/* * uhub - A tiny ADC p2p connection hub * Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Jan Vidar Krey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "uhub.h" #define ACL_ADD_USER(S, L, V) do { ret = check_cmd_user(S, V, L, line, line_count); if (ret != 0) return ret; } while(0) #define ACL_ADD_BOOL(S, L) do { ret = check_cmd_bool(S, L, line, line_count); if (ret != 0) return ret; } while(0) #define ACL_ADD_ADDR(S, L) do { ret = check_cmd_addr(S, L, line, line_count); if (ret != 0) return ret; } while(0) const char* get_user_credential_string(enum user_credentials cred) { switch (cred) { case cred_none: return "none"; case cred_bot: return "bot"; case cred_guest: return "guest"; case cred_user: return "user"; case cred_operator: return "operator"; case cred_super: return "super"; case cred_admin: return "admin"; case cred_link: return "link"; } return ""; }; static int check_cmd_bool(const char* cmd, struct linked_list* list, char* line, int line_count) { char* data; char* data_extra; if (!strncmp(line, cmd, strlen(cmd))) { data = &line[strlen(cmd)]; data_extra = 0; data[0] = '\0'; data++; data = strip_white_space(data); if (!*data) { hub_log(log_fatal, "ACL parse error on line %d", line_count); return -1; } list_append(list, hub_strdup(data)); hub_log(log_debug, "ACL: Deny access for: '%s' (%s)", data, cmd); return 1; } return 0; } static int check_cmd_user(const char* cmd, int status, struct linked_list* list, char* line, int line_count) { char* data; char* data_extra; struct user_access_info* info = 0; if (!strncmp(line, cmd, strlen(cmd))) { data = &line[strlen(cmd)]; data_extra = 0; data[0] = '\0'; data++; data = strip_white_space(data); if (!*data) { hub_log(log_fatal, "ACL parse error on line %d", line_count); return -1; } info = hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct user_access_info)); if (!info) { hub_log(log_error, "ACL parse error. Out of memory!"); return -1; } if (strncmp(cmd, "user_", 5) == 0) { data_extra = strrchr(data, ':'); if (data_extra) { data_extra[0] = 0; data_extra++; } } info->username = hub_strdup(data); info->password = data_extra ? hub_strdup(data_extra) : 0; info->status = status; list_append(list, info); hub_log(log_debug, "ACL: Added user '%s' (%s)", info->username, get_user_credential_string(info->status)); return 1; } return 0; } static void add_ip_range(struct linked_list* list, struct ip_ban_record* info) { char buf1[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1]; char buf2[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1]; if (info->lo.af == AF_INET) { net_address_to_string(AF_INET, &info->lo.internal_ip_data.in.s_addr, buf1, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); net_address_to_string(AF_INET, &info->hi.internal_ip_data.in.s_addr, buf2, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); } else if (info->lo.af == AF_INET6) { net_address_to_string(AF_INET6, &info->lo.internal_ip_data.in6, buf1, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); net_address_to_string(AF_INET6, &info->hi.internal_ip_data.in6, buf2, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); } hub_log(log_debug, "ACL: Deny access for: %s-%s", buf1, buf2); list_append(list, info); } static int check_ip_range(const char* lo, const char* hi, struct ip_ban_record* info) { int ret1, ret2; if ((ip_is_valid_ipv4(lo) && ip_is_valid_ipv4(hi)) || (ip_is_valid_ipv6(lo) && ip_is_valid_ipv6(hi))) { ret1 = ip_convert_to_binary(lo, &info->lo); ret2 = ip_convert_to_binary(hi, &info->hi); if (ret1 == -1 || ret2 == -1 || ret1 != ret2) { return -1; } return 0; } return -1; } static int check_ip_mask(const char* text_addr, int bits, struct ip_ban_record* info) { hub_log(log_debug, "ACL: Deny access for: %s/%d", text_addr, bits); if (ip_is_valid_ipv4(text_addr) || ip_is_valid_ipv6(text_addr)) { struct ip_addr_encap addr; struct ip_addr_encap mask1; struct ip_addr_encap mask2; int af = ip_convert_to_binary(text_addr, &addr); /* */ int maxbits = af == AF_INET6 ? 