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synced 2025-03-28 19:27:08 +00:00
Localization fixes (#507)
* Consolidate localization files into one file that both targets reference * Update readme * Secret Agent/Agent consolidation * NSLS -> String(localized:) * Auth contexts
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 260 KiB |
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Clone Secretive using [these instructions from GitHub](https://docs.github.com/e
Open [Sources/Secretive.xcodeproj](Sources/Secretive.xcodeproj) in Xcode.
### Localize the Main App
### Translate
Navigate to [Secretive/Localizable](Sources/Secretive/Localizable.xcstrings).
@ -28,14 +28,6 @@ If your language already has an in-progress localization, select it from the lis
Start translating! You'll see a list of english phrases, and a space to add a translation of your language.
### Localize SecretAgent
Navigate to [Secretive/Localizable](Sources/SecretAgent/Localizable.xcstrings).
<img src="/.github/readme/localize_sidebar_agent.png" alt="Screenshot of Xcode navigating to the Localizable file" width="300">
Repeat the same steps from the process of localizing the main app.
### Create a Pull Request
Push your changes and open a pull request.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ extension SecureEnclave {
public let id = UUID()
public let name = NSLocalizedString("Secure Enclave", comment: "Secure Enclave")
public let name = String(localized: "secure_enclave")
@Published public private(set) var secrets: [Secret] = []
private var persistedAuthenticationContexts: [Secret: PersistentAuthenticationContext] = [:]
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ extension SecureEnclave {
context = existing.context
} else {
let newContext = LAContext()
newContext.localizedCancelTitle = "Deny"
newContext.localizedCancelTitle = String(localized: "auth_context_request_deny_button")
context = newContext
context.localizedReason = "sign a request from \"\(provenance.origin.displayName)\" using secret \"\(secret.name)\""
context.localizedReason = String(localized: "auth_context_request_signature_description_\(provenance.origin.displayName)_\(secret.name)")
let attributes = KeychainDictionary([
kSecClass: kSecClassKey,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ extension SecureEnclave {
public func verify(signature: Data, for data: Data, with secret: Secret) throws -> Bool {
let context = LAContext()
context.localizedReason = "verify a signature using secret \"\(secret.name)\""
context.localizedCancelTitle = "Deny"
context.localizedReason = String(localized: "auth_context_request_verify_description_\(secret.name)")
context.localizedCancelTitle = String(localized: "auth_context_request_deny_button")
let attributes = KeychainDictionary([
kSecClass: kSecClassKey,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
@ -181,16 +181,16 @@ extension SecureEnclave {
public func persistAuthentication(secret: Secret, forDuration duration: TimeInterval) throws {
let newContext = LAContext()
newContext.touchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration = duration
newContext.localizedCancelTitle = "Deny"
newContext.localizedCancelTitle = String(localized: "auth_context_request_deny_button")
let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
formatter.unitsStyle = .spellOut
formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .day]
if let durationString = formatter.string(from: duration) {
newContext.localizedReason = "unlock secret \"\(secret.name)\" for \(durationString)"
newContext.localizedReason = String(localized: "auth_context_persist_for_duration_\(secret.name)_\(durationString)")
} else {
newContext.localizedReason = "unlock secret \"\(secret.name)\""
newContext.localizedReason = String(localized: "auth_context_persist_for_duration_unknown_\(secret.name)")
newContext.evaluatePolicy(LAPolicy.deviceOwnerAuthentication, localizedReason: newContext.localizedReason) { [weak self] success, _ in
guard success else { return }
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ extension SecureEnclave.Store {
let wrapped: [SecureEnclave.Secret] = publicTyped.map {
let name = $0[kSecAttrLabel] as? String ?? "Unnamed"
let name = $0[kSecAttrLabel] as? String ?? String(localized: "unnamed_secret")
let id = $0[kSecAttrApplicationLabel] as! Data
let publicKeyRef = $0[kSecValueRef] as! SecKey
let publicKeyAttributes = SecKeyCopyAttributes(publicKeyRef) as! [CFString: Any]
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ extension SmartCard {
@Published public var isAvailable: Bool = false
public let id = UUID()
public private(set) var name = NSLocalizedString("Smart Card", comment: "Smart Card")
public private(set) var name = String(localized: "smart_card")
@Published public private(set) var secrets: [Secret] = []
private let watcher = TKTokenWatcher()
private var tokenID: String?
