#!/usr/local/lib/mailinabox/env/bin/python # This script performs a backup of all user data stored under STORAGE_ROOT: # 1) System services are stopped. # 2) BACKUP_ROOT/backup/before-backup is executed if it exists. # 3) An incremental encrypted backup is made using duplicity. # 4) The stopped services are restarted. # 5) BACKUP_ROOT/backup/after-backup is executed if it exists. # # By default BACKUP_ROOT is equal to STORAGE_ROOT. If the variable BACKUP_ROOT is defined in /etc/mailinabox.conf and # the referenced folder exists, this new target is used instead to store the backups. import os, os.path, shutil, glob, re, datetime, sys import dateutil.parser, dateutil.relativedelta, dateutil.tz import rtyaml from exclusiveprocess import Lock from utils import load_environment, shell, wait_for_service, fix_boto, get_php_version rsync_ssh_options = [ "--ssh-options= -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_miab", "--rsync-options= -e \"/usr/bin/ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oBatchMode=yes -p 22 -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_miab\"", ] def backup_status(env): # If backups are disabled, return no status. config = get_backup_config(env) if config["target"] == "off": return { } # Query duplicity to get a list of all full and incremental # backups available. backups = { } now = datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal()) backup_root = get_backup_root(env) backup_cache_dir = os.path.join(backup_root, 'cache') def reldate(date, ref, clip): if ref < date: return clip rd = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(ref, date) if rd.years > 1: return "%d years, %d months" % (rd.years, rd.months) if rd.years == 1: return "%d year, %d months" % (rd.years, rd.months) if rd.months > 1: return "%d months, %d days" % (rd.months, rd.days) if rd.months == 1: return "%d month, %d days" % (rd.months, rd.days) if rd.days >= 7: return "%d days" % rd.days if rd.days > 1: return "%d days, %d hours" % (rd.days, rd.hours) if rd.days == 1: return "%d day, %d hours" % (rd.days, rd.hours) return "%d hours, %d minutes" % (rd.hours, rd.minutes) # Get duplicity collection status and parse for a list of backups. def parse_line(line): keys = line.strip().split() date = dateutil.parser.parse(keys[1]).astimezone(dateutil.tz.tzlocal()) return { "date": keys[1], "date_str": date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X") + " " + now.tzname(), "date_delta": reldate(date, now, "the future?"), "full": keys[0] == "full", "size": 0, # collection-status doesn't give us the size "volumes": int(keys[2]), # number of archive volumes for this backup (not really helpful) } code, collection_status = shell('check_output', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "collection-status", "--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir, "--gpg-options", "--cipher-algo=AES256", "--log-fd", "1", config["target"], ] + rsync_ssh_options, get_env(env), trap=True) if code != 0: # Command failed. This is likely due to an improperly configured remote # destination for the backups or the last backup job terminated unexpectedly. raise Exception("Something is wrong with the backup: " + collection_status) for line in collection_status.split('\n'): if line.startswith(" full") or line.startswith(" inc"): backup = parse_line(line) backups[backup["date"]] = backup # Look at the target directly to get the sizes of each of the backups. There is more than one file per backup. # Starting with duplicity in Ubuntu 18.04, "signatures" files have dates in their # filenames that are a few seconds off the backup date and so don't line up # with the list of backups we have. Track unmatched files so we know how much other # space is used for those. unmatched_file_size = 0 for fn, size in list_target_files(config): m = re.match(r"duplicity-(full|full-signatures|(inc|new-signatures)\.(?P\d+T\d+Z)\.to)\.(?P\d+T\d+Z)\.", fn) if not m: continue # not a part of a current backup chain key = m.group("date") if key in backups: backups[key]["size"] += size else: unmatched_file_size += size # Ensure the rows are sorted reverse chronologically. # This is relied on by should_force_full() and the next step. backups = sorted(backups.values(), key = lambda b : b["date"], reverse=True) # Get the average size of incremental backups, the size of the # most recent full backup, and the date of the most recent # backup and the most recent full backup. incremental_count = 0 incremental_size = 0 first_date = None first_full_size = None first_full_date = None for bak in backups: if first_date is None: first_date = dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) if bak["full"]: first_full_size = bak["size"] first_full_date = dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) break incremental_count += 1 incremental_size += bak["size"] # When will the most recent backup be deleted? It won't be deleted if the next # backup is incremental, because the increments rely on all past increments. # So first guess how many more incremental backups will occur until the next # full backup. That full backup frees up this one to be deleted. But, the backup # must also be at least min_age_in_days old too. deleted_in = None if incremental_count > 0 and incremental_size > 0 and first_full_size is not None: # How many days until the next incremental backup? First, the part of # the algorithm based on increment sizes: est_days_to_next_full = (.5 * first_full_size - incremental_size) / (incremental_size/incremental_count) est_time_of_next_full = first_date + datetime.timedelta(days=est_days_to_next_full) # ...And then the part of the algorithm based on full backup age: est_time_of_next_full = min(est_time_of_next_full, first_full_date + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"]*10+1)) # It still can't be deleted until it's old enough. est_deleted_on = max(est_time_of_next_full, first_date + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"])) deleted_in = "approx. %d days" % round((est_deleted_on-now).total_seconds()/60/60/24 + .5) # When will a backup be deleted? Set the deleted_in field of each backup. saw_full = False for bak in backups: if deleted_in: # The most recent increment in a chain and all of the previous backups # it relies on are deleted at the same time. bak["deleted_in"] = deleted_in if bak["full"]: # Reset when we get to a full backup. A new chain start *next*. saw_full = True deleted_in = None elif saw_full and not deleted_in: # We're now on backups prior to the most recent full backup. These are # free to be deleted as soon as they are min_age_in_days old. deleted_in = reldate(now, dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"]), "on next daily backup") bak["deleted_in"] = deleted_in return { "backups": backups, "unmatched_file_size": unmatched_file_size, } def should_force_full(config, env): # Force a full backup when the total size of the increments # since the last full backup is greater than half the size # of that full backup. inc_size = 0 for bak in backup_status(env)["backups"]: if not bak["full"]: # Scan through the incremental backups cumulating # size... inc_size += bak["size"] else: # ...until we reach the most recent full backup. # Return if we should to a full backup, which is based # on the size of the increments relative to the full # backup, as well as the age of the full backup. if inc_size > .5*bak["size"]: return True if dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]) + datetime.timedelta(days=config["min_age_in_days"]*10+1) < datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal()): return True return False else: # If we got here there are no (full) backups, so make one. # (I love for/else blocks. Here it's just to show off.) return True def get_passphrase(env): # Get the encryption passphrase. secret_key.txt is 2048 random # bits base64-encoded and with line breaks every 65 characters. # gpg will only take the first line of text, so sanity check that # that line is long enough to be a reasonable passphrase. It # only needs to be 43 base64-characters to match AES256's key # length of 32 bytes. backup_root = get_backup_root(env) with open(os.path.join(backup_root, 'secret_key.txt')) as f: passphrase = f.readline().strip() if len(passphrase) < 43: raise Exception("secret_key.txt's first line is too short!") return passphrase def get_env(env): config = get_backup_config(env) env = { "PASSPHRASE" : get_passphrase(env) } if get_target_type(config) == 's3': env["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = config["target_user"] env["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = config["target_pass"] return env def get_target_type(config): protocol = config["target"].split(":")[0] return protocol def perform_backup(full_backup): env = load_environment() php_fpm = f"php{get_php_version()}-fpm" # Create an global exclusive lock so that the backup script # cannot be run more than once. Lock(die=True).forever() config = get_backup_config(env) backup_root = get_backup_root(env) backup_cache_dir = os.path.join(backup_root, 'cache') backup_dir = os.path.join(backup_root, 'encrypted') # Are backups disabled? if config["target"] == "off": return # On the first run, always do a full backup. Incremental # will fail. Otherwise do a full backup when the size of # the increments since the most recent full backup are # large. try: full_backup = full_backup or should_force_full(config, env) except Exception as e: # This was the first call to duplicity, and there might # be an error already. print(e) sys.exit(1) # Stop services. def service_command(service, command, quit=None): # Execute silently, but if there is an error then display the output & exit. code, ret = shell('check_output', ["/usr/sbin/service", service, command], capture_stderr=True, trap=True) if code != 0: print(ret) if quit: sys.exit(code) service_command(php_fpm, "stop", quit=True) service_command("postfix", "stop", quit=True) service_command("dovecot", "stop", quit=True) # Execute a pre-backup script that copies files outside the homedir. # Run as the STORAGE_USER user, not as root. Pass our settings in # environment variables so the script has access to STORAGE_ROOT. pre_script = os.path.join(backup_root, 'before-backup') if os.path.exists(pre_script): shell('check_call', ['su', env['STORAGE_USER'], '-c', pre_script, config["target"]], env=env) # Run a backup of STORAGE_ROOT (but excluding the backups themselves!). # --allow-source-mismatch is needed in case the box's hostname is changed # after the first backup. See #396. try: shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "full" if full_backup else "incr", "--verbosity", "warning", "--no-print-statistics", "--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir, "--exclude", backup_root, "--volsize", "250", "--gpg-options", "--cipher-algo=AES256", env["STORAGE_ROOT"], config["target"], "--allow-source-mismatch" ] + rsync_ssh_options, get_env(env)) finally: # Start services again. service_command("dovecot", "start", quit=False) service_command("postfix", "start", quit=False) service_command(php_fpm, "start", quit=False) # Remove old backups. This deletes all backup data no longer needed # from more than 3 days ago. shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "remove-older-than", "%dD" % config["min_age_in_days"], "--verbosity", "error", "--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir, "--force", config["target"] ] + rsync_ssh_options, get_env(env)) # From duplicity's manual: # "This should only be necessary after a duplicity session fails or is # aborted prematurely." # That may be unlikely here but we may as well ensure we tidy up if # that does happen - it might just have been a poorly timed reboot. shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "cleanup", "--verbosity", "error", "--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir, "--force", config["target"] ] + rsync_ssh_options, get_env(env)) # Change ownership of backups to the user-data user, so that the after-backup # script can access them. if get_target_type(config) == 'file': shell('check_call', ["/bin/chown", "-R", env["STORAGE_USER"], backup_dir]) # Our nightly cron job executes system status checks immediately after this # backup. Since it checks that dovecot and postfix are running, block for a # bit (maximum of 10 seconds each) to give each a chance to finish restarting # before the status checks might catch them down. See #381. wait_for_service(25, True, env, 10) wait_for_service(993, True, env, 10) # Execute a post-backup script that does the copying to a remote server. # Run as the STORAGE_USER user, not as root. Pass our settings in # environment variables so the script has access to STORAGE_ROOT. post_script = os.path.join(backup_root, 'after-backup') if os.path.exists(post_script): shell('check_call', ['su', env['STORAGE_USER'], '-c', post_script, config["target"]], env=env) def run_duplicity_verification(): env = load_environment() backup_root = get_backup_root(env) config = get_backup_config(env) backup_cache_dir = os.path.join(backup_root, 'cache') shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "--verbosity", "info", "verify", "--compare-data", "--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir, "--exclude", backup_root, config["target"], env["STORAGE_ROOT"], ] + rsync_ssh_options, get_env(env)) def run_duplicity_restore(args): env = load_environment() config = get_backup_config(env) backup_root = get_backup_root(env) backup_cache_dir = os.path.join(backup_root, 'cache') shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "restore", "--archive-dir", backup_cache_dir, config["target"], ] + rsync_ssh_options + args, get_env(env)) def list_target_files(config): import urllib.parse try: target = urllib.parse.urlparse(config["target"]) except ValueError: return "invalid target" if target.scheme == "file": return [(fn, os.path.getsize(os.path.join(target.path, fn))) for fn in os.listdir(target.path)] elif target.scheme == "rsync": rsync_fn_size_re = re.compile(r'.* ([^ ]*) [^ ]* [^ ]* (.*)') rsync_target = '{host}:{path}' target_path = target.path if not target_path.endswith('/'): target_path = target_path + '/' if target_path.startswith('/'): target_path = target_path[1:] rsync_command = [ 'rsync', '-e', '/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_miab -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oBatchMode=yes', '--list-only', '-r', rsync_target.format( host=target.netloc, path=target_path) ] code, listing = shell('check_output', rsync_command, trap=True, capture_stderr=True) if code == 0: ret = [] for l in listing.split('\n'): match = rsync_fn_size_re.match(l) if match: ret.append( (match.groups()[1], int(match.groups()[0].replace(',',''))) ) return ret else: if 'Permission denied (publickey).' in listing: reason = "Invalid user or check you correctly copied the SSH key." elif 'No such file or directory' in listing: reason = "Provided path {} is invalid.".format(target_path) elif 'Network is unreachable' in listing: reason = "The IP address {} is unreachable.".format(target.hostname) elif 'Could not resolve hostname' in listing: reason = "The hostname {} cannot be resolved.".format(target.hostname) else: reason = "Unknown error." \ "Please check running 'management/backup.py --verify'" \ "from mailinabox sources to debug the issue." raise ValueError("Connection to rsync host failed: {}".format(reason)) elif target.scheme == "s3": # match to a Region fix_boto() # must call prior to importing boto import boto.s3 from boto.exception import BotoServerError custom_region = False for region in boto.s3.regions(): if region.endpoint == target.hostname: break else: # If region is not found this is a custom region custom_region = True bucket = target.path[1:].split('/')[0] path = '/'.join(target.path[1:].split('/')[1:]) + '/' # Create a custom region with custom endpoint if custom_region: from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection region = boto.s3.S3RegionInfo(name=bucket, endpoint=target.hostname, connection_cls=S3Connection) # If no prefix is specified, set the path to '', otherwise boto won't list the files if path == '/': path = '' if bucket == "": raise ValueError("Enter an S3 bucket name.") # connect to the region & bucket try: conn = region.connect(aws_access_key_id=config["target_user"], aws_secret_access_key=config["target_pass"]) bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket) except BotoServerError as e: if e.status == 403: raise ValueError("Invalid S3 access key or secret access key.") elif e.status == 404: raise ValueError("Invalid S3 bucket name.") elif e.status == 301: raise ValueError("Incorrect region for this bucket.") raise ValueError(e.reason) return [(key.name[len(path):], key.size) for key in bucket.list(prefix=path)] elif target.scheme == 'b2': from b2sdk.v1 import InMemoryAccountInfo, B2Api from b2sdk.v1.exception import NonExistentBucket info = InMemoryAccountInfo() b2_api = B2Api(info) # Extract information from target b2_application_keyid = target.netloc[:target.netloc.index(':')] b2_application_key = target.netloc[target.netloc.index(':')+1:target.netloc.index('@')] b2_bucket = target.netloc[target.netloc.index('@')+1:] try: b2_api.authorize_account("production", b2_application_keyid, b2_application_key) bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(b2_bucket) except NonExistentBucket as e: raise ValueError("B2 Bucket does not exist. Please double check your information!") return [(key.file_name, key.size) for key, _ in bucket.ls()] else: raise ValueError(config["target"]) def backup_set_custom(env, target, target_user, target_pass, min_age): config = get_backup_config(env, for_save=True) # min_age must be an int if isinstance(min_age, str): min_age = int(min_age) config["target"] = target config["target_user"] = target_user config["target_pass"] = target_pass config["min_age_in_days"] = min_age # Validate. try: if config["target"] not in ("off", "local"): # these aren't supported by the following function, which expects a full url in the target key, # which is what is there except when loading the config prior to saving list_target_files(config) except ValueError as e: return str(e) write_backup_config(env, config) return "OK" def get_backup_config(env, for_save=False, for_ui=False): backup_root = get_backup_root(env) # Defaults. config = { "min_age_in_days": 3, "target": "local", } # Merge in anything written to custom.yaml. try: custom_config = rtyaml.load(open(os.path.join(backup_root, 'custom.yaml'))) if not isinstance(custom_config, dict): raise ValueError() # caught below config.update(custom_config) except: pass # When updating config.yaml, don't do any further processing on what we find. if for_save: return config # When passing this back to the admin to show the current settings, do not include # authentication details. The user will have to re-enter it. if for_ui: for field in ("target_user", "target_pass"): if field in config: del config[field] # helper fields for the admin config["file_target_directory"] = os.path.join(backup_root, 'encrypted') config["enc_pw_file"] = os.path.join(backup_root, 'secret_key.txt') if config["target"] == "local": # Expand to the full URL. config["target"] = "file://" + config["file_target_directory"] ssh_pub_key = os.path.join('/root', '.ssh', 'id_rsa_miab.pub') if os.path.exists(ssh_pub_key): config["ssh_pub_key"] = open(ssh_pub_key, 'r').read() return config def write_backup_config(env, newconfig): backup_root = get_backup_root(env) with open(os.path.join(backup_root, 'custom.yaml'), "w") as f: f.write(rtyaml.dump(newconfig)) def get_backup_root(env): # Define environment variable used to store backup path backup_root_env = "BACKUP_ROOT" # Read STORAGE_ROOT backup_root = env["STORAGE_ROOT"] # If BACKUP_ROOT exists, overwrite backup_root variable if backup_root_env in env: tmp = env[backup_root_env] if tmp and os.path.isdir(tmp): backup_root = tmp backup_root = os.path.join(backup_root, 'backup') return backup_root if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if sys.argv[-1] == "--verify": # Run duplicity's verification command to check a) the backup files # are readable, and b) report if they are up to date. run_duplicity_verification() elif sys.argv[-1] == "--list": # List the saved backup files. for fn, size in list_target_files(get_backup_config(load_environment())): print("{}\t{}".format(fn, size)) elif sys.argv[-1] == "--status": # Show backup status. ret = backup_status(load_environment()) print(rtyaml.dump(ret["backups"])) print("Storage for unmatched files:", ret["unmatched_file_size"]) elif len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == "--restore": # Run duplicity restore. Rest of command line passed as arguments # to duplicity. The restore path should be specified. run_duplicity_restore(sys.argv[2:]) else: # Perform a backup. Add --full to force a full backup rather than # possibly performing an incremental backup. full_backup = "--full" in sys.argv perform_backup(full_backup)