/* * uhub - A tiny ADC p2p connection hub * Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Jan Vidar Krey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "uhub.h" #include "network/common.h" #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT enum uhub_tls_state { tls_st_none, tls_st_error, tls_st_accepting, tls_st_connecting, tls_st_connected, tls_st_disconnecting, }; static int handle_openssl_error(struct net_connection* con, int ret) { uhub_assert(con); int error = SSL_get_error(con->ssl, ret); switch (error) { case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: LOG_PROTO("SSL_get_error: ret=%d, error=%d: SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN", ret, error); con->ssl_state = tls_st_error; return -1; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: LOG_PROTO("SSL_get_error: ret=%d, error=%d: SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ", ret, error); con->flags |= NET_WANT_SSL_READ; net_con_update(con, NET_EVENT_READ); return 0; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: LOG_PROTO("SSL_get_error: ret=%d, error=%d: SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE", ret, error); con->flags |= NET_WANT_SSL_WRITE; net_con_update(con, NET_EVENT_READ | NET_EVENT_WRITE); return 0; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: LOG_PROTO("SSL_get_error: ret=%d, error=%d: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL", ret, error); /* if ret == 0, connection closed, if ret == -1, check with errno */ if (ret == 0) return -1; else return -net_error(); case SSL_ERROR_SSL: LOG_PROTO("SSL_get_error: ret=%d, error=%d: SSL_ERROR_SSL", ret, error); /* internal openssl error */ con->ssl_state = tls_st_error; return -1; } return -1; } ssize_t net_con_ssl_accept(struct net_connection* con) { uhub_assert(con); con->ssl_state = tls_st_accepting; ssize_t ret = SSL_accept(con->ssl); #ifdef NETWORK_DUMP_DEBUG LOG_PROTO("SSL_accept() ret=%d", ret); #endif if (ret > 0) { net_con_update(con, NET_EVENT_READ); con->ssl_state = tls_st_connected; } else { return handle_openssl_error(con, ret); } return ret; } ssize_t net_con_ssl_connect(struct net_connection* con) { uhub_assert(con); con->ssl_state = tls_st_connecting; ssize_t ret = SSL_connect(con->ssl); #ifdef NETWORK_DUMP_DEBUG LOG_PROTO("SSL_connect() ret=%d", ret); #endif if (ret > 0) { con->ssl_state = tls_st_connected; net_con_update(con, NET_EVENT_READ); } else { return handle_openssl_error(con, ret); } return ret; } ssize_t net_con_ssl_handshake(struct net_connection* con, enum net_con_ssl_mode ssl_mode, SSL_CTX* ssl_ctx) { uhub_assert(con); SSL* ssl = 0; if (ssl_mode == net_con_ssl_mode_server) { ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx); SSL_set_fd(ssl, con->sd); net_con_set_ssl(con, ssl); return net_con_ssl_accept(con); } else { ssl = SSL_new(SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_method())); SSL_set_fd(ssl, con->sd); net_con_set_ssl(con, ssl); return net_con_ssl_connect(con); } } #endif /* SSL_SUPPORT */ ssize_t net_con_send(struct net_connection* con, const void* buf, size_t len) { int ret; #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT if (!con->ssl) { #endif ret = net_send(con->sd, buf, len, UHUB_SEND_SIGNAL); if (ret == -1) { if (net_error() == EWOULDBLOCK || net_error() == EINTR) return 0; return -1; } #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT } else { con->write_len = len; ret = SSL_write(con->ssl, buf, len); LOG_PROTO("SSL_write(con=%p, buf=%p, len=" PRINTF_SIZE_T ") => %d", con, buf, len, ret); if (ret <= 0) { return -handle_openssl_error(con, ret); } } #endif return ret; } ssize_t net_con_recv(struct net_connection* con, void* buf, size_t len) { int ret; #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT if (!net_con_is_ssl(con)) { #endif ret = net_recv(con->sd, buf, len, 0); if (ret == -1) { if (net_error() == EWOULDBLOCK || net_error() == EINTR) return 0; return -net_error(); } else if (ret == 0) { return -1; } #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT } else { if (con->ssl_state == tls_st_error) return -1; ret = SSL_read(con->ssl, buf, len); LOG_PROTO("SSL_read(con=%p, buf=%p, len=" PRINTF_SIZE_T ") => %d", con, buf, len, ret); if (ret > 0) { net_con_update(con, NET_EVENT_READ); } else { return -handle_openssl_error(con, ret); } } #endif return ret; } ssize_t net_con_peek(struct net_connection* con, void* buf, size_t len) { int ret = net_recv(con->sd, buf, len, MSG_PEEK); if (ret == -1) { if (net_error() == EWOULDBLOCK || net_error() == EINTR) return 0; return -net_error(); } else if (ret == 0) return -1; return ret; } #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT int net_con_is_ssl(struct net_connection* con) { return con->ssl != 0; } SSL* net_con_get_ssl(struct net_connection* con) { return con->ssl; } void net_con_set_ssl(struct net_connection* con, SSL* ssl) { con->ssl = ssl; } #endif /* SSL_SUPPORT */ int net_con_get_sd(struct net_connection* con) { return con->sd; } void* net_con_get_ptr(struct net_connection* con) { return con->ptr; } void net_con_callback(struct net_connection* con, int events) { if (con->flags & NET_CLEANUP) return; if (events == NET_EVENT_TIMEOUT) { LOG_TRACE("net_con_callback(%p, TIMEOUT", con); con->callback(con, events, con->ptr); return; } #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT if (!con->ssl) { #endif con->callback(con, events, con->ptr); #ifdef SSL_SUPPORT } else { #ifdef NETWORK_DUMP_DEBUG LOG_PROTO("net_con_event: events=%d, con=%p, state=%d", events, con, con->ssl_state); #endif switch (con->ssl_state) { case tls_st_none: con->callback(con, events, con->ptr); break; case tls_st_error: con->callback(con, NET_EVENT_READ, con->ptr); break; case tls_st_accepting: if (net_con_ssl_accept(con) < 0) { con->callback(con, NET_EVENT_READ, con->ptr); } break; case tls_st_connecting: if (net_con_ssl_connect(con) < 0) { con->callback(con, NET_EVENT_READ, con->ptr); } break; case tls_st_connected: LOG_PROTO("tls_st_connected, events=%s%s, ssl_flags=%s%s", (events & NET_EVENT_READ ? "R" : ""), (events & NET_EVENT_WRITE ? "W" : ""), con->flags & NET_WANT_SSL_READ ? "R" : "", con->flags & NET_WANT_SSL_WRITE ? "W" : ""); if (events & NET_EVENT_WRITE && con->flags & NET_WANT_SSL_READ) { con->callback(con, events & NET_EVENT_READ, con->ptr); return; } if (events & NET_EVENT_READ && con->flags & NET_WANT_SSL_WRITE) { con->callback(con, events & NET_EVENT_READ, con->ptr); return; } con->callback(con, events, con->ptr); break; case tls_st_disconnecting: return; } } #endif }