
82 lines
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import Foundation
import Combine
/// Manages access to Secrets, and performs signature operations on data using those Secrets.
public protocol SecretStore: ObservableObject, Identifiable {
associatedtype SecretType: Secret
/// A boolean indicating whether or not the store is available.
var isAvailable: Bool { get }
/// A unique identifier for the store.
var id: UUID { get }
/// A user-facing name for the store.
var name: String { get }
/// The secrets the store manages.
var secrets: [SecretType] { get }
/// Signs a data payload with a specified Secret.
/// - Parameters:
/// - data: The data to sign.
/// - secret: The ``Secret`` to sign with.
/// - provenance: A ``SigningRequestProvenance`` describing where the request came from.
/// - Returns: The signed data.
func sign(data: Data, with secret: SecretType, for provenance: SigningRequestProvenance) throws -> Data
/// Verifies that a signature is valid over a specified payload.
/// - Parameters:
/// - signature: The signature over the data.
/// - data: The data to verify the signature of.
/// - secret: The secret whose signature to verify.
/// - Returns: Whether the signature was verified.
func verify(signature: Data, for data: Data, with secret: SecretType) throws -> Bool
/// Checks to see if there is currently a valid persisted authentication for a given secret.
/// - Parameters:
/// - secret: The ``Secret`` to check if there is a persisted authentication for.
/// - Returns: A persisted authentication context, if a valid one exists.
func existingPersistedAuthenticationContext(secret: SecretType) -> PersistedAuthenticationContext?
/// Persists user authorization for access to a secret.
/// - Parameters:
/// - secret: The ``Secret`` to persist the authorization for.
/// - duration: The duration that the authorization should persist for.
/// - Note: This is used for temporarily unlocking access to a secret which would otherwise require authentication every single use. This is useful for situations where the user anticipates several rapid accesses to a authorization-guarded secret.
func persistAuthentication(secret: SecretType, forDuration duration: TimeInterval) throws
/// Requests that the store reload secrets from any backing store, if neccessary.
func reloadSecrets()
/// A SecretStore that the Secretive admin app can modify.
public protocol SecretStoreModifiable: SecretStore {
/// Creates a new ``Secret`` in the store.
/// - Parameters:
/// - name: The user-facing name for the ``Secret``.
/// - requiresAuthentication: A boolean indicating whether or not the user will be required to authenticate before performing signature operations with the secret.
func create(name: String, requiresAuthentication: Bool) throws
/// Deletes a Secret in the store.
/// - Parameters:
/// - secret: The ``Secret`` to delete.
func delete(secret: SecretType) throws
/// Updates the name of a Secret in the store.
/// - Parameters:
/// - secret: The ``Secret`` to update.
/// - name: The new name for the Secret.
func update(secret: SecretType, name: String) throws
extension NSNotification.Name {
// Distributed notification that keys were modified out of process (ie, that the management tool added/removed secrets)
public static let secretStoreUpdated = NSNotification.Name("com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.secretStore.updated")
// Internal notification that keys were reloaded from the backing store.
public static let secretStoreReloaded = NSNotification.Name("com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.secretStore.reloaded")