import Cocoa import SwiftUI import SecretKit import Brief @main struct Secretive: App { private let storeList: SecretStoreList = { let list = SecretStoreList() list.add(store: SecureEnclave.Store()) list.add(store: SmartCard.Store()) return list }() private let agentStatusChecker = AgentStatusChecker() private let justUpdatedChecker = JustUpdatedChecker() @AppStorage("defaultsHasRunSetup") var hasRunSetup = false @State private var showingSetup = false @State private var showingCreation = false @SceneBuilder var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView(showingCreation: $showingCreation, runningSetup: $showingSetup, hasRunSetup: $hasRunSetup) .environmentObject(storeList) .environmentObject(Updater(checkOnLaunch: hasRunSetup)) .environmentObject(agentStatusChecker) .onAppear { if !hasRunSetup { showingSetup = true } else if agentStatusChecker.running && justUpdatedChecker.justUpdated { // Relaunch the agent, since it'll be running from earlier update still _ = LaunchAgentController().install() } } } .commands { CommandGroup(after: CommandGroupPlacement.newItem) { Button("New Secret") { showingCreation = true } .keyboardShortcut(KeyboardShortcut(KeyEquivalent("N"), modifiers: [.command, .shift])) } CommandGroup(replacing: .help) { Button("Help") { } } CommandGroup(after: .help) { Button("Setup Secretive") { showingSetup = true } } SidebarCommands() } } } private enum Constants { static let helpURL = URL(string: "")! }