/* * uhub - A tiny ADC p2p connection hub * Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Jan Vidar Krey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "uhub.h" #include "plugin_api/command_api.h" struct plugin_callback_data { struct linked_list* commands; }; static struct plugin_callback_data* get_callback_data(struct plugin_handle* plugin) { struct plugin_callback_data* data; uhub_assert(plugin && plugin->handle && plugin->handle->internals); data = (struct plugin_callback_data*) plugin->handle->internals; return data; } static int plugin_command_dispatch(struct command_base* cbase, struct hub_user* user, struct hub_command* cmd) { struct plugin_handle* plugin = (struct plugin_handle*) cmd->ptr; struct plugin_callback_data* data = get_callback_data(plugin); struct plugin_command_handle* cmdh; struct plugin_user* puser = (struct plugin_user*) user; // FIXME: Use a proper conversion function instead. struct plugin_command* pcommand = (struct plugin_command*) cmd; // FIXME: Use a proper conversion function instead. LOG_PLUGIN("plugin_command_dispatch: cmd=%s", cmd->prefix); cmdh = (struct plugin_command_handle*) list_get_first(data->commands); while (cmdh) { if (strcmp(cmdh->prefix, cmd->prefix) == 0) return cmdh->handler(plugin, puser, pcommand); cmdh = (struct plugin_command_handle*) list_get_next(data->commands); } return 0; } struct plugin_callback_data* plugin_callback_data_create() { struct plugin_callback_data* data = (struct plugin_callback_data*) hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct plugin_callback_data)); LOG_PLUGIN("plugin_callback_data_create()"); data->commands = list_create(); return data; } void plugin_callback_data_destroy(struct plugin_callback_data* data) { LOG_PLUGIN("plugin_callback_data_destroy()"); if (data->commands) { uhub_assert(list_size(data->commands) == 0); list_destroy(data->commands); } hub_free(data); } static struct hub_user* convert_user_type(struct plugin_user* user) { struct hub_user* huser = (struct hub_user*) user; return huser; } static int cbfunc_send_message(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, const char* message) { // struct plugin_callback_data* data = get_callback_data(plugin); char* buffer = adc_msg_escape(message); struct adc_message* command = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_IMSG, strlen(buffer) + 6); adc_msg_add_argument(command, buffer); route_to_user(plugin_get_hub(plugin), convert_user_type(user), command); adc_msg_free(command); hub_free(buffer); return 1; } static int cbfunc_send_status(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user, int code, const char* message) { // struct plugin_callback_data* data = get_callback_data(plugin); char code_str[4]; char* buffer = adc_msg_escape(message); struct adc_message* command = adc_msg_construct(ADC_CMD_ISTA, strlen(buffer) + 10); snprintf(code_str, sizeof(code_str), "%03d", code); adc_msg_add_argument(command, code_str); adc_msg_add_argument(command, buffer); route_to_user(plugin_get_hub(plugin), convert_user_type(user), command); adc_msg_free(command); hub_free(buffer); return 1; } static int cbfunc_user_disconnect(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_user* user) { // struct plugin_callback_data* data = get_callback_data(plugin); hub_disconnect_user(plugin_get_hub(plugin), convert_user_type(user), quit_kicked); return 0; } static int cbfunc_command_add(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_command_handle* cmdh) { struct plugin_callback_data* data = get_callback_data(plugin); struct command_handle* command = (struct command_handle*) hub_malloc_zero(sizeof(struct command_handle)); command->prefix = cmdh->prefix; command->length = cmdh->length; command->args = cmdh->args; command->cred = cmdh->cred; command->description = cmdh->description; command->origin = cmdh->origin; command->handler = plugin_command_dispatch; cmdh->internal_handle = data; list_append(data->commands, cmdh); command_add(plugin_get_hub(plugin)->commands, command, (void*) plugin); return 0; } static int cbfunc_command_del(struct plugin_handle* plugin, struct plugin_command_handle* cmdh) { struct plugin_callback_data* data = get_callback_data(plugin); struct command_handle* command = (struct command_handle*) cmdh->internal_handle; list_remove(data->commands, cmdh); cmdh->internal_handle = 0; command_del(plugin_get_hub(plugin)->commands, (void*) command); return 0; } void plugin_register_callback_functions(struct plugin_handle* handle) { handle->hub.send_message = cbfunc_send_message; handle->hub.send_status_message = cbfunc_send_status; handle->hub.user_disconnect = cbfunc_user_disconnect; handle->hub.command_add = cbfunc_command_add; handle->hub.command_del = cbfunc_command_del; } void plugin_unregister_callback_functions(struct plugin_handle* handle) { }