import Foundation import OSLog /// Manages storage and lookup for OpenSSH certificates. public final class OpenSSHCertificateHandler { private let publicKeyFileStoreController = PublicKeyFileStoreController(homeDirectory: NSHomeDirectory()) private let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.maxgoedjen.secretive.secretagent", category: "OpenSSHCertificateHandler") private let writer = OpenSSHKeyWriter() private var keyBlobsAndNames: [AnySecret: (Data, Data)] = [:] /// Initializes an OpenSSHCertificateHandler. public init() { } /// Reloads any certificates in the PublicKeys folder. /// - Parameter secrets: the secrets to look up corresponding certificates for. public func reloadCertificates(for secrets: [AnySecret]) { guard publicKeyFileStoreController.hasAnyCertificates else { logger.log("No certificates, short circuiting") return } keyBlobsAndNames = secrets.reduce(into: [:]) { partialResult, next in partialResult[next] = try? loadKeyblobAndName(for: next) } } /// Whether or not the certificate handler has a certifiicate associated with a given secret. /// - Parameter secret: The secret to check for a certificate. /// - Returns: A boolean describing whether or not the certificate handler has a certifiicate associated with a given secret public func hasCertificate(for secret: SecretType) -> Bool { keyBlobsAndNames[AnySecret(secret)] != nil } /// Reconstructs a public key from a ``Data``, if that ``Data`` contains an OpenSSH certificate hash. Currently only ecdsa certificates are supported /// - Parameter certBlock: The openssh certificate to extract the public key from /// - Returns: A ``Data`` object containing the public key in OpenSSH wire format if the ``Data`` is an OpenSSH certificate hash, otherwise nil. public func publicKeyHash(from hash: Data) -> Data? { let reader = OpenSSHReader(data: hash) let certType = String(decoding: reader.readNextChunk(), as: UTF8.self) switch certType { case "", "", "": _ = reader.readNextChunk() // nonce let curveIdentifier = reader.readNextChunk() let publicKey = reader.readNextChunk() let curveType = certType.replacingOccurrences(of: "", with: "").data(using: .utf8)! return writer.lengthAndData(of: curveType) + writer.lengthAndData(of: curveIdentifier) + writer.lengthAndData(of: publicKey) default: return nil } } /// Attempts to find an OpenSSH Certificate that corresponds to a ``Secret`` /// - Parameter secret: The secret to search for a certificate with /// - Returns: A (``Data``, ``Data``) tuple containing the certificate and certificate name, respectively. public func keyBlobAndName(for secret: SecretType) throws -> (Data, Data)? { keyBlobsAndNames[AnySecret(secret)] } /// Attempts to find an OpenSSH Certificate that corresponds to a ``Secret`` /// - Parameter secret: The secret to search for a certificate with /// - Returns: A (``Data``, ``Data``) tuple containing the certificate and certificate name, respectively. private func loadKeyblobAndName(for secret: SecretType) throws -> (Data, Data)? { let certificatePath = publicKeyFileStoreController.sshCertificatePath(for: secret) guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: certificatePath) else { return nil } logger.debug("Found certificate for \(") let certContent = try String(contentsOfFile:certificatePath, encoding: .utf8) let certElements = certContent.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).components(separatedBy: " ") guard certElements.count >= 2 else { logger.warning("Certificate found for \( but failed to load") throw OpenSSHCertificateError.parsingFailed } guard let certDecoded = Data(base64Encoded: certElements[1] as String) else { logger.warning("Certificate found for \( but failed to decode base64 key") throw OpenSSHCertificateError.parsingFailed } if certElements.count >= 3, let certName = certElements[2].data(using: .utf8) { return (certDecoded, certName) } else if let certName = .utf8) {"Certificate for \( does not have a name tag, using secret name instead") return (certDecoded, certName) } else { throw OpenSSHCertificateError.parsingFailed } } } extension OpenSSHCertificateHandler { enum OpenSSHCertificateError: LocalizedError { case unsupportedType case parsingFailed case doesNotExist public var errorDescription: String? { switch self { case .unsupportedType: return "The key type was unsupported" case .parsingFailed: return "Failed to properly parse the SSH certificate" case .doesNotExist: return "Certificate does not exist" } } } }