/* * uhub - A tiny ADC p2p connection hub * Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Jan Vidar Krey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "uhub.h" /* * This callback function is used to clear user objects from the userlist. * Should only be used in uman_shutdown(). */ static void clear_user_list_callback(void* ptr) { if (ptr) { struct hub_user* u = (struct hub_user*) ptr; /* Mark the user as already being disconnected. * This prevents the hub from trying to send * quit messages to other users. */ u->credentials = auth_cred_none; user_destroy(u); } } struct hub_user_manager* uman_init() { struct hub_user_manager* users = (struct hub_user_manager*) hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct hub_user_manager)); if (!users) return NULL; users->list = list_create(); users->sids = sid_pool_create(net_get_max_sockets()); if (!users->list) { list_destroy(users->list); hub_free(users); return NULL; } return users; } int uman_shutdown(struct hub_user_manager* users) { if (!users) return -1; if (users->list) { list_clear(users->list, &clear_user_list_callback); list_destroy(users->list); } sid_pool_destroy(users->sids); hub_free(users); return 0; } int uman_add(struct hub_user_manager* users, struct hub_user* user) { if (!users || !user) return -1; list_append(users->list, user); users->count++; users->count_peak = MAX(users->count, users->count_peak); users->shared_size += user->limits.shared_size; users->shared_files += user->limits.shared_files; return 0; } int uman_remove(struct hub_user_manager* users, struct hub_user* user) { if (!users || !user) return -1; list_remove(users->list, user); if (users->count > 0) { users->count--; } else { uhub_assert(!"negative count!"); } users->shared_size -= user->limits.shared_size; users->shared_files -= user->limits.shared_files; return 0; } struct hub_user* uman_get_user_by_sid(struct hub_user_manager* users, sid_t sid) { return sid_lookup(users->sids, sid); } struct hub_user* uman_get_user_by_cid(struct hub_user_manager* users, const char* cid) { struct hub_user* user; LIST_FOREACH(struct hub_user*, user, users->list, { if (strcmp(user->id.cid, cid) == 0) return user; }); return NULL; } struct hub_user* uman_get_user_by_nick(struct hub_user_manager* users, const char* nick) { struct hub_user* user; LIST_FOREACH(struct hub_user*, user, users->list, { if (strcmp(user->id.nick, nick) == 0) return user; }); return NULL; } size_t uman_get_user_by_addr(struct hub_user_manager* users, struct linked_list* target, struct ip_range* range) { size_t num = 0; struct hub_user* user; LIST_FOREACH(struct hub_user*, user, users->list, { if (ip_in_range(&user->id.addr, range)) { list_append(target, user); num++; } }); return num; } int uman_send_user_list(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user_manager* users, struct hub_user* target) { int ret = 1; struct hub_user* user; user_flag_set(target, flag_user_list); LIST_FOREACH(struct hub_user*, user, users->list, { if (user_is_logged_in(user)) { ret = route_to_user(hub, target, user->info); if (!ret) break; } }); #if 0 FIXME: FIXME FIXME handle send queue excess if (!target->send_queue_size) { user_flag_unset(target, flag_user_list); } #endif return ret; } void uman_send_quit_message(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user_manager* users, struct hub_user* leaving) { struct adc_message* command = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_IQUI, 6); adc_msg_add_argument(command, (const char*) sid_to_string(leaving->id.sid)); if (leaving->quit_reason == quit_banned || leaving->quit_reason == quit_kicked) { adc_msg_add_argument(command, ADC_QUI_FLAG_DISCONNECT); } route_to_all(hub, command); adc_msg_free(command); } sid_t uman_get_free_sid(struct hub_user_manager* users, struct hub_user* user) { sid_t sid = sid_alloc(users->sids, user); user->id.sid = sid; return sid; }