#!/usr/local/lib/mailinabox/env/bin/python import argparse import datetime import gzip import os.path import re import shutil import tempfile import textwrap from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict import dateutil.parser import time from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import utils LOG_FILES = ( '/var/log/mail.log.6.gz', '/var/log/mail.log.5.gz', '/var/log/mail.log.4.gz', '/var/log/mail.log.3.gz', '/var/log/mail.log.2.gz', '/var/log/mail.log.1', '/var/log/mail.log', ) TIME_DELTAS = OrderedDict([ ('all', datetime.timedelta(weeks=52)), ('month', datetime.timedelta(weeks=4)), ('2weeks', datetime.timedelta(days=14)), ('week', datetime.timedelta(days=7)), ('2days', datetime.timedelta(days=2)), ('day', datetime.timedelta(days=1)), ('12hours', datetime.timedelta(hours=12)), ('6hours', datetime.timedelta(hours=6)), ('hour', datetime.timedelta(hours=1)), ('30min', datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)), ('10min', datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)), ('5min', datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)), ('min', datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)), ('today', datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)) ]) END_DATE = NOW = datetime.datetime.now() START_DATE = None VERBOSE = False # List of strings to filter users with FILTERS = None # What to show (with defaults) SCAN_OUT = True # Outgoing email SCAN_IN = True # Incoming email SCAN_DOVECOT_LOGIN = True # Dovecot Logins SCAN_GREY = False # Greylisted email SCAN_BLOCKED = False # Rejected email def scan_files(collector): """ Scan files until they run out or the earliest date is reached """ stop_scan = False for fn in LOG_FILES: tmp_file = None if not os.path.exists(fn): continue if fn[-3:] == '.gz': with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp_file, gzip.open(fn, 'rb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(f, tmp_file) if VERBOSE: print("Processing file", fn, "...") fn = tmp_file.name if tmp_file else fn for line in readline(fn): if scan_mail_log_line(line.strip(), collector) is False: if stop_scan: return stop_scan = True else: stop_scan = False if tmp_file is not None: os.remove(tmp_file.name) def scan_mail_log(env): """ Scan the system's mail log files and collect interesting data This function scans the 2 most recent mail log files in /var/log/. Args: env (dict): Dictionary containing MiaB settings """ collector = { "scan_count": 0, # Number of lines scanned "parse_count": 0, # Number of lines parsed (i.e. that had their contents examined) "scan_time": time.time(), # The time in seconds the scan took "sent_mail": OrderedDict(), # Data about email sent by users "received_mail": OrderedDict(), # Data about email received by users "logins": OrderedDict(), # Data about login activity "postgrey": {}, # Data about greylisting of email addresses "rejected": OrderedDict(), # Emails that were blocked "known_addresses": None, # Addresses handled by the Miab installation "other-services": set(), } try: import mailconfig collector["known_addresses"] = (set(mailconfig.get_mail_users(env)) | {alias[0] for alias in mailconfig.get_mail_aliases(env)}) except ImportError: pass print(f"Scanning logs from {START_DATE:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} to {END_DATE:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}" ) # Scan the lines in the log files until the date goes out of range scan_files(collector) if not collector["scan_count"]: print("No log lines scanned...") return collector["scan_time"] = time.time() - collector["scan_time"] print("{scan_count} Log lines scanned, {parse_count} lines parsed in {scan_time:.2f} " "seconds\n".format(**collector)) # Print Sent Mail report if collector["sent_mail"]: msg = "Sent email" print_header(msg) data = OrderedDict(sorted(collector["sent_mail"].items(), key=email_sort)) print_user_table( data.keys(), data=[ ("sent", [u["sent_count"] for u in