/* * uhub - A tiny ADC p2p connection hub * Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Jan Vidar Krey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "uhub.h" #ifdef DEBUG #define CRASH_DEBUG #endif #define MAX_HELP_MSG 1024 struct hub_command { const char* message; char* prefix; size_t prefix_len; struct linked_list* args; }; typedef int (*command_handler)(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command*); struct commands_handler { const char* prefix; size_t length; const char* args; enum user_credentials cred; command_handler handler; const char* description; }; static struct commands_handler command_handlers[]; static void command_destroy(struct hub_command* cmd) { if (!cmd) return; hub_free(cmd->prefix); if (cmd->args) { list_clear(cmd->args, &hub_free); list_destroy(cmd->args); } hub_free(cmd); } static struct hub_command* command_create(const char* message) { struct hub_command* cmd = hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct hub_command)); if (!cmd) return 0; cmd->message = message; cmd->args = list_create(); int n = split_string(message, "\\s", cmd->args, 0); if (n <= 0) { command_destroy(cmd); return 0; } char* prefix = list_get_first(cmd->args); if (prefix && prefix[0] && prefix[1]) { cmd->prefix = hub_strdup(&prefix[1]); cmd->prefix_len = strlen(cmd->prefix); } else { command_destroy(cmd); return 0; } list_remove(cmd->args, prefix); hub_free(prefix); return cmd; } static void send_message(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, const char* message) { char* buffer = adc_msg_escape(message); struct adc_message* command = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_IMSG, strlen(buffer) + 6); adc_msg_add_argument(command, buffer); route_to_user(hub, user, command); adc_msg_free(command); hub_free(buffer); } static int command_access_denied(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char temp[128]; snprintf(temp, 128, "*** %s: Access denied.", cmd->prefix); send_message(hub, user, temp); return 0; } static int command_not_found(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char temp[128]; snprintf(temp, 128, "*** %s: Command not found", cmd->prefix); send_message(hub, user, temp); return 0; } static int command_status_user_not_found(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd, const char* nick) { char temp[128]; snprintf(temp, 128, "*** %s: No user \"%s\"", cmd->prefix, nick); send_message(hub, user, temp); return 0; } const char* command_get_syntax(struct commands_handler* handler) { static char args[128]; args[0] = 0; size_t n = 0; if (handler->args) { for (n = 0; n < strlen(handler->args); n++) { if (n > 0) strcat(args, " "); switch (handler->args[n]) { case 'n': strcat(args, ""); break; case 'c': strcat(args, ""); break; case 'a': strcat(args, ""); break; case 'm': strcat(args, ""); break; } } } return args; } static int command_arg_mismatch(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd, struct commands_handler* handler) { char temp[256]; const char* args = command_get_syntax(handler); if (args) snprintf(temp, 256, "*** %s: Use: !%s %s", cmd->prefix, cmd->prefix, args); else snprintf(temp, 256, "*** %s: Use: !%s", cmd->prefix, cmd->prefix); send_message(hub, user, temp); return 0; } static int command_status(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd, const char* message) { char temp[1024]; snprintf(temp, 1024, "*** %s: %s", cmd->prefix, message); send_message(hub, user, temp); return 0; } static int command_stats(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char temp[128]; snprintf(temp, 128, PRINTF_SIZE_T " users, peak: " PRINTF_SIZE_T ". Network (up/down): %d/%d KB/s, peak: %d/%d KB/s", hub->users->count, hub->users->count_peak, (int) hub->stats.net_tx / 1024, (int) hub->stats.net_rx / 1024, (int) hub->stats.net_tx_peak / 1024, (int) hub->stats.net_rx_peak / 1024); return command_status(hub, user, cmd, temp); } static int command_help(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { size_t n; char msg[MAX_HELP_MSG]; msg[0] = 0; strcat(msg, "Available commands:\n"); for (n = 0; command_handlers[n].prefix; n++) { if (command_handlers[n].cred <= user->credentials) { strcat(msg, "!"); strcat(msg, command_handlers[n].prefix); strcat(msg, " - "); strcat(msg, command_handlers[n].description); strcat(msg, "\n"); } } return command_status(hub, user, cmd, msg); } static int command_uptime(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char tmp[128]; size_t d; size_t h; size_t m; size_t D = (size_t) difftime(time(0), hub->tm_started); d = D / (24 * 3600); D = D % (24 * 3600); h = D / 3600; D = D % 3600; m = D / 60; tmp[0] = 0; if (d) { strcat(tmp, uhub_itoa((int) d)); strcat(tmp, " day"); if (d != 1) strcat(tmp, "s"); strcat(tmp, ", "); } if (h < 10) strcat(tmp, "0"); strcat(tmp, uhub_itoa((int) h)); strcat(tmp, ":"); if (m < 10) strcat(tmp, "0"); strcat(tmp, uhub_itoa((int) m)); return