<style> </style> <h2>SSL Certificates</h2> <h3>Certificate Status</h3> <table id="ssl_domains" class="table" style="margin-bottom: 2em; width: auto;"> <thead> <tr> <th>Domain</th> <th>Certificate Status</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> <p>A multi-domain or wildcard certificate will be automatically applied to any domains it is valid for.</p> <h3 id="ssl_install_header">Install SSL Certificate</h3> <p>There are many places where you can get a free or cheap SSL certificate. We recommend <a href="https://www.namecheap.com/security/ssl-certificates/domain-validation.aspx">Namecheap’s $9 certificate</a> or <a href="https://www.startssl.com/">StartSSL’s free express lane</a>.</p> <p>Which domain are you getting an SSL certificate for?</p> <p><select id="ssldomain" onchange="show_csr()" class="form-control" style="width: auto"></select></p> <div id="csr_info" style="display: none"> <p>You will need to provide the SSL certificate provider this Certificate Signing Request (CSR):</p> <pre id="ssl_csr"></pre> <p><small>The CSR is safe to share. It can only be used in combination with a secret key stored on this machine.</small></p> <p>The SSL certificate provider will then provide you with an SSL certificate. They may also provide you with an intermediate chain. Paste each separately into the boxes below:</p> <p style="margin-bottom: .5em">SSL certificate:</p> <p><textarea id="ssl_paste_cert" class="form-control" style="max-width: 40em; height: 8em" placeholder="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
stuff here
-----END CERTIFICATE-----"></textarea></p> <p style="margin-bottom: .5em">SSL intermediate chain (if provided):</p> <p><textarea id="ssl_paste_chain" class="form-control" style="max-width: 40em; height: 8em" placeholder="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
stuff here
more stuff here
-----END CERTIFICATE-----"></textarea></p> <p>After you paste in the information, click the install button.</p> <button class="btn-primary" onclick="install_cert()">Install</button> </div> <script> function show_ssl() { api( "/web/domains", "GET", { }, function(domains) { var tb = $('#ssl_domains tbody'); tb.text(''); $('#ssldomain').html('<option value="">(select)</option>'); for (var i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) { var row = $("<tr><th class='domain'><a href=''></a></th><td class='status'></td> <td class='actions'><a href='#' onclick='return ssl_install(this);' class='btn btn-xs'>Install Certificate</a></td></tr>"); tb.append(row); row.attr('data-domain', domains[i].domain); row.find('.domain a').text(domains[i].domain); row.find('.domain a').attr('href', 'https://' + domains[i].domain); row.addClass("text-" + domains[i].ssl_certificate[0]); row.find('.status').text(domains[i].ssl_certificate[1]); if (domains[i].ssl_certificate[0] == "success") { row.find('.actions a').addClass('btn-default').text('Replace Certificate'); } else { row.find('.actions a').addClass('btn-primary').text('Install Certificate'); } $('#ssldomain').append($('<option>').text(domains[i].domain)); } }); } function ssl_install(elem) { var domain = $(elem).parents('tr').attr('data-domain'); $('#ssldomain').val(domain); $('#csr_info').slideDown(); $('#ssl_csr').text('Loading...'); show_csr(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#ssl_install_header').offset().top - $('.navbar-fixed-top').height() - 20 }) return false; } function show_csr() { api( "/ssl/csr/" + $('#ssldomain').val(), "POST", { }, function(data) { $('#ssl_csr').text(data); }); } function install_cert() { api( "/ssl/install", "POST", { domain: $('#ssldomain').val(), cert: $('#ssl_paste_cert').val(), chain: $('#ssl_paste_chain').val() }, function(status) { if (/^OK($|\n)/.test(status)) { console.log(status) show_modal_error("SSL Certificate Installation", "Certificate has been installed. Check that you have no connection problems to the domain.", function() { show_ssl(); $('#csr_info').slideUp(); }); } else { show_modal_error("SSL Certificate Installation", status); } }); } </script>