data.values()]), ("hosts", [len(u["hosts"]) for u in data.values()]), ], sub_data=[ ("sending hosts", [u["hosts"] for u in data.values()]), ], activity=[ ("sent", [u["activity-by-hour"] for u in data.values()]), ], earliest=[u["earliest"] for u in data.values()], latest=[u["latest"] for u in data.values()], ) accum = defaultdict(int) data = collector["sent_mail"].values() for h in range(24): accum[h] = sum(d["activity-by-hour"][h] for d in data) print_time_table( ["sent"], [accum] ) # Print Received Mail report if collector["received_mail"]: msg = "Received email" print_header(msg) data = OrderedDict(sorted(collector["received_mail"].items(), key=email_sort)) print_user_table( data.keys(), data=[ ("received", [u["received_count"] for u in data.values()]), ], activity=[ ("sent", [u["activity-by-hour"] for u in data.values()]), ], earliest=[u["earliest"] for u in data.values()], latest=[u["latest"] for u in data.values()], ) accum = defaultdict(int) for h in range(24): accum[h] = sum(d["activity-by-hour"][h] for d in data.values()) print_time_table( ["received"], [accum] ) # Print login report if collector["logins"]: msg = "User logins per hour" print_header(msg) data = OrderedDict(sorted(collector["logins"].items(), key=email_sort)) # Get a list of all of the protocols seen in the logs in reverse count order. all_protocols = defaultdict(int) for u in data.values(): for protocol_name, count in u["totals_by_protocol"].items(): all_protocols[protocol_name] += count all_protocols = [k for k, v in sorted(all_protocols.items(), key=lambda kv : -kv[1])] print_user_table( data.keys(), data=[ (protocol_name, [ round(u["totals_by_protocol"][protocol_name] / (u["latest"]-u["earliest"]).total_seconds() * 60*60, 1) if (u["latest"]-u["earliest"]).total_seconds() > 0 else 0 # prevent division by zero for u in data.values()]) for protocol_name in all_protocols ], sub_data=[ ("Protocol and Source", [[ f"{protocol_name} {host}: {count} times" for (protocol_name, host), count in sorted(u["totals_by_protocol_and_host"].items(), key=lambda kv:-kv[1]) ] for u in data.values()]) ], activity=[ (protocol_name, [u["activity-by-hour"][protocol_name] for u in data.values()]) for protocol_name in all_protocols ], earliest=[u["earliest"] for u in data.values()], latest=[u["latest"] for u in data.values()], numstr=lambda n : str(round(n, 1)), ) accum = { protocol_name: defaultdict(int) for protocol_name in all_protocols } for h in range(24): for protocol_name in all_protocols: accum[protocol_name][h] = sum(d["activity-by-hour"][protocol_name][h] for d in data.values()) print_time_table( all_protocols, [accum[protocol_name] for protocol_name in all_protocols] ) if collector["postgrey"]: msg = "Greylisted Email {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} and {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}" print_header(msg.format(START_DATE, END_DATE)) print(textwrap.fill( "The following mail was greylisted, meaning the emails were temporarily rejected. " "Legitimate senders must try again after three minutes.", width=80, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" " ), end='\n\n') data = OrderedDict(sorted(collector["postgrey"].items(), key=email_sort)) users = [] received = [] senders = [] sender_clients = [] delivered_dates = [] for recipient in data: sorted_recipients = sorted(data[recipient].items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][0] or kv[1][1]) for (client_address, sender), (first_date, delivered_date) in sorted_recipients: if first_date: users.append(recipient) received.append(first_date) senders.append(sender) delivered_dates.append(delivered_date) sender_clients.append(client_address) print_user_table( users, data=[ ("received", received), ("sender", senders), ("delivered", [str(d) or "no retry yet" for d in delivered_dates]), ("sending host", sender_clients) ], delimit=True, ) if collector["rejected"]: msg = "Blocked Email {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} and {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}" print_header(msg.format(START_DATE, END_DATE)) data = OrderedDict(sorted(collector["rejected"].items(), key=email_sort)) rejects = [] if VERBOSE: for user_data in data.values(): user_rejects = [] for date, sender, message in user_data["blocked"]: if len(sender) > 64: sender = sender[:32] + "…" + sender[-32:] user_rejects.extend((f'{date} - {sender} ', f' {message}')) rejects.append(user_rejects) print_user_table( data.keys(), data=[ ("blocked", [len(u["blocked"]) for u in data.values()]), ], sub_data=[ ("blocked emails", rejects), ], earliest=[u["earliest"] for u in data.values()], latest=[u["latest"] for u in data.values()], ) if collector["other-services"] and VERBOSE and False: print_header("Other services") print("The following unknown services were found in the log file.") print(" ", *sorted(collector["other-services"]), sep='\n│ ') def scan_mail_log_line(line, collector): """ Scan a log line and extract interesting data """ m = re.match(r"(\w+[\s]+\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) ([\w]+ )?([\w\-/]+)[^:]*: (.*)", line) if not m: return True date, _system, service, log = m.groups() collector["scan_count"] += 1 # print() # print("date:", date) # print("host:", system) # print("service:", service) # print("log:", log) # Replaced the dateutil parser for a less clever way of parser that is roughly 4 times faster. # date = dateutil.parser.parse(date) # strptime fails on Feb 29 with ValueError: day is out of range for month if correct year is not provided. # See https://bugs.python.org/issue26460 date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(NOW.year) + ' ' + date, '%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S') # if log date in future, step back a year if date > NOW: date = date.replace(year = NOW.year - 1) #print("date:", date) # Check if the found date is within the time span we are scanning if date > END_DATE: # Don't process, and halt return False if date < START_DATE: # Don't process, but continue return True if service == "postfix/submission/smtpd": if SCAN_OUT: scan_postfix_submission_line(date, log, collector) elif service == "postfix/lmtp": if SCAN_IN: scan_postfix_lmtp_line(date, log, collector) elif service.endswith("-login"): if SCAN_DOVECOT_LOGIN: scan_dovecot_login_line(date, log, collector, service[:4]) elif service == "postgrey": if SCAN_GREY: scan_postgrey_line(date, log, collector) elif service == "postfix/smtpd": if SCAN_BLOCKED: scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector) elif service in {"postfix/qmgr", "postfix/pickup", "postfix/cleanup", "postfix/scache", "spampd", "postfix/anvil", "postfix/master", "opendkim", "postfix/lmtp", "postfix/tlsmgr", "anvil"}: # nothing to look at return True else: collector["other-services"].add(service) return True collector["parse_count"] += 1 return True def scan_postgrey_line(date, log, collector): """ Scan a postgrey log line and extract interesting data """ m = re.match(r"action=(greylist|pass), reason=(.*?), (?:delay=\d+, )?client_name=(.*), " r"client_address=(.*), sender=(.*), recipient=(.*)", log) if m: action, reason, client_name, client_address, sender, user = m.groups() if user_match(user): # Might be useful to group services that use a lot of mail different servers on sub # domains like 1.domein.com # if '.' in client_name: # addr = client_name.split('.') # if len(addr) > 2: # client_name = '.'.join(addr[1:]) key = (client_address if client_name == 'unknown' else client_name, sender) rep = collector["postgrey"].setdefault(user, {}) if action == "greylist" and reason == "new": rep[key] = (date, rep[key][1] if key in rep else None) elif action == "pass": rep[key] = (rep[key][0] if key in rep else None, date) def scan_postfix_smtpd_line(date, log, collector): """ Scan a postfix smtpd log line and extract interesting data """ # Check if the incoming mail was rejected m = re.match(r"NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from .