command_status(hub, user, cmd, tmp); } static int command_kick(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char* nick = list_get_first(cmd->args); if (!nick) return -1; // FIXME: bad syntax. struct hub_user* target = uman_get_user_by_nick(hub, nick); if (!target) return command_status_user_not_found(hub, user, cmd, nick); if (target == user) return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Cannot kick yourself"); hub_disconnect_user(hub, target, quit_kicked); return command_status(hub, user, cmd, nick); } static int command_ban(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char* nick = list_get_first(cmd->args); if (!nick) return -1; // FIXME: bad syntax. struct hub_user* target = uman_get_user_by_nick(hub, nick); if (!target) return command_status_user_not_found(hub, user, cmd, nick); if (target == user) return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Cannot kick/ban yourself"); hub_disconnect_user(hub, target, quit_kicked); acl_user_ban_nick(hub->acl, target->id.nick); acl_user_ban_cid(hub->acl, target->id.cid); return command_status(hub, user, cmd, nick); } static int command_unban(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Not implemented"); } static int command_mute(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char* nick = list_get_first(cmd->args); if (!nick) return -1; // FIXME: bad syntax. struct hub_user* target = uman_get_user_by_nick(hub, nick); if (!target) return command_status_user_not_found(hub, user, cmd, nick); if (strlen(cmd->prefix) == 4) { user_flag_set(target, flag_muted); } else { user_flag_unset(target, flag_muted); } return command_status(hub, user, cmd, nick); } static int command_reload(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { hub->status = hub_status_restart; return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Reloading configuration..."); } static int command_shutdown(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { hub->status = hub_status_shutdown; return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Hub shutting down..."); } static int command_version(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Powered by " PRODUCT "/" VERSION); } static int command_myip(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char tmp[128]; snprintf(tmp, 128, "Your address is \"%s\"", user_get_address(user)); return command_status(hub, user, cmd, tmp); } static int command_getip(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char tmp[128]; char* nick = list_get_first(cmd->args); if (!nick); return -1; // FIXME: bad syntax/OOM struct hub_user* target = uman_get_user_by_nick(hub, nick); if (!target) return command_status_user_not_found(hub, user, cmd, nick); snprintf(tmp, 128, "%s has address \"%s\"", nick, user_get_address(user)); return command_status(hub, user, cmd, tmp); } static int command_whoip(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char* address = list_get_first(cmd->args); struct ip_range range; struct linked_list* users; struct hub_user* u; int ret = 0; if (!address) return -1; // FIXME: bad syntax. ret = ip_convert_address_to_range(address, &range); if (!ret) return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Invalid IP address/range/mask"); users = (struct linked_list*) list_create(); if (!users) return -1; // FIXME: OOM ret = uman_get_user_by_addr(hub, users, &range); if (!ret) { list_destroy(users); return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "No users found."); } char tmp[128]; snprintf(tmp, 128, "*** %s: Found %d match%s:", cmd->prefix, ret, ((ret != 1) ? "es" : "")); char* buffer = hub_malloc(((MAX_NICK_LEN + INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 5) * ret) + strlen(tmp) + 3); if (!buffer) { list_destroy(users); return -1; // FIXME: OOM } buffer[0] = 0; strcat(buffer, tmp); strcat(buffer, "\n"); u = (struct hub_user*) list_get_first(users); while (u) { strcat(buffer, u->id.nick); strcat(buffer, " ("); strcat(buffer, user_get_address(u)); strcat(buffer, ")\n"); u = (struct hub_user*) list_get_next(users); } strcat(buffer, "\n"); send_message(hub, user, buffer); hub_free(buffer); list_destroy(users); return 0; } static int command_broadcast(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { struct adc_message* command = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_IMSG, strlen((cmd->message + 12)) + 6); adc_msg_add_argument(command, (cmd->message + 12)); route_to_all(hub, command); adc_msg_free(command); return 0; } static int command_history(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { char* buffer; struct linked_list* messages = hub->chat_history; char* message = 0; int ret = (int) list_size(messages); size_t bufsize; if (!ret) { return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "No messages."); } char tmp[128]; snprintf(tmp, 128, "*** %s: Found %d message%s:", cmd->prefix, ret, ((ret != 1) ? "s" : "")); bufsize = strlen(tmp); message = (char*) list_get_first(messages); while (message) { bufsize += strlen(message); message = (char*) list_get_next(messages); } buffer = hub_malloc(bufsize+4); if (!buffer) { return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "Not enough memory."); } buffer[0] = 0; strcat(buffer, tmp); strcat(buffer, "\n"); message = (char*) list_get_first(messages); while (message) { strcat(buffer, message); message = (char*) list_get_next(messages); } strcat(buffer, "\n"); send_message(hub, user, buffer); hub_free(buffer); return 0; } static int command_log(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { struct linked_list* messages = hub->logout_info; struct hub_logout_info* log; char tmp[1024]; char* search = 0; size_t search_len = 0; size_t search_hits = 0; if (!list_size(messages)) { return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "No entries logged."); } search = list_get_first(cmd->args); if (search) { search_len = strlen(search); } if (search_len) { sprintf(tmp, "Logged entries: " PRINTF_SIZE_T ", searching for \"%s\"", list_size(messages), search); } else { sprintf(tmp, "Logged entries: " PRINTF_SIZE_T, list_size(messages)); } command_status(hub, user, cmd, tmp); log = (struct hub_logout_info*) list_get_first(messages); while (log) { const char* address = ip_convert_to_string(&log->addr); int show = 0; if (search_len) { if (memmem(log->cid, MAX_CID_LEN, search, search_len) || memmem(log->nick, MAX_NICK_LEN, search, search_len) || memmem(address, strlen(address), search, search_len)) { search_hits++; show = 1; } } else { show = 1; } if (show) { sprintf(tmp, "* %s %s, %s [%s] - %s", get_timestamp(log->time), log->cid, log->nick, ip_convert_to_string(&log->addr), user_get_quit_reason_string(log->reason)); send_message(hub, user, tmp); } log = (struct hub_logout_info*) list_get_next(messages); } if (search_len) { sprintf(tmp, PRINTF_SIZE_T " entries shown.", search_hits); command_status(hub, user, cmd, tmp); } return 0; } static int command_rules(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { if (!hub_send_rules(hub, user)) return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "no rules defined."); return 0; } static int command_motd(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { if (!hub_send_motd(hub, user)) return command_status(hub, user, cmd, "no motd defined."); return 0; } #ifdef CRASH_DEBUG static int command_crash(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { void (*crash)(void) = NULL; crash(); return 0; } #endif int command_dipatcher(struct hub_info* hub, struct hub_user* user, const char* message) { size_t n = 0; int rc; /* Parse and validate the command */ struct hub_command* cmd = command_create(message); if (!cmd) return 0; for (n = 0; command_handlers[n].prefix; n++) { struct commands_handler* handler = &command_handlers[n]; if (cmd->prefix_len != handler->length) continue; if (!strncmp(cmd->prefix, handler->prefix, handler->length)) { if (handler->cred <= user->credentials) { if (!handler->args || (handler->args && list_size(cmd->args) >= strlen(handler->args))) { rc = handler->handler(hub, user, cmd); } else { rc = command_arg_mismatch(hub, user, cmd, handler); } command_destroy(cmd); return rc; } else { rc = command_access_denied(hub, user, cmd); command_destroy(cmd); return rc; } } } command_not_found(hub, user, cmd); command_destroy(cmd); return 0; } static struct commands_handler command_handlers[] = { { "ban", 3, "n", cred_operator, command_ban, "Ban a user" }, { "broadcast", 9, "m", cred_operator, command_broadcast,"Send a message to all users" }, #ifdef CRASH_DEBUG { "crash", 5, 0, cred_admin, command_crash, "Crash the hub (DEBUG)." }, #endif { "getip", 5, "n", cred_operator, command_getip, "Show IP address for a user" }, { "help", 4, 0, cred_guest, command_help, "Show this help message." }, { "history", 7, 0, cred_guest, command_history, "Show the last chat messages." }, { "kick", 4, "n", cred_operator, command_kick, "Kick a user" }, { "log", 3, 0, cred_operator, command_log, "Display log" }, { "motd", 4, 0, cred_guest, command_motd, "Show the message of the day" }, { "mute", 4, "n", cred_operator, command_mute, "Mute user" }, { "myip", 4, 0, cred_guest, command_myip, "Show your own IP." }, { "reload", 6, 0, cred_admin, command_reload, "Reload configuration files." }, { "rules", 5, 0, cred_guest, command_rules, "Show the hub rules" }, { "shutdown", 8, 0, cred_admin, command_shutdown, "Shutdown hub." }, { "stats", 5, 0, cred_super, command_stats, "Show hub statistics." }, { "unban", 5, "n", cred_operator, command_unban, "Lift ban on a user" }, { "unmute", 6, "n", cred_operator, command_mute, "Unmute user" }, { "uptime", 6, 0, cred_guest, command_uptime, "Display hub uptime info." }, { "version", 7, 0, cred_guest, command_version, "Show hub version info." }, { "whoip", 5, "a", cred_operator, command_whoip, "Show users matching IP range" }, { 0, 0, 0, cred_none, command_help, "" } };