# uhub.conf - A example configuration file. # You should normally place this file in /etc/uhub/uhub.conf # And change the file_acl and file_motd below. # # This file is read only to the uhub deamon, and if you # make changes to it while uhub is running you can send a # HUP signal to it ( $ killall -HUP uhub ), to reparse configuration (only on UNIX). # All configuration directives: http://www.uhub.org/config.php # Bind to this port and address # server_bind_addr=any means listen to "::" if IPv6 is supported # by the host OS, otherwise server_port=1511 server_bind_addr=any # Alternative server ports # server_alt_ports = 1512, 1513 # The maximum amount of users allowed on the hub. max_users=500 # If 1, will show a "Powered by uHub/{VERSION}". show_banner=1 # If enabled then operating system and cpu architecture is part of the banner. show_banner_sys_info=1 # Allow only registered users on the hub if set to 1. registered_users_only=0 # A server name and description. hub_name=my hub hub_description=Powered by uHub # Set this to 0, and the hub will disconnect everyone hub_enabled=1 # Access control list (user database) file_acl=/etc/uhub/users.conf # This file can contain a message of the day. A welcome # message send to any client when connecting. # If the file does not exist, is empty, or cannot be opened # the motd will not be sent to the clients. # Normally this message is sent to clients when connecting. file_motd=/etc/uhub/motd.txt # This file can contain a rules of the hub. # Normally this message is sent to clients when write in chat !rules file_rules=/etc/uhub/rules.txt # This file can contain a conf for plugin subsystem file_plugins = /etc/uhub/plugins.conf # Slots/share/hubs limits limit_max_hubs_user = 0 limit_max_hubs_reg = 0 limit_max_hubs_op = 0 limit_max_hubs = 0 limit_min_hubs_user = 0 limit_min_hubs_reg = 0 limit_min_hubs_op = 0 limit_min_share = 0 # Example: # To require users to share at least 1 GB in order to enter the hub: # limit_min_share = 1024 limit_max_share = 0 limit_min_slots = 0 limit_max_slots = 0 # Flood control support: # set the interval to 5 seconds flood_ctl_interval = 5 # Then the maximum chat, connect, search, updates etc will be measured over 5 seconds. # So, 3 chat messages per 5 seconds allowed. flood_ctl_chat=3 flood_ctl_connect=20 flood_ctl_search=1 flood_ctl_update=2 flood_ctl_extras=5 # chat control # if chat_is_privileged=yes only registered users may write in main chat chat_is_privileged = no # if chat_only = yes then search and transfer functionality is disabled for # non-operator users. chat_only = no # if obsolete_clients=1 allows old clients to enter , 0 gives an error message (msg_proto_obsolete_adc0) if they try connect # defaults obsolete_clients=1 obsolete_clients=1 # Configure status message as sent to clients in different circumstances. msg_hub_full = Hub is full msg_hub_disabled = Hub is disabled msg_hub_registered_users_only = Hub is for registered users only msg_inf_error_nick_missing = No nickname given msg_inf_error_nick_multiple = Multiple nicknames given msg_inf_error_nick_invalid = Nickname is invalid msg_inf_error_nick_long = Nickname too long msg_inf_error_nick_short = Nickname too short msg_inf_error_nick_spaces = Nickname cannot start with spaces msg_inf_error_nick_bad_chars = Nickname contains invalid characters msg_inf_error_nick_not_utf8 = Nickname is not valid utf8 msg_inf_error_nick_taken = Nickname is already in use msg_inf_error_nick_restricted = Nickname cannot be used on this hub msg_inf_error_cid_invalid = CID is not valid msg_inf_error_cid_missing = CID is not specified msg_inf_error_cid_taken = CID is taken msg_inf_error_pid_missing = PID is not specified msg_inf_error_pid_invalid = PID is invalid msg_ban_permanently = Banned permanently msg_ban_temporarily = Banned temporarily msg_auth_invalid_password = Password is wrong msg_auth_user_not_found = User not found in password database msg_user_share_size_low = User is not sharing enough msg_user_share_size_high = User is sharing too much msg_user_slots_low = User have too few upload slots msg_user_slots_high = User have too many upload slots msg_user_hub_limit_low = User is on too few hubs msg_user_hub_limit_high = User is on too many hubs msg_error_no_memory = No memory msg_user_flood_chat = Chat flood detected, messages are dropped. msg_user_flood_connect = Connect flood detected, connection refused. msg_user_flood_search = Search flood detected, search is stopped. msg_user_flood_update = Update flood detected. msg_user_flood_extras = Flood detected. # If a client that supports ADC but not a compatible hash algorithm (tiger), # then the hub cannot accept the client: msg_proto_no_common_hash = No common hash algorithm. # Message to be shown to old clients using an older version of ADC than ADC/1.0 msg_proto_obsolete_adc0 = Client is using an obsolete ADC protocol version.