#!/usr/bin/env python """ A simple ADC redirector service. """ import SocketServer # The target hub we want to redirect clients to redirect_uri = "adcs://adcs.uhub.org:1511" # A message to be sent to users while they are being redirected. message = "This hub has been permanently moved." # The chat name of the message. bot_name = "Redirector" # The local address and port to bind the redirector to. bind_addr = "" bind_port = 1411 class AdcRedirector(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def escape(self, str): modified = str.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace(" ", "\\s").replace("\n", "\\n") return modified; def handle(self): supports = False; while True: data = self.request.recv(1024) if (data.startswith("HSUP") and not supports): self.request.sendall("ISUP ADBASE ADTIGR\nISID AAAX\nIINF CT32 NI%(botname)s VEuhub-adc-redirector/0.1\n" % { "address": redirect_uri, "botname": self.escape(bot_name), "message": self.escape(message) }) supports = True elif (data.startswith("BINF") and supports): self.request.sendall("IMSG %(message)s\nIQUI AAAX RD%(address)s\n" % {"message": self.escape(message), "address": redirect_uri }) break else: break if __name__ == "__main__": server = SocketServer.TCPServer((bind_addr, bind_port), AdcRedirector) server.allow_reuse_address = True server.serve_forever()