import Foundation /// A namespace for the SSH Agent Protocol, as described in public enum SSHAgent {} extension SSHAgent { /// The type of the SSH Agent Request, as described in public enum RequestType: UInt8, CustomDebugStringConvertible { case requestIdentities = 11 case signRequest = 13 public var debugDescription: String { switch self { case .requestIdentities: return "RequestIdentities" case .signRequest: return "SignRequest" } } } /// The type of the SSH Agent Response, as described in public enum ResponseType: UInt8, CustomDebugStringConvertible { case agentFailure = 5 case agentSuccess = 6 case agentIdentitiesAnswer = 12 case agentSignResponse = 14 public var debugDescription: String { switch self { case .agentFailure: return "AgentFailure" case .agentSuccess: return "AgentSuccess" case .agentIdentitiesAnswer: return "AgentIdentitiesAnswer" case .agentSignResponse: return "AgentSignResponse" } } } }