#!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import calendar import gzip import logging import os import pickle import re import shutil import tempfile import time from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, Iterable from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import partial, lru_cache from statistics import mean, stdev from dateutil import parser from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import utils MONTHS = dict((v, k) for k, v in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr)) KNOWN_SERVICES = ( "anvil", "auth", "auth-worker", "config", # Postfix config warning (anvil client limit warning encountered) "imap", "imap-login", "indexer", # Dovecot restart "indexer-worker", # Dovecot indexer-worker process "lmtp", "log", # Dovecot restart "managesieve-login", "master", # Dovecot restart "opendkim", "opendmarc", "pop3", "pop3-login", "postfix/anvil", "postfix/bounce", "postfix/cleanup", "postfix/lmtp", "postfix/master", "postfix/pickup", "postfix/qmgr", "postfix/scache", "postfix/smtp", "postfix/smtpd", "postfix/submission/smtpd", "postfix/tlsmgr", "postgrey", "spampd", "ssl-params", # Dovecot restart ) LOG_DIR = '/var/log/' LOG_FILES = [ 'mail.log', 'mail.log.1', 'mail.log.2.gz', 'mail.log.3.gz', 'mail.log.4.gz', 'mail.log.5.gz', 'mail.log.6.gz', ] HISTORY_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/logscan.cache') HISTORY_SIZE = 30 # The number of days of history to remember # Regular expressions used for log line parsing MAIN_REGEX = re.compile(r"(\w+[\s]+\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) ([\w]+ )?([\w\-/]+)[^:]*: (.*)") SENT_REGEX = re.compile("([A-Z0-9]+): client=(\S+), sasl_method=(PLAIN|LOGIN), sasl_username=(\S+)") RECV_REGEX = re.compile("([A-Z0-9]+): to=<(\S+)>, .* Saved") CHCK_REGEX = re.compile("Info: Login: user=<(.*?)>, method=PLAIN, rip=(.*?),") GREY_REGEX = re.compile("action=(greylist|pass), reason=(.*?), (?:delay=\d+, )?client_name=(.*), " "client_address=(.*), sender=(.*), recipient=(.*)") RJCT_REGEX = re.compile("NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from .*?: (.*?); from=<(.*?)> to=<(.*?)>") # Small helper functions, needed for pickling def dd_list(): return defaultdict(list) def dd(): return defaultdict(dd_list) # Functions for extracting data from log lines produced by certain services def scan_postfix_submission(collector, user_match, date, log): """ Parse a postfix submission log line Lines containing a sasl_method with the values 'PLAIN' or 'LOGIN' are assumed to indicate a sent email. """ # Match both the 'plain' and 'login' sasl methods, since both authentication methods are allowed by Dovecot match = SENT_REGEX.match(log) if match: _, client, method, user = match.groups() user = user.lower() if user_match(user): # Get the user data, or create it if the user is new data = collector.setdefault( user, OrderedDict([ ('sent', 0), ('hosts', 0), ('first', None), ('last', None), ('by hour', defaultdict(int)), ('host addresses', set()), ]) ) data['sent'] += 1 data['host addresses'].add(client) data['hosts'] = len(data['host addresses']) data['by hour'][date.hour] += 1 if data['last'] is None: data['last'] = date data['first'] = date def scan_postfix_lmtp(collector, user_match, date, log): """ Parse a postfix lmtp log line It is assumed that every log of postfix/lmtp indicates an email that was successfully received by Postfix. """ match = RECV_REGEX.match(log) if match: _, user = match.groups() user = user.lower() if user_match(user): # Get the user data, or create it if the user is new data = collector.setdefault( user, OrderedDict([ ('received', 0), ('by hour', defaultdict(int)), ('first', None), ('last', None), ]) ) data['received'] += 1 data['by hour'][date.hour] += 1 if data['last'] is None: data['last'] = date data['first'] = date def scan_login(collector, user_match, date, log): """ Scan a dovecot log line and extract interesting data """ match = CHCK_REGEX.match(log) if match: user, rip = match.groups() user = user.lower() if user_match(user): # Get the user data, or create it if the user is new data = collector.setdefault( user, OrderedDict([ ('logins', 0), ('by hour', defaultdict(int)), ('first', None), ('last', None), ('by ip', defaultdict(int)), ]) ) data['logins'] += 1 data['by hour'][date.hour] += 1 if