# Mail-in-a-Box Dockerfile # see https://www.docker.io ########################### # To build the image: # sudo docker.io build -t box . # Run your container. # -i -t: creates an interactive console so you can poke around (CTRL+D will terminate the container) # -p ...: Maps container ports to host ports so that the host begins acting as a Mail-in-a-Box. # sudo docker.io run -i -t -p 22 -p 25:25 -p 53:53/udp -p 443:443 -p 587:587 -p 993:993 box ########################################### # We need a better starting image than docker's ubuntu image because that # base image doesn't provide enough to run most Ubuntu services. See # http://phusion.github.io/baseimage-docker/ for an explanation. They # provide a better image, but their latest is for an earlier Ubuntu # version. When they get to Ubuntu 14.04 we'll want to use: # # FROM phusion/baseimage: # # Until then, use an upgraded image provided by @pjz, based on his # PR: https://github.com/phusion/baseimage-docker/pull/64 FROM pjzz/phusion-baseimage:0.9.10 # based originally on ubuntu:14.04 # Dockerfile metadata. MAINTAINER Joshua Tauberer (http://razor.occams.info) EXPOSE 22 25 53 443 587 993 # We can't know these values ahead of time, so set them to something # obviously local. The start.sh script will need to be run again once # these values are known. We use the IP address here as a flag that # the configuration is incomplete. ENV PUBLIC_HOSTNAME box.local ENV PUBLIC_IP # Docker-specific Mail-in-a-Box configuration. ENV DISABLE_FIREWALL 1 ENV NO_RESTART_SERVICES 1 # Our install will fail if SSH is installed and allows password-based authentication. # The base image already installs openssh-server. Just edit its configuration. RUN sed -i -e "s/^#*\s*PasswordAuthentication \(yes\|no\)/PasswordAuthentication no/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Add this repo into the image so we have the configuration scripts. ADD scripts /usr/local/mailinabox/scripts ADD conf /usr/local/mailinabox/conf ADD tools /usr/local/mailinabox/tools # Start the configuration. RUN cd /usr/local/mailinabox && scripts/start.sh # Configure services for docker. ADD containers/docker /usr/local/mailinabox/containers/docker RUN /usr/local/mailinabox/containers/docker/setup_services.sh RUN ln -s /usr/local/mailinabox/containers/docker/container_start.sh /etc/my_init.d/99-mailinabox.sh # Start bash so we can poke around. CMD ["/sbin/my_init", "--", "bash"]