#!/usr/local/lib/mailinabox/env/bin/python3 # # During development, you can start the Mail-in-a-Box control panel # by running this script, e.g.: # # service mailinabox stop # stop the system process # DEBUG=1 management/daemon.py # service mailinabox start # when done debugging, start it up again import os, os.path, re, json, time import multiprocessing.pool, subprocess from functools import wraps from flask import Flask, request, render_template, abort, Response, send_from_directory, make_response import auth, utils from mailconfig import get_mail_users, get_mail_users_ex, get_admins, add_mail_user, set_mail_password, remove_mail_user from mailconfig import get_mail_user_privileges, add_remove_mail_user_privilege, open_database from mailconfig import get_mail_aliases, get_mail_aliases_ex, get_mail_domains, add_mail_alias, remove_mail_alias from mfa import get_public_mfa_state, provision_totp, validate_totp_secret, enable_mfa, disable_mfa env = utils.load_environment() auth_service = auth.KeyAuthService() # We may deploy via a symbolic link, which confuses flask's template finding. me = __file__ try: me = os.readlink(__file__) except OSError: pass # for generating CSRs we need a list of country codes csr_country_codes = [] with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(me), "csr_country_codes.tsv")) as f: for line in f: if line.strip() == "" or line.startswith("#"): continue code, name = line.strip().split("\t")[0:2] csr_country_codes.append((code, name)) app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(me), "templates"))) # Decorator to protect views that require a user with 'admin' privileges. def authorized_personnel_only(viewfunc): @wraps(viewfunc) def newview(*args, **kwargs): # Authenticate the passed credentials, which is either the API key or a username:password pair # and an optional X-Auth-Token token. error = None privs = [] try: email, privs = auth_service.authenticate(request, env) except ValueError as e: # Write a line in the log recording the failed login log_failed_login(request) # Authentication failed. error = str(e) # Authorized to access an API view? if "admin" in privs: # Store the email address of the logged in user so it can be accessed # from the API methods that affect the calling user. request.user_email = email request.user_privs = privs # Call view func. return viewfunc(*args, **kwargs) if not error: error = "You are not an administrator." # Not authorized. Return a 401 (send auth) and a prompt to authorize by default. status = 401 headers = { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(auth_service.auth_realm), 'X-Reason': error, } if request.headers.get('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest': # Don't issue a 401 to an AJAX request because the user will # be prompted for credentials, which is not helpful. status = 403 headers = None if request.headers.get('Accept') in (None, "", "*/*"): # Return plain text output. return Response(error+"\n", status=status, mimetype='text/plain', headers=headers) else: # Return JSON output. return Response(json.dumps({ "status": "error", "reason": error, })+"\n", status=status, mimetype='application/json', headers=headers) return newview @app.errorhandler(401) def unauthorized(error): return auth_service.make_unauthorized_response() def json_response(data, status=200): return Response(json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)+'\n', status=status, mimetype='application/json') ################################### # Control Panel (unauthenticated views) @app.route('/') def index(): # Render the control panel. This route does not require user authentication # so it must be safe! no_users_exist = (len(get_mail_users(env)) == 0) no_admins_exist = (len(get_admins(env)) == 0) utils.fix_boto() # must call prior to importing boto import boto.s3 backup_s3_hosts = [(r.name, r.endpoint) for r in boto.s3.regions()] lsb=utils.shell("check_output", ["/usr/bin/lsb_release", "-d"]) return render_template('index.html', hostname=env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], distname=lsb[lsb.find("\t")+1:-1], storage_root=env['STORAGE_ROOT'], no_users_exist=no_users_exist, no_admins_exist=no_admins_exist, backup_s3_hosts=backup_s3_hosts, csr_country_codes=csr_country_codes, ) @app.route('/me') def me(): # Is the caller authorized? try: email, privs = auth_service.authenticate(request, env) except ValueError as e: if "missing-totp-token" in str(e): return json_response({ "status": "missing-totp-token", "reason": str(e), }) else: # Log the failed login log_failed_login(request) return json_response({ "status": "invalid", "reason": str(e), }) resp = { "status": "ok", "email": email, "privileges": privs, } # Is authorized as admin? Return an API key for future use. if "admin" in privs: resp["api_key"] = auth_service.create_user_key(email, env) # Return. return json_response(resp) # MAIL @app.route('/mail/users') @authorized_personnel_only def mail_users(): if