*?: (.*?); from=<(.*?)> to=<(.*?)>", log) if m: message, sender, user = m.groups() # skip this, if reported in the greylisting report if "Recipient address rejected: Greylisted" in message: return # only log mail to known recipients if user_match(user) and (collector["known_addresses"] is None or user in collector["known_addresses"]): data = collector["rejected"].get( user, { "blocked": [], "earliest": None, "latest": None, } ) # simplify this one m = re.search( r"Client host \[(.*?)\] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org; (.*)", message ) if m: message = "ip blocked: " + m.group(2) else: # simplify this one too m = re.search( r"Sender address \[.*@(.*)\] blocked using dbl.spamhaus.org; (.*)", message ) if m: message = "domain blocked: " + m.group(2) if data["earliest"] is None: data["earliest"] = date data["latest"] = date data["blocked"].append((date, sender, message)) collector["rejected"][user] = data def scan_dovecot_login_line(date, log, collector, protocol_name): """ Scan a dovecot login log line and extract interesting data """ m = re.match(r"Info: Login: user=<(.*?)>, method=PLAIN, rip=(.*?),", log) if m: # TODO: CHECK DIT user, host = m.groups() if user_match(user): add_login(user, date, protocol_name, host, collector) def add_login(user, date, protocol_name, host, collector): # Get the user data, or create it if the user is new data = collector["logins"].get( user, { "earliest": None, "latest": None, "totals_by_protocol": defaultdict(int), "totals_by_protocol_and_host": defaultdict(int), "activity-by-hour": defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(int)), } ) if data["earliest"] is None: data["earliest"] = date data["latest"] = date data["totals_by_protocol"][protocol_name] += 1 data["totals_by_protocol_and_host"][protocol_name, host] += 1 if host not in {"", "::1"} or True: data["activity-by-hour"][protocol_name][date.hour] += 1 collector["logins"][user] = data def scan_postfix_lmtp_line(date, log, collector): """ Scan a postfix lmtp log line and extract interesting data It is assumed that every log of postfix/lmtp indicates an email that was successfully received by Postfix. """ m = re.match(r"([A-Z0-9]+): to=<(\S+)>, .* Saved", log) if m: _, user = m.groups() if user_match(user): # Get the user data, or create it if the user is new data = collector["received_mail"].get( user, { "received_count": 0, "earliest": None, "latest": None, "activity-by-hour": defaultdict(int), } ) data["received_count"] += 1 data["activity-by-hour"][date.hour] += 1 if data["earliest"] is None: data["earliest"] = date data["latest"] = date collector["received_mail"][user] = data def scan_postfix_submission_line(date, log, collector): """ Scan a postfix submission log line and extract interesting data Lines containing a sasl_method with the values PLAIN or LOGIN are assumed to indicate a sent email. """ # Match both the 'plain' and 'login' sasl methods, since both authentication methods are # allowed by Dovecot. Exclude trailing comma after the username when additional fields # follow after. m = re.match(r"([A-Z0-9]+): client=(\S+), sasl_method=(PLAIN|LOGIN), sasl_username=(\S+)(?{max(2, max_len):d}}} " for i, d in enumerate(data): lines[i] += base.format(d[h]) lines.insert(0, "┬ totals by time of day:") lines.append("└" + (len(lines[-1]) - 2) * "─") if do_print: print("\n".join(lines)) return None return lines def print_user_table(users, data=None, sub_data=None, activity=None, latest=None, earliest=None, delimit=False, numstr=str): str_temp = "{:<32} " lines = [] data = data or [] col_widths = len(data) * [0] col_left = len(data) * [False] vert_pos = 0 do_accum = all(isinstance(n, (int, float)) for _, d in data for n in d) data_accum = len(data) * ([0] if do_accum else [" "]) last_user = None for row, user in enumerate(users): if delimit: if last_user and last_user != user: lines.append(len(lines[-1]) * "…") last_user = user line = "{:<32} ".format(user[:31] + "…" if