# typically non smtp commands. Block fast for access to postfix [miab-postfix-scanner] enabled = true port = smtp,465,587 filter = miab-postfix-scanner logpath = /var/log/mail.log maxretry = 2 findtime = 1d bantime = 1h # ip lookup of hostname does not match. Go easy on block [miab-pf-rdnsfail] enabled = true port = smtp,465,587 mode = normal filter = miab-postfix-rdnsfail logpath = /var/log/mail.log maxretry = 8 findtime = 12h bantime = 30m # ip lookup of hostname does not match with failure. More strict block [miab-pf-rdnsfail-e] enabled = true port = smtp,465,587 mode = errors filter = miab-postfix-rdnsfail[mode=errors] logpath = /var/log/mail.log maxretry = 4 findtime = 2d bantime = 2h # aggressive filter against ddos etc [postfix-aggressive] enabled = true mode = aggressive filter = postfix[mode=aggressive] port = smtp,465,submission logpath = %(postfix_log)s backend = %(postfix_backend)s maxretry = 100 findtime = 15m bantime = 1h