request.args.get("format", "") == "json": return json_response(get_mail_users_ex(env, with_archived=True)) else: return "".join(x+"\n" for x in get_mail_users(env)) @app.route('/mail/users/add', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mail_users_add(): try: return add_mail_user(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('password', ''), request.form.get('privileges', ''), env) except ValueError as e: return (str(e), 400) @app.route('/mail/users/password', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mail_users_password(): try: return set_mail_password(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('password', ''), env) except ValueError as e: return (str(e), 400) @app.route('/mail/users/remove', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mail_users_remove(): return remove_mail_user(request.form.get('email', ''), env) @app.route('/mail/users/privileges') @authorized_personnel_only def mail_user_privs(): privs = get_mail_user_privileges(request.args.get('email', ''), env) if isinstance(privs, tuple): return privs # error return "\n".join(privs) @app.route('/mail/users/privileges/add', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mail_user_privs_add(): return add_remove_mail_user_privilege(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('privilege', ''), "add", env) @app.route('/mail/users/privileges/remove', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mail_user_privs_remove(): return add_remove_mail_user_privilege(request.form.get('email', ''), request.form.get('privilege', ''), "remove", env) @app.route('/mail/aliases') @authorized_personnel_only def mail_aliases(): if request.args.get("format", "") == "json": return json_response(get_mail_aliases_ex(env)) else: return "".join(address+"\t"+receivers+"\t"+(senders or "")+"\n" for address, receivers, senders in get_mail_aliases(env)) @app.route('/mail/aliases/add', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mail_aliases_add(): return add_mail_alias( request.form.get('address', ''), request.form.get('forwards_to', ''), request.form.get('permitted_senders', ''), env, update_if_exists=(request.form.get('update_if_exists', '') == '1') ) @app.route('/mail/aliases/remove', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mail_aliases_remove(): return remove_mail_alias(request.form.get('address', ''), env) @app.route('/mail/domains') @authorized_personnel_only def mail_domains(): return "".join(x+"\n" for x in get_mail_domains(env)) # DNS @app.route('/dns/zones') @authorized_personnel_only def dns_zones(): from dns_update import get_dns_zones return json_response([z[0] for z in get_dns_zones(env)]) @app.route('/dns/update', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def dns_update(): from dns_update import do_dns_update try: return do_dns_update(env, force=request.form.get('force', '') == '1') except Exception as e: return (str(e), 500) @app.route('/dns/secondary-nameserver') @authorized_personnel_only def dns_get_secondary_nameserver(): from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config, get_secondary_dns return json_response({ "hostnames": get_secondary_dns(get_custom_dns_config(env), mode=None) }) @app.route('/dns/secondary-nameserver', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def dns_set_secondary_nameserver(): from dns_update import set_secondary_dns try: return set_secondary_dns([ns.strip() for ns in re.split(r"[, ]+", request.form.get('hostnames') or "") if ns.strip() != ""], env) except ValueError as e: return (str(e), 400) @app.route('/dns/custom') @authorized_personnel_only def dns_get_records(qname=None, rtype=None): # Get the current set of custom DNS records. from dns_update import get_custom_dns_config, get_dns_zones records = get_custom_dns_config(env, only_real_records=True) # Filter per the arguments for the more complex GET routes below. records = [r for r in records if (not qname or r[0] == qname) and (not rtype or r[1] == rtype) ] # Make a better data structure. records = [ { "qname": r[0], "rtype": r[1], "value": r[2], "sort-order": { }, } for r in records ] # To help with grouping by zone in qname sorting, label each record with which zone it is in. # There's an inconsistency in how we handle zones in get_dns_zones and in sort_domains, so # do this first before sorting the domains within the zones. zones = utils.sort_domains([z[0] for z in get_dns_zones(env)], env) for r in records: for z in zones: if r["qname"] == z or r["qname"].endswith("." + z): r["zone"] = z break # Add sorting information. The 'created' order follows the order in the YAML file on disk, # which tracs the order entries were added in the control panel since we append to the end. # The 'qname' sort order sorts by our standard domain name sort (by zone then by qname), # then by rtype, and last by the original order in the YAML file (since sorting by value # may not make sense, unless we parse IP addresses, for example). for i, r in