import Foundation import CryptoKit import OSLog import SecretKit import AppKit enum OpenSSHCertificateError: Error { case unsupportedType case parsingFailed case doesNotExist } extension OpenSSHCertificateError: CustomStringConvertible { public var description: String { switch self { case .unsupportedType: return "The key type was unsupported" case .parsingFailed: return "Failed to properly parse the SSH certificate" case .doesNotExist: return "Certificate does not exist" } } } /// The `Agent` is an implementation of an SSH agent. It manages coordination and access between a socket, traces requests, notifies witnesses and passes requests to stores. public class Agent { private let storeList: SecretStoreList private let witness: SigningWitness? private let writer = OpenSSHKeyWriter() private let requestTracer = SigningRequestTracer() private let certsPath = (NSHomeDirectory() as NSString).appendingPathComponent("PublicKeys") as String private let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.maxgoedjen.secretive.secretagent.agent", category: "") /// Initializes an agent with a store list and a witness. /// - Parameters: /// - storeList: The `SecretStoreList` to make available. /// - witness: A witness to notify of requests. public init(storeList: SecretStoreList, witness: SigningWitness? = nil) { logger.debug("Agent is running") self.storeList = storeList self.witness = witness } } extension Agent { /// Handles an incoming request. /// - Parameters: /// - reader: A ``FileHandleReader`` to read the content of the request. /// - writer: A ``FileHandleWriter`` to write the response to. /// - Return value: /// - Boolean if data could be read @discardableResult public func handle(reader: FileHandleReader, writer: FileHandleWriter) -> Bool { logger.debug("Agent handling new data") let data = Data(reader.availableData) guard data.count > 4 else { return false} let requestTypeInt = data[4] guard let requestType = SSHAgent.RequestType(rawValue: requestTypeInt) else { writer.write(OpenSSHKeyWriter().lengthAndData(of: logger.debug("Agent returned \(SSHAgent.ResponseType.agentFailure.debugDescription)") return true } logger.debug("Agent handling request of type \(requestType.debugDescription)") let subData = Data(data[5...]) let response = handle(requestType: requestType, data: subData, reader: reader) writer.write(response) return true } func handle(requestType: SSHAgent.RequestType, data: Data, reader: FileHandleReader) -> Data { // Depending on the launch context (such as after macOS update), the agent may need to reload secrets before acting reloadSecretsIfNeccessary() var response = Data() do { switch requestType { case .requestIdentities: response.append( response.append(identities()) logger.debug("Agent returned \(SSHAgent.ResponseType.agentIdentitiesAnswer.debugDescription)") case .signRequest: let provenance = requestTracer.provenance(from: reader) response.append( response.append(try sign(data: data, provenance: provenance)) logger.debug("Agent returned \(SSHAgent.ResponseType.agentSignResponse.debugDescription)") } } catch { response.removeAll() response.append( logger.debug("Agent returned \(SSHAgent.ResponseType.agentFailure.debugDescription)") } let full = OpenSSHKeyWriter().lengthAndData(of: response) return full } } extension Agent { /// Lists the identities available for signing operations /// - Returns: An OpenSSH formatted Data payload listing the identities available for signing operations. func identities() -> Data { let secrets = storeList.stores.flatMap(\.secrets) var count = UInt32(secrets.count).bigEndian let countData = Data(bytes: &count, count: UInt32.bitWidth/8) var keyData = Data() for secret in secrets { let keyBlob: Data let curveData: Data if let (certBlob, certName) = try? checkForCert(secret: secret) { keyBlob = certBlob curveData = certName } else { keyBlob = secret) curveData = writer.curveType(for: secret.algorithm, length: secret.keySize).data(using: .utf8)! } keyData.append(writer.lengthAndData(of: keyBlob)) keyData.append(writer.lengthAndData(of: curveData)) } logger.log("Agent enumerated \(secrets.count) identities") return countData + keyData } /// Notifies witnesses of a pending signature request, and performs the signing operation if none object. /// - Parameters: /// - data: The data to sign. /// - provenance: A ``SecretKit.SigningRequestProvenance`` object describing the origin of the request. /// - Returns: An OpenSSH formatted Data payload containing the signed data response. func sign(data: Data, provenance: SigningRequestProvenance) throws -> Data { let reader = OpenSSHReader(data: data) var hash = reader.readNextChunk() // Check if hash is actually an openssh certificate and reconstruct the public key if it is if let certPublicKey = try? getPublicKeyFromCert(certBlob: hash) { hash = certPublicKey } guard let (store, secret) = secret(matching: hash) else { logger.debug("Agent did not have a key matching \(hash as NSData)") throw AgentError.noMatchingKey } if let witness = witness { try witness.speakNowOrForeverHoldYourPeace(forAccessTo: secret, from: store, by: provenance) } let dataToSign = reader.readNextChunk() let signed = try store.sign(data: dataToSign, with: secret, for: provenance) let derSignature = signed let curveData = writer.curveType(for: secret.algorithm, length: secret.keySize).data(using: .utf8)! // Convert from DER formatted rep to raw (r||s) let rawRepresentation: Data switch (secret.algorithm, secret.keySize) { case (.ellipticCurve, 256): rawRepresentation = try CryptoKit.P256.Signing.ECDSASignature(derRepresentation: derSignature).rawRepresentation case (.ellipticCurve, 384): rawRepresentation = try CryptoKit.P384.Signing.ECDSASignature(derRepresentation: derSignature).rawRepresentation default: throw AgentError.unsupportedKeyType } let rawLength = rawRepresentation.count/2 // Check if we need to pad with 0x00 to prevent certain // ssh servers from thinking r or s is negative let paddingRange: ClosedRange = 0x80...0xFF var r = Data(rawRepresentation[0.. Data { let reader = OpenSSHReader(data: certBlob) let certType = String(decoding: reader.readNextChunk(), as: UTF8.self) switch certType { case "", "", "": _ = reader.readNextChunk() // nonce let curveIdentifier = reader.readNextChunk() let publicKey = reader.readNextChunk() if let curveType = certType.replacingOccurrences(of: "", with: "").data(using: .utf8) { return writer.lengthAndData(of: curveType) + writer.lengthAndData(of: curveIdentifier) + writer.lengthAndData(of: publicKey) } else { throw OpenSSHCertificateError.parsingFailed } default: throw OpenSSHCertificateError.unsupportedType } } /// Attempts to find an OpenSSH Certificate that corresponds to a ``Secret`` /// - Parameter secret: The secret to search for a certificate with /// - Returns: Two ``Data`` objects containing the certificate and certificate name respectively func checkForCert(secret: AnySecret) throws -> (Data, Data) { let minimalHex = writer.openSSHMD5Fingerprint(secret: secret).replacingOccurrences(of: ":", with: "") let certificatePath = certsPath.appending("/").appending("\(minimalHex)") if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: certificatePath) { logger.debug("Found certificate for \(") do { let certContent = try String(contentsOfFile:certificatePath, encoding: .utf8) let certElements = certContent.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).components(separatedBy: " ") if certElements.count >= 2 { if let certDecoded = Data(base64Encoded: certElements[1] as String) { if certElements.count >= 3 { if let certName = certElements[2].data(using: .utf8) { return (certDecoded, certName) } else if let certName = .utf8) {"Certificate for \( does not have a name tag, using secret name instead") return (certDecoded, certName) } else { throw OpenSSHCertificateError.parsingFailed } } } else { logger.warning("Certificate found for \( but failed to decode base64 key") throw OpenSSHCertificateError.parsingFailed } } } catch { logger.warning("Certificate found for \( but failed to load") throw OpenSSHCertificateError.parsingFailed } } throw OpenSSHCertificateError.doesNotExist } } extension Agent { /// Gives any store with no loaded secrets a chance to reload. func reloadSecretsIfNeccessary() { for store in storeList.stores { if store.secrets.isEmpty { logger.debug("Store \(, privacy: .public) has no loaded secrets. Reloading.") store.reloadSecrets() } } } /// Finds a ``Secret`` matching a specified hash whos signature was requested. /// - Parameter hash: The hash to match against. /// - Returns: A ``Secret`` and the ``SecretStore`` containing it, if a match is found. func secret(matching hash: Data) -> (AnySecretStore, AnySecret)? { storeList.stores.compactMap { store -> (AnySecretStore, AnySecret)? in let allMatching = store.secrets.filter { secret in hash == secret) } if let matching = allMatching.first { return (store, matching) } return nil }.first } } extension Agent { /// An error involving agent operations.. enum AgentError: Error { case unhandledType case noMatchingKey case unsupportedKeyType } } extension SSHAgent.ResponseType { var data: Data { var raw = self.rawValue return Data(bytes: &raw, count: UInt8.bitWidth/8) } }