DNS (Advanced)

Custom and external DNS are for advanced configurations.

Custom DNS

It is possible to set custom DNS records on domains hosted here. For instance, you can create your own dynamic DNS service. To do so, you will need to call your box’s DNS API.

The HTTP POST request

Send a POST request like this:

curl -d "" --user {email}:{password} https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/qname[/rtype[/value]]
Parameter Value
email The email address of any administrative user here.
password That user’s password.
qname The fully qualified domain name for the record you are trying to set.
rtype The resource type. A if omitted. Possible values: A (an IPv4 address), AAAA (an IPv6 address), TXT (a text string), or CNAME (an alias, which is a fully qualified domain name).
value The new record’s value. If omitted, the IPv4 address of the remote host is used. This is handy for dynamic DNS! To delete a record, use “__delete__”.

Note that -d "" is merely to ensure curl sends a POST request. You do not need to put anything inside the quotes. You can also pass the value using typical form encoding in the POST body.

Strict SPF and DMARC records will be added to all custom domains unless you override them.


# sets laptop.mydomain.com to point to the IP address of the machine you are executing curl on
curl -d "" --user me@mydomain.com:###### https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/laptop.mydomain.com

# sets an alias
curl -d "" --user me@mydomain.com:###### https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/foo.mydomain.com/cname/bar.mydomain.com

# clears the alias
curl -d "" --user me@mydomain.com:###### https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/bar.mydomain.com/cname/__delete__

# sets a TXT record using the alternate value syntax
curl -d "value=something%20here" --user me@mydomain.com:###### https://{{hostname}}/admin/dns/set/foo.mydomain.com/txt

External DNS

Although your box is configured to serve its own DNS, it is possible to host your DNS elsewhere.

If you do so, you are responsible for keeping your DNS entries up to date! If you previously enabled DNSSEC on your domain name by setting a DS record at your registrar, you will likely have to turn it off before changing nameservers.

Enter the following DNS entries at your DNS provider:

QName Type Value