enumerate(records): r["sort-order"]["created"] = i domain_sort_order = utils.sort_domains([r["qname"] for r in records], env) for i, r in enumerate(sorted(records, key = lambda r : ( zones.index(r["zone"]), domain_sort_order.index(r["qname"]), r["rtype"]))): r["sort-order"]["qname"] = i # Return. return json_response(records) @app.route('/dns/custom/', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) @app.route('/dns/custom//', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) @authorized_personnel_only def dns_set_record(qname, rtype="A"): from dns_update import do_dns_update, set_custom_dns_record try: # Normalize. rtype = rtype.upper() # Read the record value from the request BODY, which must be # ASCII-only. Not used with GET. value = request.stream.read().decode("ascii", "ignore").strip() if request.method == "GET": # Get the existing records matching the qname and rtype. return dns_get_records(qname, rtype) elif request.method in ("POST", "PUT"): # There is a default value for A/AAAA records. if rtype in ("A", "AAAA") and value == "": value = request.environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") # normally REMOTE_ADDR but we're behind nginx as a reverse proxy # Cannot add empty records. if value == '': return ("No value for the record provided.", 400) if request.method == "POST": # Add a new record (in addition to any existing records # for this qname-rtype pair). action = "add" elif request.method == "PUT": # In REST, PUT is supposed to be idempotent, so we'll # make this action set (replace all records for this # qname-rtype pair) rather than add (add a new record). action = "set" elif request.method == "DELETE": if value == '': # Delete all records for this qname-type pair. value = None else: # Delete just the qname-rtype-value record exactly. pass action = "remove" if set_custom_dns_record(qname, rtype, value, action, env): return do_dns_update(env) or "Something isn't right." return "OK" except ValueError as e: return (str(e), 400) @app.route('/dns/dump') @authorized_personnel_only def dns_get_dump(): from dns_update import build_recommended_dns return json_response(build_recommended_dns(env)) @app.route('/dns/zonefile/') @authorized_personnel_only def dns_get_zonefile(zone): from dns_update import get_dns_zonefile return Response(get_dns_zonefile(zone, env), status=200, mimetype='text/plain') # SSL @app.route('/ssl/status') @authorized_personnel_only def ssl_get_status(): from ssl_certificates import get_certificates_to_provision from web_update import get_web_domains_info, get_web_domains # What domains can we provision certificates for? What unexpected problems do we have? provision, cant_provision = get_certificates_to_provision(env, show_valid_certs=False) # What's the current status of TLS certificates on all of the domain? domains_status = get_web_domains_info(env) domains_status = [ { "domain": d["domain"], "status": d["ssl_certificate"][0], "text": d["ssl_certificate"][1] + ((" " + cant_provision[d["domain"]] if d["domain"] in cant_provision else "")) } for d in domains_status ] # Warn the user about domain names not hosted here because of other settings. for domain in set(get_web_domains(env, exclude_dns_elsewhere=False)) - set(get_web_domains(env)): domains_status.append({ "domain": domain, "status": "not-applicable", "text": "The domain's website is hosted elsewhere.", }) return json_response({ "can_provision": utils.sort_domains(provision, env), "status": domains_status, }) @app.route('/ssl/csr/', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def ssl_get_csr(domain): from ssl_certificates import create_csr ssl_private_key = os.path.join(os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl', 'ssl_private_key.pem')) return create_csr(domain, ssl_private_key, request.form.get('countrycode', ''), env) @app.route('/ssl/install', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def ssl_install_cert(): from web_update import get_web_domains from ssl_certificates import install_cert domain = request.form.get('domain') ssl_cert = request.form.get('cert') ssl_chain = request.form.get('chain') if domain not in get_web_domains(env): return "Invalid domain name." return install_cert(domain, ssl_cert, ssl_chain, env) @app.route('/ssl/provision', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def ssl_provision_certs(): from ssl_certificates import provision_certificates requests = provision_certificates(env, limit_domains=None) return json_response({ "requests": requests }) # multi-factor auth @app.route('/mfa/status', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def mfa_get_status(): # Anyone accessing this route is an admin, and we permit them to # see the MFA status for any user if they submit a 'user' form # field. But we don't include provisioning info since a user can # only provision for themselves. email = request.form.get('user', request.user_email) # user field if given, otherwise the user making the