# ATTENTION! # Plugins are invoked in the order of listing in the plugin config file. # Sqlite based user authentication. # # This plugin provides a Sqlite based authentication database for # registered users. # Use the uhub-passwd utility to create the database and add/remove users. # # Parameters: # file: path/filename for database. # plugin /var/lib/uhub/mod_auth_sqlite.so "file=/etc/uhub/users.db" # Log file writer # # Parameters: # file: path/filename for log file. # syslog: if true then syslog is used instead of writing to a file (Unix only) plugin /var/lib/uhub/mod_logging.so "file=/var/log/uhub.log" # A simple example plugin # plugin /var/lib/uhub/mod_example.so # Load the chat history plugin. # # This plugin provides chat history when users are connecting, or # when users invoke the !history command. # The history command can optionally take a parameter to indicate how many lines of history is requested. # # Parameters: # history_max: the maximum number of messages to keep in history # history_default: when !history is provided without arguments, then this default number of messages are returned. # history_connect: the number of chat history messages to send when users connect (0 = do not send any history) plugin /var/lib/uhub/mod_chat_history.so "history_max=200 history_default=10 history_connect=5" # A plugin sending a welcome message. # # This plugin provides the following commands: # !motd - Message of the day # !rules - Show hub rules. # # Parameters: # motd: path/filename for the welcome message (message of the day) # rules: path/filenam for the rules file # # NOTE: The files MUST exist, however if you do not wish to provide one then these parameters can be omitted. # # The motd/rules files can do the following substitutions: # %n - Nickname of the user who entered the hub or issued the command. # %a - IP address of the user # %c - The credentials of the user (guest, user, op, super, admin). # %% - Becomes '%' # %H - Hour 24-hour format (00-23) (Hub local time) # %I - Hour 12-hour format (01-12) (Hub local time) # %P - 'AM' or 'PM' # %p - 'am' or 'pm' # %M - Minutes (00-59) (Hub local time) # %S - Seconds (00-60) (Hub local time) plugin /var/lib/uhub/mod_welcome.so "motd=/etc/uhub/motd.txt rules=/etc/uhub/rules.txt"