#!/usr/bin/python3 # Helps you purchase a SSL certificate from Gandi.net using # their API. # # Before you begin: # 1) Create an account on Gandi.net. # 2) Pre-pay $16 into your account at https://www.gandi.net/prepaid/operations. Wait until the payment goes through. # 3) Activate your API key first on the test platform (wait a while, refresh the page) and then activate the production API at https://www.gandi.net/admin/api_key. import sys, re, os.path, urllib.request import xmlrpc.client import rtyaml from utils import load_environment, shell from web_update import get_web_domains, get_domain_ssl_files, get_web_root from whats_next import check_certificate def buy_ssl_certificate(api_key, domain, command, env): if domain != env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME'] \ and domain not in get_web_domains(env): raise ValueError("Domain is not %s or a domain we're serving a website for." % env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']) # Initialize. gandi = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('https://rpc.gandi.net/xmlrpc/') try: existing_certs = gandi.cert.list(api_key) except Exception as e: if "Invalid API key" in str(e): print("Invalid API key. Check that you copied the API Key correctly from https://www.gandi.net/admin/api_key.") sys.exit(1) else: raise # Where is the SSL cert stored? ssl_key, ssl_certificate, ssl_csr_path = get_domain_ssl_files(domain, env) # Have we already created a cert for this domain? for cert in existing_certs: if cert['cn'] == domain: break else: # No existing cert found. Purchase one. if command != 'purchase': print("No certificate or order found yet. If you haven't yet purchased a certificate, run ths script again with the 'purchase' command. Otherwise wait a moment and try again.") sys.exit(1) else: # Start an order for a single standard SSL certificate. # Use DNS validation. Web-based validation won't work because they # require a file on HTTP but not HTTPS w/o redirects and we don't # serve anything plainly over HTTP. Email might be another way but # DNS is easier to automate. op = gandi.cert.create(api_key, { "csr": open(ssl_csr_path).read(), "dcv_method": "dns", "duration": 1, # year? "package": "cert_std_1_0_0", }) print("An SSL certificate has been ordered.") print() print(op) print() print("In a moment please run this script again with the 'setup' command.") if cert['status'] == 'pending': # Get the information we need to update our DNS with a code so that # Gandi can verify that we own the domain. dcv = gandi.cert.get_dcv_params(api_key, { "csr": open(ssl_csr_path).read(), "cert_id": cert['id'], "dcv_method": "dns", "duration": 1, # year? "package": "cert_std_1_0_0", }) if dcv["dcv_method"] != "dns": raise Exception("Certificate ordered with an unknown validation method.") # Update our DNS data. dns_config = env['STORAGE_ROOT'] + '/dns/custom.yaml' if os.path.exists(dns_config): dns_records = rtyaml.load(open(dns_config)) else: dns_records = { } qname = dcv['md5'] + '.' + domain value = dcv['sha1'] + '.comodoca.com.' dns_records[qname] = { "CNAME": value } with open(dns_config, 'w') as f: f.write(rtyaml.dump(dns_records)) shell('check_call', ['tools/dns_update']) # Okay, done with this step. print("DNS has been updated. Gandi will check within 60 minutes.") print() print("See https://www.gandi.net/admin/ssl/%d/details for the status of this order." % cert['id']) elif cert['status'] == 'valid': # The certificate is ready. # Check before we overwrite something we shouldn't. if os.path.exists(ssl_certificate): cert_status = check_certificate(ssl_certificate) if cert_status != "SELF-SIGNED": print("Please back up and delete the file %s so I can save your new certificate." % ssl_certificate) sys.exit(1) # Form the certificate. # The certificate comes as a long base64-encoded string. Break in # into lines in the usual way. pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" pem += "\n".join(chunk for chunk in re.split(r"(.{64})", cert['cert']) if chunk != "") pem += "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n\n" # Append intermediary certificates. pem += urllib.request.urlopen("https://www.gandi.net/static/CAs/GandiStandardSSLCA.pem").read().decode("ascii") # Write out. with open(ssl_certificate, "w") as f: f.write(pem) print("The certificate has been installed in %s. Restarting services..." % ssl_certificate) # Restart dovecot and if this is for PUBLIC_HOSTNAME. if domain == env['PUBLIC_HOSTNAME']: shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "dovecot", "restart"]) shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "postfix", "restart"]) # Restart nginx in all cases. shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "nginx", "restart"]) else: print("The certificate has an unknown status. Please check https://www.gandi.net/admin/ssl/%d/details for the status of this order." % cert['id']) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 4: print("Usage: python management/buy_certificate.py gandi_api_key domain_name {purchase, setup}") sys.exit(1) api_key = sys.argv[1] domain_name = sys.argv[2] cmd = sys.argv[3] buy_ssl_certificate(api_key, domain_name, cmd, load_environment())