process(hub->queue); event_queue_process(hub->queue); hub_disconnect_all(hub); event_queue_process(hub->queue); hub->status = hub_status_stopped; } } void hub_disconnect_user(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, int reason) { struct event_data post; int need_notify = 0; /* is user already being disconnected ? */ if (user_is_disconnecting(user)) { return; } /* stop reading from user */ net_shutdown_r(net_con_get_sd(user->connection)); net_con_close(user->connection); user->connection = 0; LOG_TRACE("hub_disconnect_user(), user=%p, reason=%d, state=%d", user, reason, user->state); need_notify = user_is_logged_in(user) && hub->status == hub_status_running; user->quit_reason = reason; user_set_state(user, state_cleanup); if (need_notify) { memset(&post, 0, sizeof(post)); post.id = UHUB_EVENT_USER_QUIT; post.ptr = user; event_queue_post(hub->queue, &post); } else { hub_schedule_destroy_user(hub, user); } } void hub_logout_log(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user) { struct hub_logout_info* loginfo = hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct hub_logout_info)); if (!loginfo) return; loginfo->time = time(NULL); strcpy(loginfo->cid, user->id.cid); strcpy(loginfo->nick, user->id.nick); memcpy(&loginfo->addr, &user->id.addr, sizeof(struct ip_addr_encap)); loginfo->reason = user->quit_reason; list_append(hub->logout_info, loginfo); while (list_size(hub->logout_info) > (size_t) hub->config->max_logout_log) { struct hub_logout_info* entry = list_get_first(hub->logout_info); list_remove(hub->logout_info, entry); hub_free(entry); } }