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# A simple tool for importing FlexHub users to uhub sqlite database
# Usage: ./fh2uhub_regimport.pl <flexhub_userlist> <uhub_database>
# Note: uhub database has to be created before running this script.
use File::Slurp;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBI;
my @uhubaccounts;
my $text = read_file $ARGV[0];
my $dbfile = $ARGV[1];
sub convertprofile
$flexprofile = $_[0];
if($flexprofile >= 0 && $flexprofile <= 3)
return 'user';
elsif($flexprofile >= 4 && $flexprofile <= 6)
return 'operator';
elsif($flexprofile >= 7 && $flexprofile <= 8)
return 'super';
elsif($flexprofile >= 9 && $flexprofile <= 10)
return 'admin';
return 'unknown';
sub parseinfo
my @info = split('\n', $_[0]);
for my $line (@info)
chop $line;
my %reginfo;
if ($line =~ /\["sNick"\]\s*=\s*\S+/)
my @nick = split(/\["sNick"\]\s*=\s*"(\S+)"/, $line);
$reginfo->{'nickname'} = $nick[1];
elsif ($line =~ /\["sPassword"\]\s*=\s*\S+/)
my @password = split(/\["sPassword"\]\s*=\s*"(\S+)"/, $line);
$reginfo->{'password'} = $password[1];
elsif ($line =~ /\["iLevel"\]\s*=\s*\S+/)
my @level = split(/\["iLevel"\]\s*=\s*(\d+)/, $line);
$reginfo->{'credentials'} = convertprofile $level[1];
elsif ($line =~ /\["iRegDate"\]\s*=\s*\S+/)
my @created = split(/\["iRegDate"\]\s*=\s*(\d+)/, $line);
$reginfo->{'created'} = $created[1];
elsif ($line =~ /\["iLastLogin"\]\s*=\s*\S+/)
my @activity = split(/\["iLastLogin"\]\s*=\s*(\d+)/, $line);
$reginfo->{'activity'} = $activity[1];
return %{$reginfo};
sub dbimport
my @arr = @_;
my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbfile", "", "", {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1});
for my $import (@arr)
if ($import->{'credentials'} ne 'unknown')
$db->do("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO users (nickname,password,credentials,created,activity) VALUES('$import->{'nickname'}','$import->{'password'}','$import->{'credentials'}',datetime($import->{'created'}, 'unixepoch'),datetime($import->{'activity'}, 'unixepoch'));");
if ($text =~ /tAccounts = {/)
$text =~ s/^(?:.*\n){1}/},\n/;
my @flexaccounts = split('},.*\n.*\[".+"\] = {', $text);
for my $account (@flexaccounts)
my %info = parseinfo $account;
push(@uhubaccounts, \%info);
dbimport @uhubaccounts;
print "Provided file is not valid FlexHub userlist.\n";