TLS (SSL) Certificates

An SSL certificate is a cryptographic file that proves to anyone connecting to this machine (like you right now) that the connection is secure.

You need an SSL certificate for this box’s hostname ({{hostname}}), and although optional you should also get one for every domain name and subdomain managed by this box (unless you’ve directed DNS for a domain elsewhere through custom or external DNS).

Provision a Certificate

We can provision an SSL certificate for you from Let’s Encrypt, a free SSL certificate provider.

Certificate Status

A multi-domain or wildcard certificate will be automatically applied to any domains it is valid for.

Install Certificate

There are many places where you can get a free or cheap certificate. We recommend Namecheap’s $9 certificate, StartSSL’s free express lane or WoSign’s free TLS.

Which domain are you getting a certificate for?

What country are you in? This is required by some TLS certificate providers. You may leave this blank if you know your TLS certificate provider doesn't require it.