#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Tests the DNS configuration of a Mail-in-a-Box. # # tests/dns.py ipaddr hostname # # where ipaddr is the IP address of your Mail-in-a-Box # and hostname is the domain name to check the DNS for. import sys, re, difflib import dns.reversename, dns.resolver if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage: tests/dns.py ipaddress hostname") sys.exit(1) ipaddr, hostname = sys.argv[1:] def test(server, description): tests = [ (hostname, "A", ipaddr), (hostname, "NS", "ns1.%s.;ns2.%s." % (hostname, hostname)), ("ns1." + hostname, "A", ipaddr), ("ns2." + hostname, "A", ipaddr), ("www." + hostname, "A", ipaddr), (hostname, "MX", "10 " + hostname + "."), (hostname, "TXT", "\"v=spf1 mx -all\""), ("mail._domainkey." + hostname, "TXT", "\"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; s=email; \" \"p=__KEY__\""), ] return test2(tests, server, description) def test_ptr(server, description): ipaddr_rev = dns.reversename.from_address(ipaddr) tests = [ (ipaddr_rev, "PTR", hostname+'.'), ] return test2(tests, server, description) def test2(tests, server, description): first = True resolver = dns.resolver.get_default_resolver() resolver.nameservers = [server] for qname, rtype, expected_answer in tests: # do the query and format the result as a string response = dns.resolver.query(qname, rtype) response = ";".join(str(r) for r in response) response = re.sub(r"(\"p=).*(\")", r"\1__KEY__\2", response) # normalize DKIM key # is it right? if response == expected_answer: #print(server, ":", qname, rtype, "?", response) continue # show prolem if first: print("Incorrect DNS Response from", description) print() first = False print(qname, rtype, "got", repr(response), "but we should have gotten", repr(expected_answer)) return first # success # Test the response from the machine itself. if not test(ipaddr, "Mail-in-a-Box"): print () print ("Please run the Mail-in-a-Box setup script on %s again." % hostname) sys.exit(1) else: # If those settings are OK, also test Google's Public DNS # to see if the machine is hooked up to recursive DNS properly. if not test("", "Google Public DNS"): print () print ("Check that the nameserver settings for %s are correct at your domain registrar. It may take a few hours for Google Public DNS to update after changes on your Mail-in-a-Box." % hostname) sys.exit(1) else: # And if that's OK, also check reverse DNS (the PTR record). if not test_ptr("", "Google Public DNS (Reverse DNS)"): print () print ("The reverse DNS for %s is not correct. Consult your ISP for how to set the reverse DNS (also called the PTR record) for %s to %s." % (hostname, hostname, ipaddr)) sys.exit(1) else: print ("DNS is OK.")