request try: resp = { "enabled_mfa": get_public_mfa_state(email, env) } if email == request.user_email: resp.update({ "new_mfa": { "totp": provision_totp(email, env) } }) except ValueError as e: return (str(e), 400) return json_response(resp) @app.route('/mfa/totp/enable', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def totp_post_enable(): secret = request.form.get('secret') token = request.form.get('token') label = request.form.get('label') if type(token) != str: return ("Bad Input", 400) try: validate_totp_secret(secret) enable_mfa(request.user_email, "totp", secret, token, label, env) except ValueError as e: return (str(e), 400) return "OK" @app.route('/mfa/disable', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def totp_post_disable(): # Anyone accessing this route is an admin, and we permit them to # disable the MFA status for any user if they submit a 'user' form # field. email = request.form.get('user', request.user_email) # user field if given, otherwise the user making the request try: result = disable_mfa(email, request.form.get('mfa-id') or None, env) # convert empty string to None except ValueError as e: return (str(e), 400) if result: # success return "OK" else: # error return ("Invalid user or MFA id.", 400) # WEB @app.route('/web/domains') @authorized_personnel_only def web_get_domains(): from web_update import get_web_domains_info return json_response(get_web_domains_info(env)) @app.route('/web/update', methods=['POST']) @authorized_personnel_only def web_update(): from web_update import do_web_update try: return do_web_update(env) except Exception as e: return (str(e), 500) # System @app.route('/system/version', methods=["GET"]) @authorized_personnel_only def system_version(): from status_checks import what_version_is_this try: return what_version_is_this(env) except Exception as e: return (str(e), 500) @app.route('/system/latest-upstream-version', methods=["POST"]) @authorized_personnel_only def system_latest_upstream_version(): from status_checks import get_latest_miab_version try: return get_latest_miab_version() except Exception as e: return (str(e), 500) @app.route('/system/status', methods=["POST"]) @authorized_personnel_only def system_status(): from status_checks import run_checks class WebOutput: def __init__(self): self.items = [] def add_heading(self, heading): self.items.append({ "type": "heading", "text": heading, "extra": [] }) def print_ok(self, message): self.items.append({ "type": "ok", "text": message, "extra": [] }) def print_error(self, message): self.items.append({ "type": "error", "text": message, "extra": [] }) def print_warning(self, message): self.items.append({ "type": "warning", "text": message, "extra": [] }) def print_line(self, message, monospace=False): self.items[-1]["extra"].append({ "text": message, "monospace": monospace }) output = WebOutput() # Create a temporary pool of processes for the status checks with multiprocessing.pool.Pool(processes=5) as pool: run_checks(False, env, output, pool) return json_response(output.items) @app.route('/system/updates') @authorized_personnel_only def show_updates(): from status_checks import list_apt_updates return "".join( "%s (%s)\n" % (p["package"], p["version"]) for p in list_apt_updates()) @app.route('/system/update-packages', methods=["POST"]) @authorized_personnel_only def do_updates(): utils.shell("check_call", ["/usr/bin/apt-get", "-qq", "update"]) return utils.shell("check_output", ["/usr/bin/apt-get", "-y", "upgrade"], env={ "DEBIAN_FRONTEND": "noninteractive" }) @app.route('/system/reboot', methods=["GET"]) @authorized_personnel_only def needs_reboot(): from status_checks import is_reboot_needed_due_to_package_installation if is_reboot_needed_due_to_package_installation(): return json_response(True) else: return json_response(False) @app.route('/system/reboot', methods=["POST"]) @authorized_personnel_only def do_reboot(): # To keep the attack surface low, we don't allow a remote reboot if one isn't necessary. from status_checks import is_reboot_needed_due_to_package_installation if is_reboot_needed_due_to_package_installation(): return utils.shell("check_output", ["/sbin/shutdown", "-r", "now"], capture_stderr=True) else: return "No reboot is required, so it is not allowed." @app.route('/system/backup/status') @authorized_personnel_only def backup_status(): from backup import backup_status try: return json_response(backup_status(env)) except Exception as e: return json_response({ "error": str(e) }) @app.route('/system/backup/config', methods=["GET"]) @authorized_personnel_only def backup_get_custom(): from backup import get_backup_config return json_response(get_backup_config(env, for_ui=True)) @app.route('/system/backup/config', methods=["POST"]) @authorized_personnel_only def backup_set_custom(): from backup import backup_set_custom return