Welcome and thanks for downloading uHub. See the COPYING file for licensing details (GPLv3). SUPPORTED PLATFORMS AND PREREQUISITES Getting started should be fairly straight forward if you are on Linux, BSD or MacOSX. In any case you will need GNU make for compiling uHub. The makefiles depends on Perl for autodetect the endianess of the host system, but this can be worked around by specifying BIGENDIAN=YES or NO as a parameter for make (default is AUTO). uHub requires libevent to be installed, you can download libevent from http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent/ if you do not already have it. On Windows you will need MinGW in order to compile, and you might have to use (make CC=gcc). COMPILING - run "make" Make sure you have GNU make. On some systems, such as FreeBSD, you have to run "gmake" instead of the traditional BSD make. INSTALLING Either run "make install", or: - create the directory /etc/uhub - copy ./doc/uhub.conf to /etc/uhub - copy ./doc/users.conf to /etc/uhub You should now be able to start the hub (using: ./uhub). CONFIGURATION To see help, use ./uhub -h The default configuration file is fairly straight forward and will explain roughly what all the different configuration directive does. When you have reconfigured the hub, you don't have to restart it, but rather send a 'HUP' signal to the server, and it will reload the configuration files, user database and message of the day (motd). Use: "kill -HUP {pid of uhub}", or "killall -HUP uhub". REPORTING PROBLEMS Send bugs reports, questions, feature requests, etc. to our e-mail address: < uhub (at) extatic (dot) org > However, see the file 'BUGS' for a list of known bugs.