
112 lines
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import Foundation
import OSLog
/// A controller that manages socket configuration and request dispatching.
public class SocketController {
/// The active FileHandle.
private var fileHandle: FileHandle?
/// The active SocketPort.
private var port: SocketPort?
/// A handler that will be notified when a new read/write handle is available.
/// False if no data could be read
public var handler: ((FileHandleReader, FileHandleWriter) async -> Bool)?
/// Logger.
private let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.maxgoedjen.secretive.secretagent", category: "SocketController")
/// Initializes a socket controller with a specified path.
/// - Parameter path: The path to use as a socket.
public init(path: String) {
logger.debug("Socket controller setting up at \(path)")
if let _ = try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: path) {
logger.debug("Socket controller removed existing socket")
let exists = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: path)
logger.debug("Socket controller path is clear")
port = socketPort(at: path)
configureSocket(at: path)
logger.debug("Socket listening at \(path)")
/// Configures the socket and a corresponding FileHandle.
/// - Parameter path: The path to use as a socket.
func configureSocket(at path: String) {
guard let port = port else { return }
fileHandle = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: port.socket, closeOnDealloc: true)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleConnectionAccept(notification:)), name: .NSFileHandleConnectionAccepted, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleConnectionDataAvailable(notification:)), name: .NSFileHandleDataAvailable, object: nil)
fileHandle?.acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes: [RunLoop.Mode.common])
/// Creates a SocketPort for a path.
/// - Parameter path: The path to use as a socket.
/// - Returns: A configured SocketPort.
func socketPort(at path: String) -> SocketPort {
var addr = sockaddr_un()
addr.sun_family = sa_family_t(AF_UNIX)
var len: Int = 0
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &addr.sun_path.0) { pointer in
path.withCString { cstring in
len = strlen(cstring)
strncpy(pointer, cstring, len)
addr.sun_len = UInt8(len+2)
var data: Data!
withUnsafePointer(to: &addr) { pointer in
data = Data(bytes: pointer, count: MemoryLayout<sockaddr_un>.size)
return SocketPort(protocolFamily: AF_UNIX, socketType: SOCK_STREAM, protocol: 0, address: data)!
/// Handles a new connection being accepted, invokes the handler, and prepares to accept new connections.
/// - Parameter notification: A `Notification` that triggered the call.
@objc func handleConnectionAccept(notification: Notification) {
logger.debug("Socket controller accepted connection")
guard let new = notification.userInfo?[NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem] as? FileHandle else { return }
Task {
_ = await handler?(new, new)
await new.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyOnMainActor()
await fileHandle?.acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyOnMainActor()
/// Handles a new connection providing data and invokes the handler callback.
/// - Parameter notification: A `Notification` that triggered the call.
@objc func handleConnectionDataAvailable(notification: Notification) {
logger.debug("Socket controller has new data available")
guard let new = notification.object as? FileHandle else { return }
logger.debug("Socket controller received new file handle")
Task {
if((await handler?(new, new)) == true) {
logger.debug("Socket controller handled data, wait for more data")
await new.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyOnMainActor()
} else {
logger.debug("Socket controller called with empty data, socked closed")
extension FileHandle {
/// Ensures waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify will be called on the main actor.
@MainActor func waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyOnMainActor() {
/// Ensures acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify will be called on the main actor.
/// - Parameter modes: the runloop modes to use.
@MainActor func acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyOnMainActor(forModes modes: [RunLoop.Mode]? = [RunLoop.Mode.common]) {
acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify(forModes: modes)