128 : 32; ip_mask_create_left(af, bits, &mask1); /* */ ip_mask_create_right(af, maxbits - bits, &mask2); /* */ ip_mask_apply_AND(&addr, &mask1, &info->lo); /* */ ip_mask_apply_OR(&info->lo, &mask2, &info->hi); /* */ return 0; } return -1; } static int check_cmd_addr(const char* cmd, struct linked_list* list, char* line, int line_count) { char* data1; char* data2; struct ip_ban_record* info = 0; int cidr_bits = 0; if (!strncmp(line, cmd, strlen(cmd))) { data1 = &line[strlen(cmd)]; data2 = 0; data1[0] = '\0'; data1++; data1 = strip_white_space(data1); if (!*data1) { hub_log(log_fatal, "ACL parse error on line %d", line_count); return -1; } info = hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct ip_ban_record)); if (!info) { hub_log(log_error, "ACL parse error. Out of memory!"); return -1; } /* Extract IP-range */ data2 = strrchr(data1, '-'); if (data2) { cidr_bits = -1; data2[0] = 0; data2++; if (check_ip_range(data1, data2, info) == -1) { hub_free(info); return 0; } add_ip_range(list, info); return 1; } else { /* Extract IP-bitmask */ data2 = strrchr(data1, '/'); if (data2) { data2[0] = 0; data2++; cidr_bits = uhub_atoi(data2); } else { cidr_bits = 128; } if (check_ip_mask(data1, cidr_bits, info) == -1) { hub_free(info); return 0; } add_ip_range(list, info); return 1; } } return 0; } static int acl_parse_line(char* line, int line_count, void* ptr_data) { char* pos; struct acl_handle* handle = (struct acl_handle*) ptr_data; int ret; if ((pos = strchr(line, '#')) != NULL) { pos[0] = 0; } if (!*line) return 0; #ifdef ACL_DEBUG hub_log(log_trace, "acl_parse_line(): '%s'", line); #endif line = strip_white_space(line); if (!*line) { hub_log(log_fatal, "ACL parse error on line %d", line_count); return -1; } #ifdef ACL_DEBUG hub_log(log_trace, "acl_parse_line: '%s'", line); #endif ACL_ADD_USER("bot", handle->users, cred_bot); ACL_ADD_USER("user_admin", handle->users, cred_admin); ACL_ADD_USER("user_super", handle->users, cred_super); ACL_ADD_USER("user_op", handle->users, cred_operator); ACL_ADD_USER("user_reg", handle->users, cred_user); ACL_ADD_USER("link", handle->users, cred_link); ACL_ADD_BOOL("deny_nick", handle->users_denied); ACL_ADD_BOOL("ban_nick", handle->users_banned); ACL_ADD_BOOL("ban_cid", handle->cids); ACL_ADD_ADDR("deny_ip", handle->networks); ACL_ADD_ADDR("nat_ip", handle->nat_override); hub_log(log_error, "Unknown ACL command on line %d: '%s'", line_count, line); return -1; } int acl_initialize(struct hub_config* config, struct acl_handle* handle) { int ret; memset(handle, 0, sizeof(struct acl_handle)); handle->users = list_create(); handle->users_denied = list_create(); handle->users_banned = list_create(); handle->cids = list_create(); handle->networks = list_create(); handle->nat_override = list_create(); if (!handle->users || !handle->cids || !handle->networks || !handle->users_denied || !handle->users_banned || !handle->nat_override) { hub_log(log_fatal, "acl_initialize: Out of memory"); list_destroy(handle->users); list_destroy(handle->users_denied); list_destroy(handle->users_banned); list_destroy(handle->cids); list_destroy(handle->networks); list_destroy(handle->nat_override); return -1; } if (config) { if (!*config->file_acl) return 0; ret = file_read_lines(config->file_acl, handle, &acl_parse_line); if (ret == -1) return -1; } return 0; } static void acl_free_access_info(void* ptr) { struct user_access_info* info = (struct user_access_info*) ptr; if (info) { hub_free(info->username); hub_free(info->password); hub_free(info); } } static void acl_free_ip_info(void* ptr) { struct access_info* info = (struct access_info*) ptr; if (info) { hub_free(info); } } int acl_shutdown(struct acl_handle* handle) { if (handle->users) { list_clear(handle->users, &acl_free_access_info); list_destroy(handle->users); } if (handle->users_denied) { list_clear(handle->users_denied, &hub_free); list_destroy(handle->users_denied); } if (handle->users_banned) { list_clear(handle->users_banned, &hub_free); list_destroy(handle->users_banned); } if (handle->cids) { list_clear(handle->cids, &hub_free); list_destroy(handle->cids); } if (handle->networks) { list_clear(handle->networks, &acl_free_ip_info); list_destroy(handle->networks); } if (handle->nat_override) { list_clear(handle->nat_override, &acl_free_ip_info); list_destroy(handle->nat_override); } memset(handle, 0, sizeof(struct acl_handle)); return 0; } struct user_access_info* acl_get_access_info(struct acl_handle* handle, const char* name) { struct user_access_info* info = (struct user_access_info*) list_get_first(handle->users); while (info) { if (strcasecmp(info->username, name) == 0) { return info; } info = (struct user_access_info*) list_get_next(handle->users); } return NULL; } #define STR_LIST_CONTAINS(LIST, STR) \ char* str = (char*) list_get_first(LIST); \ while (str) \ { \ if (strcasecmp(str, STR) == 0) \ return 1; \ str = (char*) list_get_next(LIST); \ } \ return 0 int acl_is_cid_banned(struct acl_handle* handle, const char* data) { if (!handle) return 0; STR_LIST_CONTAINS(handle->cids, data); } int acl_is_user_banned(struct acl_handle* handle, const char* data) { if (!handle) return 0; STR_LIST_CONTAINS(handle->users_banned, data); } int acl_is_user_denied(struct acl_handle* handle, const char* data) { if (!handle) return 0; STR_LIST_CONTAINS(handle->users_denied, data); } int acl_is_ip_banned(struct acl_handle* handle, const char* ip_address) { struct ip_addr_encap raw; struct ip_ban_record* info = (struct ip_ban_record*) list_get_first(handle->networks); ip_convert_to_binary(ip_address, &raw); while (info) { if (acl_check_ip_range(&raw, info)) { return 1; } info = (struct ip_ban_record*) list_get_next(handle->networks); } return 0; } int acl_is_ip_nat_override(struct acl_handle* handle, const char* ip_address) { struct ip_addr_encap raw; struct ip_ban_record* info = (struct ip_ban_record*) list_get_first(handle->nat_override); ip_convert_to_binary(ip_address, &raw); while (info) { if (acl_check_ip_range(&raw, info)) { return 1; } info = (struct ip_ban_record*) list_get_next(handle->nat_override); } return 0; } int acl_check_ip_range(struct ip_addr_encap* addr, struct ip_ban_record* info) { return (addr->af == info->lo.af && ip_compare(&info->lo, addr) <= 0 && ip_compare(addr, &info->hi) <= 0); } /* * This will generate the same challenge to the same user, always. * The challenge is made up of the time of the user connected * seconds since the unix epoch (modulus 1 million) * and the SID of the user (0-1 million). */ const char* password_generate_challenge(struct user* user) { char buf[32]; uint64_t tiger_res[3]; static char tiger_buf[MAX_CID_LEN+1]; snprintf(buf, 32, "%d%d%d", (int) user->tm_connected, (int) user->id.sid, (int) user->sd); tiger((uint64_t*) buf, strlen(buf), (uint64_t*) tiger_res); base32_encode((unsigned char*) tiger_res, TIGERSIZE, tiger_buf); tiger_buf[MAX_CID_LEN] = 0; #ifdef ACL_DEBUG hub_log(log_trace, "Generating challenge for user %s: '%s'", user->id.nick, tiger_buf); #endif return (const char*) tiger_buf; } int password_verify(struct user* user, const char* password) { char buf[1024]; struct user_access_info* access; const char* challenge; char raw_challenge[64]; char password_calc[64]; uint64_t tiger_res[3]; if (!password || !user || strlen(password) != MAX_CID_LEN) return password_invalid; access = acl_get_access_info(user->hub->acl, user->id.nick); if (!access || !access->password) return password_invalid; if (TIGERSIZE+strlen(access->password) >= 1024) return password_invalid; challenge = password_generate_challenge(user); base32_decode(challenge, (unsigned char*) raw_challenge, MAX_CID_LEN); memcpy(&buf[0], (char*) access->password, strlen(access->password)); memcpy(&buf[strlen(access->password)], raw_challenge, TIGERSIZE); tiger((uint64_t*) buf, TIGERSIZE+strlen(access->password), (uint64_t*) tiger_res); base32_encode((unsigned char*) tiger_res, TIGERSIZE, password_calc); password_calc[MAX_CID_LEN] = 0; #ifdef ACL_DEBUG hub_log(log_trace, "Checking password %s against %s", password, password_calc); #endif if (strcasecmp(password, password_calc) == 0) { return password_ok; } return password_invalid; }