import Foundation import AppKit import Security import SecretKit import SecretAgentKitHeaders /// An object responsible for generating ``SecretKit.SigningRequestProvenance`` objects. struct SigningRequestTracer { } extension SigningRequestTracer { /// Generates a ``SecretKit.SigningRequestProvenance`` from a ``FileHandleReader``. /// - Parameter fileHandleReader: The reader involved in processing the request. /// - Returns: A ``SecretKit.SigningRequestProvenance`` describing the origin of the request. func provenance(from fileHandleReader: FileHandleReader) -> SigningRequestProvenance { let firstInfo = process(from: fileHandleReader.pidOfConnectedProcess) var provenance = SigningRequestProvenance(root: firstInfo) while NSRunningApplication(processIdentifier: == nil && provenance.origin.parentPID != nil { provenance.chain.append(process(from: provenance.origin.parentPID!)) } return provenance } /// Generates a `kinfo_proc` representation of the provided process ID. /// - Parameter pid: The process ID to look up. /// - Returns: a `kinfo_proc` struct describing the process ID. func pidAndNameInfo(from pid: Int32) -> kinfo_proc { var len = MemoryLayout.size let infoPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: len, alignment: 1) var name: [Int32] = [CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid] sysctl(&name, UInt32(name.count), infoPointer, &len, nil, 0) return infoPointer.load(as: kinfo_proc.self) } /// Generates a ``SecretKit.SigningRequestProvenance.Process`` from a provided process ID. /// - Parameter pid: The process ID to look up. /// - Returns: A ``SecretKit.SigningRequestProvenance.Process`` describing the process. func process(from pid: Int32) -> SigningRequestProvenance.Process { var pidAndNameInfo = self.pidAndNameInfo(from: pid) let ppid = pidAndNameInfo.kp_eproc.e_ppid != 0 ? pidAndNameInfo.kp_eproc.e_ppid : nil let procName = String(cString: &pidAndNameInfo.kp_proc.p_comm.0) let pathPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate(capacity: Int(MAXPATHLEN)) _ = proc_pidpath(pid, pathPointer, UInt32(MAXPATHLEN)) let path = String(cString: pathPointer) var secCode: Unmanaged! let flags: SecCSFlags = [.considerExpiration, .enforceRevocationChecks] SecCodeCreateWithPID(pid, SecCSFlags(), &secCode) let valid = SecCodeCheckValidity(secCode.takeRetainedValue(), flags, nil) == errSecSuccess return SigningRequestProvenance.Process(pid: pid, processName: procName, appName: appName(for: pid), iconURL: iconURL(for: pid), path: path, validSignature: valid, parentPID: ppid) } /// Looks up the URL for the icon of a process ID, if it has one. /// - Parameter pid: The process ID to look up. /// - Returns: A URL to the icon, if the process has one. func iconURL(for pid: Int32) -> URL? { do { if let app = NSRunningApplication(processIdentifier: pid), let icon = app.icon?.tiffRepresentation { let temporaryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: (NSTemporaryDirectory() as NSString).appendingPathComponent("\(UUID().uuidString).png")) let bitmap = NSBitmapImageRep(data: icon) try bitmap?.representation(using: .png, properties: [:])?.write(to: temporaryURL) return temporaryURL } } catch { } return nil } /// Looks up the application name of a process ID, if it has one. /// - Parameter pid: The process ID to look up. /// - Returns: The process's display name, if the process has one. func appName(for pid: Int32) -> String? { NSRunningApplication(processIdentifier: pid)?.localizedName } }