
Add a mail user

Add an email address to this system. This will create a new login username/password.

Existing mail users

Email Address Actions Mailbox Size
set password | archive account
To restore account, create a new account with this email address. Or to permanently delete the mailbox, delete the directory on the machine.

Mail user API

Use your box’s Mail user API to add/change/remove users.


curl -X VERB [-d "value"] --user {email}:{password} https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/users[action]

(Brackets denote an optional argument.)

(Adding ?format=json will give json encoded results)


Verb Action
GET Returns a list of existing mail users.
POST/add Adds a new mail user. Required parameters are email and password.
POST/remove Removes a mail user. Required parameter is email.
POST/privileges/add Used to make a mail user an admin. Required parameters are email and privilege=admin.
POST/privileges/remove Used to remove the admin privilege from a mail user. Required parameter is email.


Try these examples. For simplicity the examples omit the --user command line argument which you must fill in with your email address and password.

# Gives a json encoded list of all mail users
curl -X GET https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/users?format=json

# adds a new email user
curl -X POST -d "" -d "password=s3curE_pa5Sw0rD" https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/users/add

# removes a email user
curl -X POST -d "" https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/users/remove

# adds admin privilege to an email user
curl -X POST -d "" -d "privilege=admin" https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/users/privileges/add

# removes admin privilege from an email user
curl -X POST -d "" https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/users/privileges/remove