
47 lines
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import Foundation
import Combine
import AppKit
protocol AgentStatusCheckerProtocol: ObservableObject {
var running: Bool { get }
class AgentStatusChecker: ObservableObject, AgentStatusCheckerProtocol {
@Published var running: Bool = false
init() {
func check() {
running = instanceSecretAgentProcess != nil
// All processes, including ones from older versions, etc
var secretAgentProcesses: [NSRunningApplication] {
NSRunningApplication.runningApplications(withBundleIdentifier: Constants.secretAgentAppID)
// The process corresponding to this instance of Secretive
var instanceSecretAgentProcess: NSRunningApplication? {
let agents = secretAgentProcesses
for agent in agents {
guard let url = agent.bundleURL else { continue }
if url.absoluteString.hasPrefix(Bundle.main.bundleURL.absoluteString) {
return agent
return nil
extension AgentStatusChecker {
enum Constants {
static let secretAgentAppID = "com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent"