import SwiftUI import SecretKit import Brief struct ContentView: View { @Binding var showingCreation: Bool @Binding var runningSetup: Bool @Binding var hasRunSetup: Bool @EnvironmentObject private var storeList: SecretStoreList @EnvironmentObject private var updater: UpdaterType @EnvironmentObject private var agentStatusChecker: AgentStatusCheckerType @State private var selectedUpdate: Release? @State private var showingAppPathNotice = false var body: some View { VStack { if storeList.anyAvailable { StoreListView(showingCreation: $showingCreation) } else { NoStoresView() } } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCreation) { if let modifiable = storeList.modifiableStore { CreateSecretView(store: modifiable, showing: $showingCreation) } } .frame(minWidth: 640, minHeight: 320) .toolbar { updateNotice setupNotice appPathNotice newItem } } } extension ContentView { var updateNotice: ToolbarItem { guard let update = updater.update else { return ToolbarItem { AnyView(EmptyView()) } } let color: Color let text: String if update.critical { text = "Critical Security Update Required" color = .red } else { text = "Update Available" color = .orange } return ToolbarItem { AnyView( Button(action: { selectedUpdate = update }, label: { Text(text) .font(.headline) .foregroundColor(.white) }) .background(color) .cornerRadius(5) .popover(item: $selectedUpdate, attachmentAnchor: .point(.bottom), arrowEdge: .bottom) { update in UpdateDetailView(update: update) } ) } } var newItem: ToolbarItem { guard storeList.modifiableStore?.isAvailable ?? false else { return ToolbarItem { AnyView(EmptyView()) } } return ToolbarItem { AnyView( Button(action: { showingCreation = true }, label: { Image(systemName: "plus") }) ) } } var setupNotice: ToolbarItem { return ToolbarItem { AnyView( Group { if runningSetup || !hasRunSetup || !agentStatusChecker.running { Button(action: { runningSetup = true }, label: { Group { if hasRunSetup && !agentStatusChecker.running { Text("Secret Agent Is Not Running") } else { Text("Setup Secretive") } } .font(.headline) .foregroundColor(.white) }) .background( .cornerRadius(5) } else { EmptyView() } } .sheet(isPresented: $runningSetup) { SetupView(visible: $runningSetup, setupComplete: $hasRunSetup) } ) } } var appPathNotice: ToolbarItem { let controller = ApplicationDirectoryController() guard !controller.isInApplicationsDirectory else { return ToolbarItem { AnyView(EmptyView()) } } return ToolbarItem { AnyView( Button(action: { showingAppPathNotice = true }, label: { Group { Text("Secretive Is Not in Applications Folder") } .font(.headline) .foregroundColor(.white) }) .background( .cornerRadius(5) .popover(isPresented: $showingAppPathNotice, attachmentAnchor: .point(.bottom), arrowEdge: .bottom) { VStack { Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle") .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(width: 64) Text("Secretive needs to be in your Applications folder to work properly. Please move it and relaunch.") .frame(maxWidth: 300) } .padding() } ) } } } #if DEBUG struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { private static let storeList: SecretStoreList = { let list = SecretStoreList() list.add(store: SecureEnclave.Store()) list.add(store: SmartCard.Store()) return list }() private static let agentStatusChecker = AgentStatusChecker() private static let justUpdatedChecker = JustUpdatedChecker() @State var hasRunSetup = false @State private var showingSetup = false @State private var showingCreation = false static var previews: some View { Group { // Empty on modifiable and nonmodifiable ContentView(showingCreation: .constant(false), runningSetup: .constant(false), hasRunSetup: .constant(true)) .environmentObject(Preview.storeList(stores: [Preview.Store(numberOfRandomSecrets: 0)], modifiableStores: [Preview.StoreModifiable(numberOfRandomSecrets: 0)])) .environmentObject(PreviewUpdater()) .environmentObject(agentStatusChecker) // 5 items on modifiable and nonmodifiable ContentView(showingCreation: .constant(false), runningSetup: .constant(false), hasRunSetup: .constant(true)) .environmentObject(Preview.storeList(stores: [Preview.Store()], modifiableStores: [Preview.StoreModifiable()])) .environmentObject(PreviewUpdater()) .environmentObject(agentStatusChecker) } .environmentObject(agentStatusChecker) } } #endif