#!/usr/bin/python3 # # This is a tool Josh uses on his box serving mailinabox.email to parse the nginx # access log to see how many people are installing Mail-in-a-Box each day, by # looking at accesses to the bootstrap.sh script. import re, glob, gzip, os.path, json import dateutil.parser outfn = "/home/user-data/www/mailinabox.email/install-stats.json" # Make a unique list of (date, ip address) pairs so we don't double-count # accesses that are for the same install. accesses = set() # Scan the current and rotated access logs. for fn in glob.glob("/var/log/nginx/access.log*"): # Gunzip if necessary. if fn.endswith(".gz"): f = gzip.open(fn) else: f = open(fn, "rb") # Loop through the lines in the access log. with f: for line in f: # Find lines that are GETs on /bootstrap.sh by either curl or wget. # (Note that we purposely skip ...?ping=1 requests which is the admin panel querying us for updates.) m = re.match(rb"(?P\S+) - - \[(?P.*?)\] \"GET /bootstrap.sh HTTP/.*\" 200 \d+ .* \"(?:curl|wget)", line, re.I) if m: date, time = m.group("date").decode("ascii").split(":", 1) date = dateutil.parser.parse(date).date().isoformat() ip = m.group("ip").decode("ascii") accesses.add( (date, ip) ) # Aggregate by date. by_date = { } for date, ip in accesses: by_date[date] = by_date.get(date, 0) + 1 # Since logs are rotated, store the statistics permanently in a JSON file. # Load in the stats from an existing file. if os.path.exists(outfn): existing_data = json.load(open(outfn)) for date, count in existing_data: if date not in by_date: by_date[date] = count # Turn into a list rather than a dict structure to make it ordered. by_date = sorted(by_date.items()) # Pop the last one because today's stats are incomplete. by_date.pop(-1) # Write out. with open(outfn, "w") as f: json.dump(by_date, f, sort_keys=True, indent=True)