data['last'] is None: data['last'] = date data['first'] = date if rip not in ('', '::1'): data['by ip'][rip] += 1 else: data['by ip']['webmail'] += 1 def scan_greylist(collector, user_match, date, log): """ Scan a postgrey log line and extract interesting data """ match = GREY_REGEX.match(log) if match: action, reason, sender_domain, sender_ip, sender_address, user = match.groups() user = user.lower() if user_match(user): # Get the user data, or create it if the user is new data = collector.setdefault( user, OrderedDict([ ('lost', 0), ('pass', 0), ('first', None), ('last', None), ('grey-list', {}), ]) ) # Might be useful to group services that use a lot of mail different servers on sub # domains like 1.domein.com # if '.' in client_name: # addr = client_name.split('.') # if len(addr) > 2: # client_name = '.'.join(addr[1:]) if data['last'] is None: data['last'] = date data['first'] = date if len(sender_address) > 36: name, domain = sender_address.split('@') if len(name) > 12: sender_address = name[:12] + '…@' + domain source = "✉ {} ← {}".format(sender_address, sender_ip if sender_domain == 'unknown' else sender_domain) if action == 'greylist' and reason == 'new': if source not in data['grey-list']: data['lost'] += 1 data['grey-list'][source] = "✖ on {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(date) elif action == 'pass': data['pass'] += 1 data['grey-list'][source] = "✔ on {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(date) def scan_rejects(collector, known_addresses, user_match, date, log): """ Parse a postfix smtpd log line and extract interesting data Currently we search for received mails that were rejected. """ # Check if the incoming mail was rejected match = RJCT_REGEX.match(log) if match: message, sender, user = match.groups() sender = sender or 'no address' user = user.lower() # skip this, if reported in the grey-listing report if 'Recipient address rejected: Greylisted' in message: return # only log mail to known recipients if user_match(user): if not known_addresses or user in known_addresses: data = collector.setdefault( user, OrderedDict([ ('blocked', 0), ('from', OrderedDict()), ('first', None), ('last', None), ]) ) # simplify this one match = re.search(r"Client host \[(.*?)\] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org; (.*)", message) if match: message = "ip blocked: " + match.group(2) else: # simplify this one too match = re.search(r"Sender address \[.*@(.*)\] blocked using dbl.spamhaus.org; (.*)", message) if match: message = "domain blocked: " + match.group(2) if data['last'] is None: data['last'] = date data['first'] = date data['blocked'] += 1 data['from'][sender] = "✖ on {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}: {}".format(date, message) class Collector(dict): """ Custom dictionary class for collecting scan data """ def __init__(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, filters=None, no_filter=False, sent=True, received=True, imap=False, pop3=False, grey=False, rejected=False): super().__init__() # Try and get all the email addresses known to this box known_addresses = [] if not no_filter: try: env_vars = utils.load_environment() import mailconfig known_addresses = sorted( set(mailconfig.get_mail_users(env_vars)) | set(alias[0] for alias in mailconfig.get_mail_aliases(env_vars)), key=email_sort ) except (FileNotFoundError, ImportError): pass start_date = start_date or datetime.now() end_date = end_date or start_date - timedelta(weeks=52) self.update({ 'end_of_file': False, # Indicates whether the end of the log files was reached 'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'line_count': 0, # Number of lines scanned 'parse_count': 0, # Number of lines parsed (i.e. that had their contents examined) 'scan_time': time.time(), # The time in seconds the scan took 'unknown services': set(), # Services encountered that were not recognized 'known_addresses': known_addresses, # Addresses handled by MiaB 'services': {}, # What services to scan for 'data': OrderedDict(), # Scan data, per service }) # Caching is only useful with longer filter lists, but doesn't seem to hurt performance in shorter ones user_match = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(partial(filter_match, [f.lower() for f in filters] if filters else None)) if sent: data = {} self['data']['sent