json_response(backup_set_custom(env, request.form.get('target', ''), request.form.get('target_user', ''), request.form.get('target_pass', ''), request.form.get('min_age', '') )) @app.route('/system/privacy', methods=["GET"]) @authorized_personnel_only def privacy_status_get(): config = utils.load_settings(env) return json_response(config.get("privacy", True)) @app.route('/system/privacy', methods=["POST"]) @authorized_personnel_only def privacy_status_set(): config = utils.load_settings(env) config["privacy"] = (request.form.get('value') == "private") utils.write_settings(config, env) return "OK" # MUNIN @app.route('/munin/') @app.route('/munin/') @authorized_personnel_only def munin(filename=""): # Checks administrative access (@authorized_personnel_only) and then just proxies # the request to static files. if filename == "": filename = "index.html" return send_from_directory("/var/cache/munin/www", filename) @app.route('/munin/cgi-graph/') @authorized_personnel_only def munin_cgi(filename): """ Relay munin cgi dynazoom requests /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph is a perl cgi script in the munin package that is responsible for generating binary png images _and_ associated HTTP headers based on parameters in the requesting URL. All output is written to stdout which munin_cgi splits into response headers and binary response data. munin-cgi-graph reads environment variables to determine what it should do. It expects a path to be in the env-var PATH_INFO, and a querystring to be in the env-var QUERY_STRING. munin-cgi-graph has several failure modes. Some write HTTP Status headers and others return nonzero exit codes. Situating munin_cgi between the user-agent and munin-cgi-graph enables keeping the cgi script behind mailinabox's auth mechanisms and avoids additional support infrastructure like spawn-fcgi. """ COMMAND = 'su - munin --preserve-environment --shell=/bin/bash -c /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph' # su changes user, we use the munin user here # --preserve-environment retains the environment, which is where Popen's `env` data is # --shell=/bin/bash ensures the shell used is bash # -c "/usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph" passes the command to run as munin # "%s" is a placeholder for where the request's querystring will be added if filename == "": return ("a path must be specified", 404) query_str = request.query_string.decode("utf-8", 'ignore') env = {'PATH_INFO': '/%s/' % filename, 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'QUERY_STRING': query_str} code, binout = utils.shell('check_output', COMMAND.split(" ", 5), # Using a maxsplit of 5 keeps the last arguments together env=env, return_bytes=True, trap=True) if code != 0: # nonzero returncode indicates error app.logger.error("munin_cgi: munin-cgi-graph returned nonzero exit code, %s", code) return ("error processing graph image", 500) # /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph returns both headers and binary png when successful. # A double-Windows-style-newline always indicates the end of HTTP headers. headers, image_bytes = binout.split(b'\r\n\r\n', 1) response = make_response(image_bytes) for line in headers.splitlines(): name, value = line.decode("utf8").split(':', 1) response.headers[name] = value if 'Status' in response.headers and '404' in response.headers['Status']: app.logger.warning("munin_cgi: munin-cgi-graph returned 404 status code. PATH_INFO=%s", env['PATH_INFO']) return response def log_failed_login(request): # We need to figure out the ip to list in the message, all our calls are routed # through nginx who will put the original ip in X-Forwarded-For. # During setup we call the management interface directly to determine the user # status. So we can't always use X-Forwarded-For because during setup that header # will not be present. if request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For"): ip = request.headers.getlist("X-Forwarded-For")[0] else: ip = request.remote_addr # We need to add a timestamp to the log message, otherwise /dev/log will eat the "duplicate" # message. app.logger.warning( "Mail-in-a-Box Management Daemon: Failed login attempt from ip %s - timestamp %s" % (ip, time.time())) # APP if __name__ == '__main__': if "DEBUG" in os.environ: # Turn on Flask debugging. app.debug = True # Use a stable-ish master API key so that login sessions don't restart on each run. # Use /etc/machine-id to seed the key with a stable secret, but add something # and hash it to prevent possibly exposing the machine id, using the time so that # the key is not valid indefinitely. import hashlib with open("/etc/machine-id") as f: api_key = f.read() api_key += "|" + str(int(time.time() / (60*60*2))) hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(api_key.encode("ascii")) auth_service.key = hasher.hexdigest() if "APIKEY" in os.environ: auth_service.key = os.environ["APIKEY"] if not app.debug: app.logger.addHandler(utils.create_syslog_handler()) # For testing on the command line, you can use `curl` like so: # curl --user $(