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ extension SmartCard {
public func sign(data: Data, with secret: Secret, for provenance: SigningRequestProvenance) throws -> Data {
guard let tokenID = tokenID else { fatalError() }
let context = LAContext()
context.localizedReason = "sign a request from \"\(provenance.origin.displayName)\" using secret \"\(secret.name)\""
context.localizedCancelTitle = "Deny"
context.localizedReason = String(localized: "auth_context_request_signature_description_\(provenance.origin.displayName)_\(secret.name)")
context.localizedCancelTitle = String(localized: "auth_context_request_deny_button")
let attributes = KeychainDictionary([
kSecClass: kSecClassKey,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ extension SmartCard.Store {
private func loadSecrets() {
guard let tokenID = tokenID else { return }
let fallbackName = NSLocalizedString("Smart Card", comment: "Smart Card")
let fallbackName = String(localized: "smart_card")
if let driverName = watcher.tokenInfo(forTokenID: tokenID)?.driverName {
name = driverName
} else {
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ extension SmartCard.Store {
SecItemCopyMatching(attributes, &untyped)
guard let typed = untyped as? [[CFString: Any]] else { return }
let wrapped = typed.map {
let name = $0[kSecAttrLabel] as? String ?? "Unnamed"
let name = $0[kSecAttrLabel] as? String ?? String(localized: "unnamed_secret")
let tokenID = $0[kSecAttrApplicationLabel] as! Data
let algorithm = Algorithm(secAttr: $0[kSecAttrKeyType] as! NSNumber)
let keySize = $0[kSecAttrKeySizeInBits] as! Int
@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ extension SmartCard.Store {
/// - Warning: Encryption functions are deliberately only exposed on a library level, and are not exposed in Secretive itself to prevent users from data loss. Any pull requests which expose this functionality in the app will not be merged.
public func encrypt(data: Data, with secret: SecretType) throws -> Data {
let context = LAContext()
context.localizedReason = "encrypt data using secret \"\(secret.name)\""
context.localizedCancelTitle = "Deny"
context.localizedReason = String(localized: "auth_context_request_encrypt_description_\(secret.name)")
context.localizedCancelTitle = String(localized: "auth_context_request_deny_button")
let attributes = KeychainDictionary([
kSecAttrKeyType: secret.algorithm.secAttrKeyType,
kSecAttrKeySizeInBits: secret.keySize,
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ extension SmartCard.Store {
public func decrypt(data: Data, with secret: SecretType) throws -> Data {
guard let tokenID = tokenID else { fatalError() }
let context = LAContext()
context.localizedReason = "decrypt data using secret \"\(secret.name)\""
context.localizedCancelTitle = "Deny"
context.localizedReason = String(localized: "auth_context_request_decrypt_description_\(secret.name)")
context.localizedCancelTitle = String(localized: "auth_context_request_deny_button")
let attributes = KeychainDictionary([
kSecClass: kSecClassKey,
kSecAttrKeyClass: kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
"sourceLanguage" : "en",
"strings" : {
"persist_authentication_accept_button" : {
"comment" : "When the user authorizes an action using a secret that requires unlock, they're shown a notification offering to leave the secret unlocked for a set period of time. This is the title for the notification.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Leave Unlocked"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Laisser déverrouillé"
"persist_authentication_decline_button" : {
"comment" : "When the user authorizes an action using a secret that requires unlock, they're shown a notification offering to leave the secret unlocked for a set period of time. This is the decline button for the notification.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Do Not Unlock"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Ne pas déverrouiller"
"signed_notification_description_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs an action using a secret, they're shown a notification describing what happened. This is the description, showing which secret was used. The placeholder is the name of the secret.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Using secret %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Utilisation du secret %1$@"
"signed_notification_title_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs an action using a secret, they're shown a notification describing what happened. This is the title, showing which app requested the action. The placeholder is the name of the app.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Signed Request from %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Requête signée de %1$@"
"update_notification_ignore_button" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the button to decline an update.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Ignore"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Ignorer"
"update_notification_update_button" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the button to download an update.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Update"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Mettre à jour"
"update_notification_update_critical_title_%@" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the title for a very high priority update with security fixes. The placeholder is for the application version, eg \"Critical Security Update - 2.0\"",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Critical Security Update - %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Mise à jour critique de sécurité - %1$@"
"update_notification_update_description" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the description to download an update.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Click to Update"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Cliquer pour mettre à jour"