mail'] = { 'scan': partial(scan_postfix_submission, data, user_match), 'data': data, } self['services']['postfix/submission/smtpd'] = self['data']['sent mail'] if received: data = {} self['data']['received mail'] = { 'scan': partial(scan_postfix_lmtp, data, user_match), 'data': data, } self['services']['postfix/lmtp'] = self['data']['received mail'] if imap: data = {} self['data']['imap login'] = { 'scan': partial(scan_login, data, user_match), 'data': data, } self['services']['imap-login'] = self['data']['imap login'] if pop3: data = {} self['data']['pop3 login'] = { 'scan': partial(scan_login, data, user_match), 'data': data, } self['services']['pop3-login'] = self['data']['pop3 login'] if grey: data = {} self['data']['grey-listed mail'] = { 'scan': partial(scan_greylist, data, user_match), 'data': data, } self['services']['postgrey'] = self['data']['grey-listed mail'] if rejected: data = {} self['data']['blocked mail'] = { 'scan': partial(scan_rejects, data, self['known_addresses'], user_match), 'data': data, } self['services']['postfix/smtpd'] = self['data']['blocked mail'] def get_addresses(self, complete=False): addresses = set() for category in self['data']: try: for address in self['data'][category]['data']: addresses.add(address) except KeyError: logging.debug("Category %s not found" % category) if complete: addresses.update(self['known_addresses']) return sorted(addresses, key=email_sort) def group_by_address(self, complete=False): addresses = self.get_addresses(complete) data = {} for address in addresses: data[address] = {} for category in self['data']: data[address][category] = self['data'][category]['data'].get(address, None) self['data'] = data def scan_files(files, collector): """ Scan files until they run out or the earliest date is reached """ logging.info("Scanning from {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} back to {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}".format( collector['start_date'], collector['end_date'] )) for file_name in files: scan_file(file_name, collector) collector['scan_time'] = time.time() - collector["scan_time"] logging.info( "{line_count} Log lines scanned, {parse_count} lines parsed in {scan_time:.2f} seconds\n".format(**collector) ) return collector def scan_file(file_name, collector): if not os.path.exists(file_name): return logging.debug("Processing file %s...", file_name) collector['end_of_file'] = False with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_file: # Copy the log file to a tmp file for scanning if file_name[-3:] == '.gz': shutil.copyfileobj(gzip.open(file_name), tmp_file) else: shutil.copyfileobj(open(file_name, 'rb'), tmp_file) file_name = tmp_file.name # A weird anomaly was encountered where a single log line with a much earlier date than the surrounding log # lines was found. To avoid this anomaly from halting the scan, the following variable was introduced. stop_scan = False for log_line in _reverse_readline(file_name): collector['line_count'] += 1 # If the found date is earlier than the end date, return if _scan_mail_log_line(log_line.strip(), collector) is False: if stop_scan: return stop_scan = True else: stop_scan = False # If we reached this part, the file was scanned completely collector['end_of_file'] = True def parse_log_date(val, year): """ Custom log file date parsing, which is much faster than any generic function from the Python lib """ try: return datetime( year, MONTHS[val[0:3]], int(val[4:6]), int(val[7:9]), int(val[10:12]), int(val[13:15]) ) except KeyError: logging.debug("Unknown month: %s", val) return None except ValueError: logging.debug("Irregular date found: %s", val) return None def _scan_mail_log_line(line, collector): """ Scan a log line and extract interesting data Return False if the found date is earlier than the end date, True otherwise """ m = MAIN_REGEX.match(line) if not m: return True date, hostname, service, log = m.groups() # logging.debug("date: %s, host: %s, service: %s, log: %s", date, hostname, service, log) date = parse_log_date(date, collector['start_date'].year) # Check if the found date is within the time span we are scanning if date is None or date > collector['start_date']: # Don't process, but continue return True elif date < collector['end_date']: # Don't process, and halt return False if service