/* * uhub - A tiny ADC p2p connection hub * Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Jan Vidar Krey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "uhub.h" #ifdef USE_SELECT #include "network/connection.h" #include "network/common.h" #include "network/backend.h" struct net_connection_select { NET_CON_STRUCT_COMMON }; struct net_backend { size_t num; size_t max; struct net_connection_select** conns; fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; time_t now; struct timeout_queue timeout_queue; struct net_cleanup_handler* cleaner; }; static struct net_backend* g_backend = 0; static void net_con_print(const char* prefix, struct net_connection_select* con) { char buf[512]; int off = snprintf(buf, 512, "%s: net_connection={ sd=%d, flags=%u, callback=%p, ptr=%p, events=%s%s", prefix, con->sd, con->flags, con->callback, con->ptr, (con->flags & NET_EVENT_READ ? "R" : ""),(con->flags & NET_EVENT_WRITE ? "W" : "")); if (con->timeout) { sprintf(buf + off, ", timeout={ %d seconds left }", (int) (con->timeout->timestamp - g_backend->now)); } else { sprintf(buf + off, ", timeout=NULL"); } LOG_TRACE(buf); } /** * Initialize the network backend. * Returns 1 on success, or 0 on failure. */ int net_backend_initialize() { size_t max = net_get_max_sockets(); g_backend = hub_malloc(sizeof(struct net_backend)); g_backend->num = 0; g_backend->max = max; g_backend->conns = hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct net_connection_select*) * max); FD_ZERO(&g_backend->rfds); FD_ZERO(&g_backend->wfds); g_backend->now = time(0); timeout_queue_initialize(&g_backend->timeout_queue, g_backend->now, 600); /* look max 10 minutes into the future. */ g_backend->cleaner = net_cleanup_initialize(max); return 1; } /** * Shutdown the network connection backend. */ void net_backend_shutdown() { timeout_queue_shutdown(&g_backend->timeout_queue); net_cleanup_shutdown(g_backend->cleaner); hub_free(g_backend->conns); hub_free(g_backend); } /** * Process the network backend. */ int net_backend_process() { int n, found, maxfd; struct timeval tval; FD_ZERO(&g_backend->rfds); FD_ZERO(&g_backend->wfds); size_t secs = timeout_queue_get_next_timeout(&g_backend->timeout_queue, g_backend->now); tval.tv_secs = secs; tval.tv_usecs = 0; for (n = 0, found = 0; found < g_backend->num && n < g_backend->max; n++) { struct net_connection_select* con = g_backend->conns[n]; if (con) { if (con->flags & NET_EVENT_READ) FD_SET(con->sd, &g_backend->rfds); if (con->flags & NET_EVENT_WRITE) FD_SET(con->sd, &g_backend->wfds); found++; maxfd = con->sd; } } int res = select(maxfd+1, &g_backend->rfds, &g_backend->wfds, 0, &tval); if (res == -1) { LOG_WARN("select returned -1"); return 0; } g_backend->now = time(0); timeout_queue_process(&g_backend->timeout_queue, g_backend->now); for (n = 0, found = 0; found < res && n < (maxfd+1); n++) { struct net_connection_select* con = g_backend->conns[n]; if (con) { int ev = 0; if (FD_ISSET(con->sd, &g_backend->rfds)) ev |= NET_EVENT_READ; if (FD_ISSET(con->sd, &g_backend->wfds)) ev |= NET_EVENT_WRITE; if (ev) { net_con_callback((struct net_connection*) con, ev); found++; } } } net_cleanup_process(g_backend->cleaner); return 1; } struct timeout_queue* net_backend_get_timeout_queue() { return &g_backend->timeout_queue; } struct net_connection* net_con_create() { struct net_connection* con = (struct net_connection*) hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct net_connection_select)); con->sd = -1; return con; } void net_con_destroy(struct net_connection* con) { hub_free(con); } void net_con_initialize(struct net_connection* con_, int sd, net_connection_cb callback, const void* ptr, int events) { struct net_connection_select* con = (struct net_connection_select*) con_; con->sd = sd; con->flags = events; con->callback = callback; con->ptr = (void*) ptr; net_set_nonblocking(con->sd, 1); net_set_nosigpipe(con->sd, 1); g_backend->conns[sd] = con; g_backend->num++; net_con_print("ADD", con); } void net_con_reinitialize(struct net_connection* con, net_connection_cb callback, const void* ptr, int events) { con->callback = callback; con->ptr = (void*) ptr; net_con_update(con, events); } void net_con_update(struct net_connection* con, int events) { con->flags = events; net_con_print("MOD", (struct net_connection_select*) con); } void net_con_close(struct net_connection* con) { if (con->flags & NET_CLEANUP) return; if (con->sd != -1) { g_backend->conns[con->sd] = 0; g_backend->num--; } net_con_clear_timeout(con); net_close(con->sd); con->sd = -1; net_con_print("DEL", (struct net_connection_select*) con); net_cleanup_delayed_free(g_backend->cleaner, con); } #endif /* USE_SELECT */