"update_notification_update_normal_title_%@" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the title for a normal priority update. The placeholder is for the application version, eg \"Update Available - 2.0\"",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Update Available - %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Mise à jour disponible - %1$@"
"version" : "1.0"
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
5003EF632780081B00DF2006 /* SecureEnclaveSecretKit in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 5003EF622780081B00DF2006 /* SecureEnclaveSecretKit */; };
5003EF652780081B00DF2006 /* SmartCardSecretKit in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 5003EF642780081B00DF2006 /* SmartCardSecretKit */; };
500B93C32B478D8400E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 500B93C22B478D8400E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings */; };
500B93C72B479E2E00E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 500B93C62B479E2E00E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings */; };
501421622781262300BBAA70 /* Brief in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = 501421612781262300BBAA70 /* Brief */; };
501421652781268000BBAA70 /* SecretAgent.app in CopyFiles */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 50A3B78A24026B7500D209EA /* SecretAgent.app */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (RemoveHeadersOnCopy, ); }; };
50153E20250AFCB200525160 /* UpdateView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 50153E1F250AFCB200525160 /* UpdateView.swift */; };
@ -53,6 +52,7 @@
50B8550D24138C4F009958AC /* DeleteSecretView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 50B8550C24138C4F009958AC /* DeleteSecretView.swift */; };
50BB046B2418AAAE00D6E079 /* EmptyStoreView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 50BB046A2418AAAE00D6E079 /* EmptyStoreView.swift */; };
50C385A52407A76D00AF2719 /* SecretDetailView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 50C385A42407A76D00AF2719 /* SecretDetailView.swift */; };
50E9CF422B51D596004AB36D /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 500B93C22B478D8400E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings */; };
/* End PBXBuildFile section */
/* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */
@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
50033AC227813F1700253856 /* BundleIDs.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = BundleIDs.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
5003EF39278005C800DF2006 /* Packages */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper; path = Packages; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
500B93C22B478D8400E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.json.xcstrings; path = Localizable.xcstrings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
500B93C62B479E2E00E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.json.xcstrings; path = Localizable.xcstrings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
50153E1F250AFCB200525160 /* UpdateView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = UpdateView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
50153E21250DECA300525160 /* SecretListItemView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SecretListItemView.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
5018F54E24064786002EB505 /* Notifier.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Notifier.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -316,7 +315,6 @@
50A3B79824026B7600D209EA /* Info.plist */,
508BF29425B4F140009EFB7E /* InternetAccessPolicy.plist */,
50A3B79924026B7600D209EA /* SecretAgent.entitlements */,
500B93C62B479E2E00E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings */,
50A3B79224026B7600D209EA /* Preview Content */,
path = SecretAgent;
@ -470,7 +468,7 @@
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
50A3B79724026B7600D209EA /* Main.storyboard in Resources */,
500B93C72B479E2E00E157DE /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */,
50E9CF422B51D596004AB36D /* Localizable.xcstrings in Resources */,
50A3B79424026B7600D209EA /* Preview Assets.xcassets in Resources */,
50A3B79124026B7600D209EA /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */,
508BF2AA25B4F1CB009EFB7E /* InternetAccessPolicy.plist in Resources */,
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Secret Agent Is Not Running"
"value" : "Agent Is Not Running"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"state" : "needs_review",
"value" : "L'agent n'est pas actif"
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "SecretAgent is Running"
"value" : "Secret Agent is Running"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"state" : "needs_review",
"value" : "SecretAgent est actif"
@ -167,6 +167,90 @@
"auth_context_persist_for_duration_%@_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user clicks the notification to leave a secret unlocked, they are shown a prompt to approve the action. This is the description, showing which secret will used. The first placeholder is the name of the secret. The second placeholder is a localized description of the time period it will remain unlocked for (eg: \"five minutes\")",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "unlock secret \"%1$@\" for %2$@"
"auth_context_persist_for_duration_unknown_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user clicks the notification to leave a secret unlocked, they are shown a prompt to approve the action. This is the description, showing which secret will used. The placeholder is the name of the secret. This is a fallback used when a duration is unable to be specified.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "unlock secret \"%1$@\""
"auth_context_request_decrypt_description_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs a decryption action using a secret, they are shown a prompt to approve the action. This is the description, showing which secret will be used. The placeholder is the name of the secret. NOTE: This is currently not exposed in UI.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "decrypt data using secret \"%1$@\""