in collector['services']: collector['services'][service]['scan'](date, log) collector["parse_count"] += 1 elif service not in KNOWN_SERVICES: if service not in collector["unknown services"]: collector["unknown services"].add(service) logging.debug(" Unknown service '%s':\n %s", service, line) return True def filter_match(filters, user): """ Check if the given user matches any of the filters """ return filters is None or any(u in user for u in filters) def email_sort(email): """ Split the given email address into a reverse order tuple, for sorting i.e (domain, name) """ return tuple(reversed(email.split('@'))) def _reverse_readline(filename, buf_size=8192): """ A generator that returns the lines of a file in reverse order http://stackoverflow.com/a/23646049/801870 """ with open(filename) as fh: segment = None offset = 0 fh.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) file_size = remaining_size = fh.tell() while remaining_size > 0: offset = min(file_size, offset + buf_size) fh.seek(file_size - offset) buff = fh.read(min(remaining_size, buf_size)) remaining_size -= buf_size lines = buff.split('\n') # the first line of the buffer is probably not a complete line so # we'll save it and append it to the last line of the next buffer # we read if segment is not None: # if the previous chunk starts right from the beginning of line # do not concat the segment to the last line of new chunk # instead, yield the segment first if buff[-1] is not '\n': lines[-1] += segment else: yield segment segment = lines[0] for index in range(len(lines) - 1, 0, -1): if len(lines[index]): yield lines[index] # Don't yield None if the file was empty if segment is not None: yield segment def load_history(log_files, services, verbose=False): """ Load the pickled history dictionary from the cache file, or create it if it doesn't exist yet History dictionary structure: { last_date: date, last_mail: date, data:
: { : { : [count list], : [count list], : [count list], . . . } : { : [count list], : [count list], : [count list], . . . } } } """ if os.path.exists(HISTORY_FILE): try: with open(HISTORY_FILE, 'rb') as f: history = pickle.load(f) last_date = history['last_date'] except (TypeError, EOFError): os.remove(HISTORY_FILE) if verbose: mail_admin("History Error!", "History has been deleted") return None start_date = datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1) end_date = start_date - timedelta(days=1) if last_date < start_date: history['last_date'] = start_date collectors = [] while last_date < start_date: logging.info("Adding history for day %s", start_date) collector = scan_files( log_files, Collector( start_date, end_date, **services ) ) collectors.append(collector) if collector['end_of_file']: break else: start_date = end_date end_date = start_date - timedelta(days=1) # Add them to the history, oldest first for collector in reversed(collectors): add_collector_to_history(collector, history) logging.debug('History updated') with open(HISTORY_FILE, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(history, f) if verbose: mail_admin("History updated", history_to_str(history)) else: history = { 'last_date': None, 'last_mail': None, 'data': defaultdict(dd) } start_date = datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=1) end_date = start_date - timedelta(days=1) history['last_date'] = start_date collectors = [] # Scan all log files while True: collector = scan_files( log_files, Collector( start_date, end_date, **services ) ) collectors.append(collector) if collector['end_of_file']: break else: start_date = end_date end_date = start_date - timedelta(days=1) # Add them to the history, oldest first for collector in reversed(collectors): add_collector_to_history(collector, history) with open(HISTORY_FILE, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(history, f) if verbose: mail_admin("History created", history_to_str(history)) return history def history_to_str(history): content = [] for address, data in history['data'].items(): content.append(address) for category, counts in data.items(): content.append(' %s' % category) for hour, count in counts.items(): content.append(' %s: %s' % (hour, count)) return '\n'.join(content) def add_collector_to_history(collector, history): collector.group_by_address(True) for collector_address, collector_data