#!/bin/bash # The PUBLIC_HOSTNAME and PUBLIC_IP is not known at the time the docker # image is built. On the first run of the container, re-run the start # script with actual values. That will also ask the user for their first # email user account. if grep "^PUBLIC_IP=" /etc/mailinabox.conf > /dev/null; then echo "Configuring container on first run..." # Get the public IP address of the host machine. export PUBLIC_IP=`curl -s icanhazip.com` echo Your IP address is $PUBLIC_IP. # Get the reverse DNS of that IP address. export PUBLIC_HOSTNAME=`host $PUBLIC_IP | sed -e "s/.* //" | sed -e "s/\.$//"` echo Your hostname is $PUBLIC_HOSTNAME. # Start configuration again. Hide the terminal. The system services # have not been started yet, so we can't ask the user to create an # account yet. cd /usr/local/mailinabox scripts/start.sh < /dev/null fi