#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Tests sending and receiving mail by sending a test message to yourself. import sys, imaplib, smtplib, uuid, time import socket, dns.reversename, dns.resolver if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage: tests/mail.py hostname emailaddress password") sys.exit(1) host, emailaddress, pw = sys.argv[1:4] # Attempt to login with IMAP. Our setup uses email addresses # as IMAP/SMTP usernames. try: M = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host) M.login(emailaddress, pw) except OSError as e: print("Connection error:", e) sys.exit(1) except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e: # any sort of login error e = ", ".join(a.decode("utf8") for a in e.args) print("IMAP error:", e) sys.exit(1) M.select() print("IMAP login is OK.") # Attempt to send a mail to ourself. mailsubject = "Mail-in-a-Box Automated Test Message " + uuid.uuid4().hex emailto = emailaddress msg = f"""From: {emailaddress} To: {emailto} Subject: {mailsubject} This is a test message. It should be automatically deleted by the test script.""" # Connect to the server on the SMTP submission TLS port. server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(host) #server.set_debuglevel(1) # Verify that the EHLO name matches the server's reverse DNS. ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname(host) # IPv4 only! reverse_ip = dns.reversename.from_address(ipaddr) # e.g. "" try: reverse_dns = dns.resolver.resolve(reverse_ip, 'PTR')[0].target.to_text(omit_final_dot=True) # => hostname except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: print("Reverse DNS lookup failed for {}. SMTP EHLO name check skipped.".format(ipaddr)) reverse_dns = None if reverse_dns is not None: server.ehlo_or_helo_if_needed() # must send EHLO before getting the server's EHLO name helo_name = server.ehlo_resp.decode("utf8").split("\n")[0] # first line is the EHLO name if helo_name != reverse_dns: print("The server's EHLO name does not match its reverse hostname. Check DNS settings.") else: print("SMTP EHLO name ({}) is OK.".format(helo_name)) # Login and send a test email. server.login(emailaddress, pw) server.sendmail(emailaddress, [emailto], msg) server.quit() print("SMTP submission is OK.") while True: # Wait so the message can propagate to the inbox. time.sleep(10) # Read the subject lines of all of the emails in the inbox # to find our test message, and then delete it. found = False typ, data = M.search(None, 'ALL') for num in data[0].split(): typ, data = M.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (SUBJECT)])') imapsubjectline = data[0][1].strip().decode("utf8") if imapsubjectline == "Subject: " + mailsubject: # We found our test message. found = True # To test DKIM, download the whole mssage body. Unfortunately, # pydkim doesn't actually work. # You must 'sudo apt-get install python3-dkim python3-dnspython' first. #typ, msgdata = M.fetch(num, '(RFC822)') #msg = msgdata[0][1] #if dkim.verify(msg): # print("DKIM signature on the test message is OK (verified).") #else: # print("DKIM signature on the test message failed verification.") # Delete the test message. M.store(num, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted') M.expunge() break if found: break print("Test message not present in the inbox yet...") M.close() M.logout() print("Test message sent & received successfully.")