# Test that a box's fail2ban setting are working # correctly by attempting a bunch of failed logins. # # Specify a SSH login command (which we use to reset # fail2ban after each test) and the hostname to # try to log in to. ###################################################################### import sys, os, time # parse command line if len(sys.argv) != 4: print('Usage: tests/fail2ban.py "ssh user@hostname" hostname owncloud_user') sys.exit(1) ssh_command, hostname, owncloud_user = sys.argv[1:4] # define some test types import socket socket.setdefaulttimeout(10) class IsBlocked(Exception): """Tests raise this exception when it appears that a fail2ban jail is in effect, i.e. on a connection refused error.""" def smtp_test(): import smtplib try: server = smtplib.SMTP(hostname, 587) except ConnectionRefusedError: # looks like fail2ban worked raise IsBlocked server.starttls() server.ehlo_or_helo_if_needed() try: server.login("fakeuser", "fakepassword") msg = "authentication didn't fail" raise Exception(msg) except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: # athentication should fail pass try: server.quit() except: # ignore errors here pass def imap_test(): import imaplib try: M = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(hostname) except ConnectionRefusedError: # looks like fail2ban worked raise IsBlocked try: M.login("fakeuser", "fakepassword") msg = "authentication didn't fail" raise Exception(msg) except imaplib.IMAP4.error: # authentication should fail pass finally: M.logout() # shuts down connection, has nothing to do with login() def pop_test(): import poplib try: M = poplib.POP3_SSL(hostname) except ConnectionRefusedError: # looks like fail2ban worked raise IsBlocked try: M.user('fakeuser') try: M.pass_('fakepassword') except poplib.error_proto: # Authentication should fail. M = None # don't .quit() return M.list() msg = "authentication didn't fail" raise Exception(msg) finally: if M: M.quit() def managesieve_test(): # We don't have a Python sieve client, so we'll # just run the IMAP client and see what happens. import imaplib try: M = imaplib.IMAP4(hostname, 4190) except ConnectionRefusedError: # looks like fail2ban worked raise IsBlocked try: M.login("fakeuser", "fakepassword") msg = "authentication didn't fail" raise Exception(msg) except imaplib.IMAP4.error: # authentication should fail pass finally: M.logout() # shuts down connection, has nothing to do with login() def http_test(url, expected_status, postdata=None, qsargs=None, auth=None): import urllib.parse import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # form request url = urllib.parse.urljoin("https://" + hostname, url) if qsargs: url += "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(qsargs) urlopen = requests.get if not postdata else requests.post try: # issue request r = urlopen( url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(*auth) if auth else None, data=postdata, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mail-in-a-Box fail2ban tester'}, timeout=8, verify=False) # don't bother with HTTPS validation, it may not be configured yet except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: raise IsBlocked except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: if "Connection refused" in str(e): raise IsBlocked raise # some other unexpected condition # return response status code if r.status_code != expected_status: r.raise_for_status() # anything but 200 msg = f"Got unexpected status code {r.status_code}." raise OSError(msg) # define how to run a test def restart_fail2ban_service(final=False): # Log in over SSH to restart fail2ban. command = "sudo fail2ban-client reload" if not final: # Stop recidive jails during testing. command += " && sudo fail2ban-client stop recidive" os.system(f'{ssh_command} "{command}"') def testfunc_runner(i, testfunc, *args): print(i+1, end=" ", flush=True) testfunc(*args) def run_test(testfunc, args, count, within_seconds, parallel): # Run testfunc count times in within_seconds seconds (and actually # within a little less time so we're sure we're under the limit). # # Because some services are slow, like IMAP, we can't necessarily # run testfunc sequentially and still get to count requests within # the required time. So we split the requests across threads. from multiprocessing import Pool restart_fail2ban_service() # Log. print(testfunc.__name__, " ".join(str(a) for a in args), "...") # Record the start time so we can know how to evenly space our # calls to testfunc. start_time = time.time() with Pool(parallel) as p: # Distribute the requests across the pool. asyncresults = [] for i in range(count): ar = p.apply_async(testfunc_runner, [i, testfunc, *list(args)]) asyncresults.append(ar) # Wait for all runs to finish. p.close() p.join() # Check for errors. for ar in asyncresults: try: ar.get() except IsBlocked: print("Test machine prematurely blocked!") return False # Did we make enough requests within the limit? if (time.time()-start_time) > within_seconds: raise Exception(f"Test failed to make {count} requests in {within_seconds:d} seconds.") # Wait a moment for the block to be put into place. time.sleep(4) # The next call should fail. print("*", end=" ", flush=True) try: testfunc(*args) except IsBlocked: # Success -- this one is supposed to be refused. print("blocked [OK]") return True # OK print("not blocked!") return False ###################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": # run tests # SMTP bans at 10 even though we say 20 in the config because we get # doubled-up warnings in the logs, we'll let that be for now run_test(smtp_test, [], 10, 30, 8) # IMAP run_test(imap_test, [], 20, 30, 4) # POP run_test(pop_test, [], 20, 30, 4) # Managesieve run_test(managesieve_test, [], 20, 30, 4) # Mail-in-a-Box control panel run_test(http_test, ["/admin/login", 200], 20, 30, 1) # Munin via the Mail-in-a-Box control panel run_test(http_test, ["/admin/munin/", 401], 20, 30, 1) # ownCloud run_test(http_test, ["/cloud/remote.php/webdav", 401, None, None, [owncloud_user, "aa"]], 20, 120, 1) # restart fail2ban so that this client machine is no longer blocked restart_fail2ban_service(final=True)