<style> </style> <h2>Static Web Hosting</h2> <p>This machine is serving a simple, static website at <a href="https://{{hostname}}">https://{{hostname}}</a> and at all domain names that you set up an email user or alias for.</p> <h3>Uploading web files</h3> <p>You can replace the default website with your own HTML pages and other static files. This control panel won’t help you design a website, but once you have <tt>.html</tt> files you can upload them following these instructions:</p> <ol> <li>Ensure that any domains you are publishing a website for have no problems on the <a href="#system_status" onclick="return show_panel(this);">Status Checks</a> page.</li> <li>On your personal computer, install an SSH file transfer program such as <a href="https://filezilla-project.org/">FileZilla</a> or <a href="http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/scp1.html">scp</a>.</li> <li>Log in to this machine with the file transfer program. The server is <strong>{{hostname}}</strong>, the protocol is SSH or SFTP, and use the <strong>SSH login credentials</strong> that you used when you originally created this machine at your cloud host provider. This is <strong>not</strong> what you use to log in either for email or this control panel. Your SSH credentials probably involves a private key file.</li> <li>Upload your <tt>.html</tt> or other files to the directory <tt>{{storage_root}}/www/default</tt> on this machine. They will appear directly and immediately on the web.</li> <li>The websites set up on this machine are listed in the table below with where to put the files for each website.</li> <table id="web_domains_existing" class="table" style="margin-bottom: 1em; width: auto;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Site</th> <th>Directory for Files</th> <th/> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> <p>To add a domain to this table, create a dummy <a href="#users" onclick="return show_panel(this);">mail user</a> or <a href="#aliases" onclick="return show_panel(this);">alias</a> on the domain first and see the <a href="https://mailinabox.email/guide.html#domain-name-configuration">setup guide</a> for adding nameserver records to the new domain at your registrar (but <i>not</i> glue records).</p> </ol> <script> function show_web() { api( "/web/domains", "GET", { }, function(domains) { var tb = $('#web_domains_existing tbody'); tb.text(''); for (var i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { if (!domains[i].static_enabled) continue; var row = $("<tr><th class='domain'><a href=''></a></th><td class='directory'><tt/></td> <td class='change-root hidden'><button class='btn btn-default btn-xs' onclick='show_change_web_root(this)'>Change</button></td></tr>"); tb.append(row); row.attr('data-domain', domains[i].domain); row.attr('data-custom-web-root', domains[i].custom_root); row.find('.domain a').text('https://' + domains[i].domain); row.find('.domain a').attr('href', 'https://' + domains[i].domain); row.find('.directory tt').text(domains[i].root); if (domains[i].root != domains[i].custom_root) row.find('.change-root').removeClass('hidden'); } }); } function do_web_update() { api( "/web/update", "POST", { }, function(data) { if (data == "") data = "Nothing changed."; else data = $("<pre/>").text(data); show_modal_error("Web Update", data, function() { show_web() }); }); } function show_change_web_root(elem) { var domain = $(elem).parents('tr').attr('data-domain'); var root = $(elem).parents('tr').attr('data-custom-web-root'); show_modal_confirm( 'Change Root Directory for ' + domain, $('<p>You can change the static directory for <tt>' + domain + '</tt> to:</p> <p><tt>' + root + '</tt></p> <p>First create this directory on the server. Then click Update to scan for the directory and update web settings.</p>'), 'Update', function() { do_web_update(); }); } </script>