in collector['data'].items(): # Get the dictionary of user data history_user_data = history['data'][collector_address] for collector_category in collector_data: history_user_category_data = history_user_data[collector_category] if collector_data[collector_category] and 'by hour' in collector_data[collector_category]: for hour in range(24): history_user_category_data[hour].append(collector_data[collector_category]['by hour'][hour]) # Trim to last `HISTORY_SIZE` entries history_user_category_data[hour] = history_user_category_data[hour][-HISTORY_SIZE:] else: for hour in range(24): history_user_category_data[hour].append(0) # Trim to last `HISTORY_SIZE` entries history_user_category_data[hour] = history_user_category_data[hour][-HISTORY_SIZE:] def count_is_suspect(count, history, threshold=0): """ Use three-sigma rule to detect anomalous count values :param count: The number of emails counted in a certain hour :type count: int :param history: List of counted emails in a certain hour over a number of days :type history: list :param threshold: The count value can only be suspect if it is higher than the threshold :type threshold: int :return: True if suspect, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if len(history) > 1 and count > threshold: mu = mean(history) std = stdev(history) # logging.debug(" mean: %s, std dev: %s", mu, std) return abs(count - mu) > 3 * std return False def mail_admin(subject, content): import smtplib from email.message import Message from utils import load_environment env = load_environment() admin_addr = "administrator@" + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'] # create MIME message msg = Message() msg['From'] = "\"%s\" <%s>" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], admin_addr) msg['To'] = admin_addr msg['Subject'] = "[%s] %s" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], subject) msg.set_payload(content, "UTF-8") smtpclient = smtplib.SMTP('', 25) smtpclient.ehlo() smtpclient.sendmail( admin_addr, # MAIL FROM admin_addr, # RCPT TO msg.as_string()) smtpclient.quit() def print_time_table(label, data): lbl_temp = " │ {:<%d}" % max(len(label), 4) hour_line = [lbl_temp.format('hour')] data_line = [lbl_temp.format(label)] lines = [" ┬"] for h in range(24): max_len = max(len(str(data[h])), 2) data_temp = "{:>%s}" % max_len hour_line.append(data_temp.format(h)) data_line.append(data_temp.format(data[h] or '…')) lines.append(' '.join(hour_line)) lines.append(' '.join(data_line)) lines.append(" └" + (len(lines[-1]) - 3) * "─") return lines def print_service_tables(collector, verbose=False): address_width = 24 col_width = 8 col_tmp = "{:>%d}" % col_width for service, service_data in collector['data'].items(): # Gather data in a flat table and convert to strings if not service_data['data']: logging.info("\n✖ No %s data found", service) continue else: table = [] data = service_data['data'].values() min_first = min([u["first"] for u in data]) max_last = max([u["last"] for u in data]) title = "{} ({:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} - {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S})".format( service.capitalize(), min_first, max_last ) sorted_data = OrderedDict(sorted(service_data['data'].items(), key=lambda t: email_sort(t[0]))) current_domain = '' accum = None for address, data in sorted_data.items(): user, domain = address.split('@') if domain != current_domain: header = '@%s %s' % (domain, '┄' * (64 - len(domain) - 3)) offset = 1 + address_width num_atomic = len([v for v in data.values() if not isinstance(v, Iterable)]) offset += (num_atomic - 2) * col_width if accum is None: accum = [0] * (num_atomic - 1) header = header[:offset] + '┼' + header[offset:] table.append([header]) current_domain = domain tmp = " {:<%d}" % (address_width - 2) row = [tmp.format(user[:address_width - 3] + "…" if len(user) > address_width else user)] # Condense first and last date points into a time span first = data.pop("first") last = data.pop("last") timespan = relativedelta(last, first) if timespan.months: timespan_str = " │ {:0.1f} months".format(timespan.months + timespan.days / 30.0) elif timespan.days: timespan_str = " │ {:0.1f} days".format(timespan.days + timespan.hours / 24.0) elif (first.hour, first.minute) == (last.hour, last.minute): timespan_str = " │ {:%H:%M}".format(first) else: timespan_str = " │ {:%H:%M} - {:%H:%M}".format(first, last) accum[0] += 1 # Only consider flat data in a flat table for name, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, (int, float)): accum[len(row)] += value row.append(col_tmp.format(value)) row.append(timespan_str) data[' │ timespan'] = timespan table.append(row) if verbose: for name, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, Iterable): if name == 'by hour': table.extend(print_time_table(service, data['by hour'])) else: if name == 'by ip': value = ["{:<16}{:>4}".format(*v) for v in value.items()] table.append(" ┬") table.append(" │ %s" % name) table.append(" ├─%s" % (len(name) * "─")) max_len = 0 if isinstance(value, dict): for key, val in value.items(): key_output = str(key) val_output = str(val) table.append(" │ %s" % key_output) table.append(" │ %s" % val_output) max_len = max(max_len, len(key_output), len(val_output)) else: for item in value: table.append(" │ %s" % str(item)) max_len = max(max_len, len(str(item))) table.append(" └" + (max_len + 1) * "─") header = [" " * address_width] header.extend([col_tmp.format(k) for k, v in data.items() if not isinstance(v, Iterable)]) table.insert(0, header) # Print table print_table = [ '', title, "═" * offset + '╤' + "═" * (64 - offset - 1), ] for row in table: print_table.append(''.join(row)) print_table.append("─" * offset + '┴' + "─" * (64 - offset - 1),) accum[0] = tmp.format("Totals: {}".format(accum[0])) accum = [col_tmp.format(v) for v in accum] print_table.append(''.join(accum)) logging.info('\n'.join(print_table)) return def command_run(): logger = logging.getLogger() ch = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) def valid_date(string): """ Validate the given date string fetched from the --startdate argument """ try: date = parser.parse(string) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Unrecognized date and/or time '%s'" % string) return date start_date = datetime.now() time_deltas = OrderedDict([ ('all', timedelta(weeks=52)), ('month', timedelta(weeks=4)), ('2weeks', timedelta(days=14)), ('week', timedelta(days=7)), ('2days', timedelta(days=2)), ('day', timedelta(days=1)), ('12hours', timedelta(hours=12)), ('6hours', timedelta(hours=6)), ('hour', timedelta(hours=1)), ('30min', timedelta(minutes=30)), ('10min', timedelta(minutes=10)), ('5min', timedelta(minutes=5)), ('min', timedelta(minutes=1)), ('today', start_date - start_date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)) ]) ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Scan the mail log files for interesting data. By default, this script " "shows today's incoming and outgoing mail statistics. This script was (" "re)written for the Mail-in-a-box email server." "https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox", add_help=False ) # Switches to determine what to parse and what to ignore ap.add_argument("-a", "--all", help="Scan for all services.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-r", "--received", help="Scan for received emails.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-s", "--sent", help="Scan for sent emails.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-l", "--logins", help="Scan for IMAP and POP3 logins.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-i", "--imap", help="Scan for IMAP logins.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-p", "--pop3", help="Scan for POP3 logins.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-g", "--grey", help="Scan for greylisted emails.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-b", "--blocked", help="Scan for blocked emails.", action="store_true") ap.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="Path to a log file.", dest="log_files", metavar='', action="append") ap.add_argument("-m", "--monitor", nargs='?', const=50, type=int, metavar='', help="Mail an alert to the administrator when unusual behaviour is suspected. The optional " "threshold value sets a limit above which the number of emails sent or received per hour by a " "user will be evaluated. The default threshold is 50. It's recommended to use this option in " "a cron job, e.g. '*/5 * * * * /logscan.py -m', which will run every 5 minutes.") ap.add_argument("-t", "--timespan", choices=time_deltas.keys(), default='today', metavar='