
139 lines
4.7 KiB

import Foundation
import SecretKit
import CryptoKit
struct Stub {}
extension Stub {
public class Store: SecretStore {
public let isAvailable = true
public let id = UUID()
public let name = "Stub"
public var secrets: [Secret] = []
public var shouldThrow = false
public init() {
// try! create(size: 256)
// try! create(size: 384)
public func create(size: Int) throws {
let flags: SecAccessControlCreateFlags = []
let access =
nil) as Any
let attributes = KeychainDictionary([
kSecAttrLabel: name,
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: size,
kSecPrivateKeyAttrs: [
kSecAttrIsPermanent: true,
kSecAttrAccessControl: access
let privateKey = SecKeyCreateRandomKey(attributes, nil)!
let publicKey = SecKeyCopyPublicKey(privateKey)!
let publicAttributes = SecKeyCopyAttributes(publicKey) as! [CFString: Any]
let privateAttributes = SecKeyCopyAttributes(privateKey) as! [CFString: Any]
let publicData = (publicAttributes[kSecValueData] as! Data)
let privateData = (privateAttributes[kSecValueData] as! Data)
let secret = Secret(keySize: size, publicKey: publicData, privateKey: privateData)
print("Public Key OpenSSH: \(OpenSSHKeyWriter().openSSHString(secret: secret))")
public func sign(data: Data, with secret: Secret, for provenance: SigningRequestProvenance) throws -> Data {
guard !shouldThrow else {
throw NSError(domain: "test", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
let privateKey = SecKeyCreateWithData(secret.privateKey as CFData, KeychainDictionary([
kSecAttrKeyType: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom,
kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: secret.keySize,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate
, nil)!
return SecKeyCreateSignature(privateKey, signatureAlgorithm(for: secret), data as CFData, nil)! as Data
public func verify(signature: Data, for data: Data, with secret: Stub.Secret) throws -> Bool {
let attributes = KeychainDictionary([
kSecAttrKeyType: secret.algorithm.secAttrKeyType,
kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: secret.keySize,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPublic
var verifyError: Unmanaged<CFError>?
let untyped: CFTypeRef? = SecKeyCreateWithData(secret.publicKey as CFData, attributes, &verifyError)
guard let untypedSafe = untyped else {
throw NSError(domain: "test", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
let key = untypedSafe as! SecKey
let verified = SecKeyVerifySignature(key, signatureAlgorithm(for: secret), data as CFData, signature as CFData, &verifyError)
if let verifyError {
if verifyError.takeUnretainedValue() ~= .verifyError {
return false
} else {
throw NSError(domain: "test", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
return verified
public func existingPersistedAuthenticationContext(secret: Stub.Secret) -> PersistedAuthenticationContext? {
public func persistAuthentication(secret: Stub.Secret, forDuration duration: TimeInterval) throws {
public func reloadSecrets() {
extension Stub {
struct Secret: SecretKit.Secret, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
let id = UUID() .utf8)!
let name = UUID().uuidString
let algorithm = Algorithm.ellipticCurve
let keySize: Int
let publicKey: Data
let requiresAuthentication = false
let privateKey: Data
init(keySize: Int, publicKey: Data, privateKey: Data) {
self.keySize = keySize
self.publicKey = publicKey
self.privateKey = privateKey
var debugDescription: String {
Key Size \(keySize)
Private: \(privateKey.base64EncodedString())
Public: \(publicKey.base64EncodedString())
extension Stub.Store {
struct StubError: Error {