len(user) > 32 else user) for col, (l, d) in enumerate(data): if isinstance(d[row], str): col_str = str_temp.format(d[row][:31] + "…" if len(d[row]) > 32 else d[row]) col_left[col] = True elif isinstance(d[row], datetime.datetime): col_str = f"{d[row]!s:<20}" col_left[col] = True else: temp = f"{{:>{max(5, len(l) + 1, len(str(d[row])) + 1)}}}" col_str = temp.format(str(d[row])) col_widths[col] = max(col_widths[col], len(col_str)) line += col_str if do_accum: data_accum[col] += d[row] try: if None not in [latest, earliest]: # noqa: PLR6201 vert_pos = len(line) e = earliest[row] l = latest[row] timespan = relativedelta(l, e) if timespan.months: temp = " │ {:0.1f} months" line += temp.format(timespan.months + timespan.days / 30.0) elif timespan.days: temp = " │ {:0.1f} days" line += temp.format(timespan.days + timespan.hours / 24.0) elif (e.hour, e.minute) == (l.hour, l.minute): temp = " │ {:%H:%M}" line += temp.format(e) else: temp = " │ {:%H:%M} - {:%H:%M}" line += temp.format(e, l) except KeyError: pass lines.append(line.rstrip()) try: if VERBOSE: if sub_data is not None: for l, d in sub_data: if d[row]: lines.extend(('┬', f'│ {l}', '├─{}─'.format(len(l) * '─'), '│')) max_len = 0 for v in list(d[row]): lines.append(f"│ {v}") max_len = max(max_len, len(v)) lines.append("└" + (max_len + 1) * "─") if activity is not None: lines.extend(print_time_table( [label for label, _ in activity], [data[row] for _, data in activity], do_print=False )) except KeyError: pass header = str_temp.format("") for col, (l, _) in enumerate(data): if col_left[col]: header += l.ljust(max(5, len(l) + 1, col_widths[col])) else: header += l.rjust(max(5, len(l) + 1, col_widths[col])) if None not in [latest, earliest]: # noqa: PLR6201 header += " │ timespan " lines.insert(0, header.rstrip()) table_width = max(len(l) for l in lines) t_line = table_width * "─" b_line = table_width * "─" if vert_pos: t_line = t_line[:vert_pos + 1] + "┼" + t_line[vert_pos + 2:] b_line = b_line[:vert_pos + 1] + ("┬" if VERBOSE else "┼") + b_line[vert_pos + 2:] lines.insert(1, t_line) lines.append(b_line) # Print totals data_accum = [numstr(a) for a in data_accum] footer = str_temp.format("Totals:" if do_accum else " ") for row, (l, _) in enumerate(data): temp = f"{{:>{max(5, len(l) + 1):d}}}" footer += temp.format(data_accum[row]) try: if None not in [latest, earliest]: # noqa: PLR6201 max_l = max(latest) min_e = min(earliest) timespan = relativedelta(max_l, min_e) if timespan.days: temp = " │ {:0.2f} days" footer += temp.format(timespan.days + timespan.hours / 24.0) elif (min_e.hour, min_e.minute) == (max_l.hour, max_l.minute): temp = " │ {:%H:%M}" footer += temp.format(min_e) else: temp = " │ {:%H:%M} - {:%H:%M}" footer += temp.format(min_e, max_l) except KeyError: pass lines.append(footer) print("\n".join(lines)) def print_header(msg): print('\n' + msg) print("═" * len(msg), '\n') if __name__ == "__main__": try: env_vars = utils.load_environment() except FileNotFoundError: env_vars = {} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Scan the mail log files for interesting data. By default, this script " "shows today's incoming and outgoing mail statistics. This script was (" "re)written for the Mail-in-a-box email server." "https://github.com/mail-in-a-box/mailinabox", add_help=False ) # Switches to determine what to parse and what to ignore parser.add_argument("-r", "--received", help="Scan for received emails.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-s", "--sent", help="Scan for sent emails.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-l", "--logins", help="Scan for user logins to IMAP/POP3.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-g", "--grey", help="Scan for greylisted emails.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-b", "--blocked", help="Scan for blocked emails.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-t", "--timespan", choices=TIME_DELTAS.keys(), default='today', metavar='