"auth_context_request_deny_button" : {
"comment" : "When the user chooses to perform an action that requires Touch ID/password authentication, they are shown a prompt to approve the action. This is the deny button for that prompt.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Deny"
"auth_context_request_encrypt_description_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs an encryption action using a secret, they are shown a prompt to approve the action. This is the description, showing which secret will be used. The placeholder is the name of the secret. NOTE: This is currently not exposed in UI.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "encrypt data using secret \"%1$@\""
"auth_context_request_signature_description_%@_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs a signature action using a secret, they are shown a prompt to approve the action. This is the description, showing which secret will be used, and where the request is coming from. The first placeholder is the name of the app requesting the operation. The second placeholder is the name of the secret.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "sign a request from \"%1$@\" using secret \"%2$@\""
"auth_context_request_verify_description_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs a signature verification action using a secret, they are shown a prompt to approve the action. This is the description, showing which secret will be used. The placeholder is the name of the secret. NOTE: This is currently not exposed in UI.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "verify a signature using secret \"%1$@\""
"copyable_click_to_copy_button" : {
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
@ -567,6 +651,42 @@
"persist_authentication_accept_button" : {
"comment" : "When the user authorizes an action using a secret that requires unlock, they're shown a notification offering to leave the secret unlocked for a set period of time. This is the title for the notification.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Leave Unlocked"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Laisser déverrouillé"
"persist_authentication_decline_button" : {
"comment" : "When the user authorizes an action using a secret that requires unlock, they're shown a notification offering to leave the secret unlocked for a set period of time. This is the decline button for the notification.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Do Not Unlock"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Ne pas déverrouiller"
"rename_cancel_button" : {
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
@ -711,6 +831,17 @@
"secure_enclave" : {
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Secure Enclave"
"setup_agent_activity_monitor_description" : {
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
@ -764,12 +895,12 @@
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Setup Secret Agent"
"value" : "Setup Agent"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"state" : "needs_review",
"value" : "Configurer Secret Agent"
@ -951,6 +1082,64 @@
"signed_notification_description_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs an action using a secret, they're shown a notification describing what happened. This is the description, showing which secret was used. The placeholder is the name of the secret.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Using secret %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Utilisation du secret %1$@"
"signed_notification_title_%@" : {
"comment" : "When the user performs an action using a secret, they're shown a notification describing what happened. This is the title, showing which app requested the action. The placeholder is the name of the app.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Signed Request from %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Requête signée de %1$@"
"smart_card" : {
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Smart Card"
"unnamed_secret" : {
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Unnamed"
"update_critical_notice_title" : {
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
@ -999,6 +1188,96 @@
"update_notification_ignore_button" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the button to decline an update.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Ignore"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Ignorer"
"update_notification_update_button" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the button to download an update.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Update"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Mettre à jour"
"update_notification_update_critical_title_%@" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the title for a very high priority update with security fixes. The placeholder is for the application version, eg \"Critical Security Update - 2.0\"",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Critical Security Update - %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Mise à jour critique de sécurité - %1$@"
"update_notification_update_description" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the description to download an update.",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Click to Update"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Cliquer pour mettre à jour"
"update_notification_update_normal_title_%@" : {
"comment" : "When an update is available, a notification is shown. This is the title for a normal priority update. The placeholder is for the application version, eg \"Update Available - 2.0\"",
"extractionState" : "manual",
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Update Available - %1$@"
"fr" : {
"stringUnit" : {
"state" : "translated",
"value" : "Mise à jour disponible - %1$@"
"update_release_notes_title" : {
"localizations" : {
"en" : {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user