import SwiftUI struct SetupView: View { @State var stepIndex = 0 @Binding var visible: Bool @Binding var setupComplete: Bool var body: some View { GeometryReader { proxy in VStack { StepView(numberOfSteps: 3, currentStep: stepIndex, width: proxy.size.width) GeometryReader { _ in HStack(spacing: 0) { SecretAgentSetupView(buttonAction: advance) .frame(width: proxy.size.width) SSHAgentSetupView(buttonAction: advance) .frame(width: proxy.size.width) UpdaterExplainerView { visible = false setupComplete = true } .frame(width: proxy.size.width) } .offset(x: -proxy.size.width * Double(stepIndex), y: 0) } } } .frame(minWidth: 500, idealWidth: 500, minHeight: 500, idealHeight: 500) } func advance() { withAnimation(.spring()) { stepIndex += 1 } } } struct StepView: View { let numberOfSteps: Int let currentStep: Int // Ideally we'd have a geometry reader inside this view doing this for us, but that crashes on 11.0b7 let width: Double var body: some View { ZStack(alignment: .leading) { Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.blue) .frame(height: 5) Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.green) .frame(width: max(0, ((width - (Constants.padding * 2)) / Double(numberOfSteps - 1)) * Double(currentStep) - (Constants.circleWidth / 2)), height: 5) HStack { ForEach(0.. index { Circle() .foregroundColor(.green) .frame(width: Constants.circleWidth, height: Constants.circleWidth) Text("setup_step_complete_symbol") .foregroundColor(.white) .bold() } else { Circle() .foregroundColor(.blue) .frame(width: Constants.circleWidth, height: Constants.circleWidth) if currentStep == index { Circle() .strokeBorder(Color.white, lineWidth: 3) .frame(width: Constants.circleWidth, height: Constants.circleWidth) } Text(String(describing: index + 1)) .foregroundColor(.white) .bold() } } if index < numberOfSteps - 1 { Spacer(minLength: 30) } } } }.padding(Constants.padding) } } extension StepView { enum Constants { static let padding: Double = 15 static let circleWidth: Double = 30 } } struct SetupStepView : View where Content : View { let title: LocalizedStringKey let image: Image let bodyText: LocalizedStringKey let buttonTitle: LocalizedStringKey let buttonAction: () -> Void let content: Content init(title: LocalizedStringKey, image: Image, bodyText: LocalizedStringKey, buttonTitle: LocalizedStringKey, buttonAction: @escaping () -> Void = {}, @ViewBuilder content: () -> Content) { self.title = title self.image = image self.bodyText = bodyText self.buttonTitle = buttonTitle self.buttonAction = buttonAction self.content = content() } var body: some View { VStack { Text(title) .font(.title) Spacer() image .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(width: 64) Spacer() Text(bodyText) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) Spacer() content Spacer() Button(buttonTitle) { buttonAction() } }.padding() } } struct SecretAgentSetupView: View { let buttonAction: () -> Void var body: some View { SetupStepView(title: "setup_agent_title", image: Image(nsImage: NSApplication.shared.applicationIconImage), bodyText: "setup_agent_description", buttonTitle: "setup_agent_install_button", buttonAction: install) { Text("setup_agent_activity_monitor_description") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) } } func install() { Task { await LaunchAgentController().install() buttonAction() } } } struct SSHAgentSetupView: View { let buttonAction: () -> Void private static let controller = ShellConfigurationController() @State private var selectedShellInstruction: ShellConfigInstruction = controller.shellInstructions.first! var body: some View { SetupStepView(title: "setup_ssh_title", image: Image(systemName: "terminal"), bodyText: "setup_ssh_description", buttonTitle: "setup_ssh_added_manually_button", buttonAction: buttonAction) { Link("setup_third_party_faq_link", destination: URL(string: "")!) Picker(selection: $selectedShellInstruction, label: EmptyView()) { ForEach(SSHAgentSetupView.controller.shellInstructions) { instruction in Text( .tag(instruction) .padding() } }.pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle()) CopyableView(title: "setup_ssh_add_to_config_button_\(selectedShellInstruction.shellConfigPath)", image: Image(systemName: "greaterthan.square"), text: selectedShellInstruction.text) Button("setup_ssh_add_for_me_button") { let controller = ShellConfigurationController() if controller.addToShell(shellInstructions: selectedShellInstruction) { buttonAction() } } } } } class Delegate: NSObject, NSOpenSavePanelDelegate { private let name: String init(name: String) { = name } func panel(_ sender: Any, shouldEnable url: URL) -> Bool { return url.lastPathComponent == name } } struct UpdaterExplainerView: View { let buttonAction: () -> Void var body: some View { SetupStepView(title: "setup_updates_title", image: Image(systemName: "dot.radiowaves.left.and.right"), bodyText: "setup_updates_description", buttonTitle: "setup_updates_ok", buttonAction: buttonAction) { Link("setup_updates_readmore", destination: SetupView.Constants.updaterFAQURL) } } } extension SetupView { enum Constants { static let updaterFAQURL = URL(string: "")! } } struct ShellConfigInstruction: Identifiable, Hashable { var shell: String var shellConfigDirectory: String var shellConfigFilename: String var text: String var id: String { shell } var shellConfigPath: String { return (shellConfigDirectory as NSString).appendingPathComponent(shellConfigFilename) } } #if DEBUG struct SetupView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Group { SetupView(visible: .constant(true), setupComplete: .constant(false)) } } } struct SecretAgentSetupView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Group { SecretAgentSetupView(buttonAction: {}) } } } struct SSHAgentSetupView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Group { SSHAgentSetupView(buttonAction: {}) } } } struct UpdaterExplainerView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { Group { UpdaterExplainerView(buttonAction: {}) } } } #endif