#!/bin/bash # based on dm-dyndns v1.0, dmurphy@dmurphy.com # Shell script to provide dynamic DNS to a mail-in-the-box platform. # Requirements: # dig installed # curl installed # oathtool installed if totp is to be used # OpenDNS myip service availability (myip.opendns.com 15) # Mailinabox host (see https://mailinabox.email 2) # Mailinabox admin username/password in the CFGFILE below # one line file of the format (curl cfg file): # user = “username:password” # Dynamic DNS name to be set # DYNDNSNAMELIST file contains one hostname per line that needs to be set to this IP. #----- Contents of dyndns.cfg file below ------ #----- user credentials ----------------------- #user = "admin@mydomain.com:MYADMINPASSWORD" #----- Contents of dyndns.domain below -------- # #------ Contents of dyndns.dynlist below ------ #vpn.mydomain.com #nas.mydomain.com #------ Contents of dyndns.totp --------------- #- only needed in case of TOTP authentication - #TOTP_KEY=ABCDEFGABCFEXXXXXXXX MYNAME="dyndns" CFGFILE="$MYNAME.cfg" TOTPFILE="$MYNAME.totp" DOMFILE="$MYNAME.domain" DIGCMD="/usr/bin/dig" CURLCMD="/usr/bin/curl" CATCMD="/bin/cat" OATHTOOLCMD="/usr/bin/oathtool" DYNDNSNAMELIST="$MYNAME.dynlist" if [ ! -x $DIGCMD ]; then echo "$MYNAME: dig command $DIGCMD not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi if [ ! -x $CURLCMD ]; then echo "$MYNAME: curl command $CURLCMD not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi if [ ! -x $CATCMD ]; then echo "$MYNAME: cat command $CATCMD not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi DOMAIN=$(cat $DOMFILE) MIABHOST="box.$DOMAIN" noww="$(date +"%F %T")" echo "$noww: running dynamic dns update for $DOMAIN" if [ ! -f $CFGFILE ]; then echo "$MYNAME: $CFGFILE not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi if [ ! -f $DYNDNSNAMELIST ]; then echo "$MYNAME: $DYNDNSNAMELIST not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi MYIP="`$DIGCMD +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com`" if [ -z "MYIP" ]; then MYIP="`$DIGCMD +short myip.opendns.com @resolver2.opendns.com`" fi if [ -z "MYIP" ]; then MYIP="`$DIGCMD +short myip.opendns.com @resolver3.opendns.com`" fi if [ -z "MYIP" ]; then MYIP="`$DIGCMD +short myip.opendns.com @resolver4.opendns.com`" fi if [ -z "$MYIP" ]; then MYIP=$($DIGCMD -4 +short TXT o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | tr -d '"') fi if [ ! -z "$MYIP" ]; then for DYNDNSNAME in `$CATCMD $DYNDNSNAMELIST` do PREVIP="`$DIGCMD A +short $DYNDNSNAME @$MIABHOST`" if [ -z "$PREVIP" ]; then echo "$MYNAME: dig output was blank." fi if [ "x$PREVIP" = "x$MYIP" ]; then echo "$MYNAME: $DYNDNSNAME ipv4 hasn't changed." else echo "$MYNAME: $DYNDNSNAME changed (previously: $PREVIP, now: $MYIP)" STATUS="`$CURLCMD -X PUT -K $CFGFILE -s -d $MYIP https://$MIABHOST/admin/dns/custom/$DYNDNSNAME/A`" case $STATUS in "OK") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API returned OK, cmd succeeded but no update.";; "updated DNS: $DOMAIN") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API updated $DYNDNSNAME ipv4 OK.";; "invalid-totp-token"|"missing-totp-token") echo "$MYNAME: invalid TOTP token. Retrying with TOTP token" if [ ! -x $AOTHTOOLCMD ]; then echo "$MYNAME: oathtool command $OATHTOOLCMD not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi if [ ! -f $TOTPFILE ]; then echo "$MYNAME: $TOTPFILE not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi source $TOTPFILE TOTP="X-Auth-Token: $(oathtool --totp -b -d 6 $TOTP_KEY)" STATUST="`$CURLCMD -X PUT -K $CFGFILE -H "$TOTP" -s -d $MYIP https://$MIABHOST/admin/dns/custom/$DYNDNSNAME/A`" case $STATUST in "OK") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API returned OK, cmd succeded but no update.";; "updated DNS: $DOMAIN") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API updated $DYNDNSNAME ipv4 OK.";; "invalid-totp-token") echo "$MYNAME: invalid TOTP token.";; *) echo "$MYNAME: other status from mailinabox API. Please check: $STATUST (2)";; esac ;; *) echo "$MYNAME: other status from mailinabox API. Please check: $STATUS (1)";; esac fi done else echo "$MYNAME: No ipv4 address found. Check myaddr.google and myip.opendns.com services." exit 99 fi # Now to do the same for ipv6 MYIP="`$DIGCMD AAAA @resolver1.ipv6-sandbox.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short -6`" if [ -z "MYIP" ]; then MYIP="`$DIGCMD AAAA @resolver2.ipv6-sandbox.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short -6`" fi if [ -z "$MYIP" ]; then MYIP=$($DIGCMD -6 +short TXT o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | tr -d '"') fi if [ ! -z "$MYIP" ]; then for DYNDNSNAME in `$CATCMD $DYNDNSNAMELIST` do PREVIP="`$DIGCMD AAAA +short $DYNDNSNAME @$MIABHOST`" if [ -z "$PREVIP" ]; then echo "$MYNAME: dig output was blank." fi if [ "x$PREVIP" = "x$MYIP" ]; then echo "$MYNAME: $DYNDNSNAME ipv6 hasn't changed." else echo "$MYNAME: $DYNDNSNAME changed (previously: $PREVIP, now: $MYIP)" STATUS="`$CURLCMD -X PUT -K $CFGFILE -s -d $MYIP https://$MIABHOST/admin/dns/custom/$DYNDNSNAME/AAAA`" case $STATUS in "OK") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API returned OK, cmd succeeded but no update.";; "updated DNS: $DOMAIN") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API updated $DYNDNSNAME ipv6 OK.";; "invalid-totp-token"|"missing-totp-token") echo "$MYNAME: invalid TOTP token. Retrying with TOTP token" if [ ! -x $AOTHTOOLCMD ]; then echo "$MYNAME: oathtool command $OATHTOOLCMD not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi if [ ! -f $TOTPFILE ]; then echo "$MYNAME: $TOTPFILE not found. Check and fix please." exit 99 fi source $TOTPFILE TOTP="X-Auth-Token: $(oathtool --totp -b -d 6 $TOTP_KEY)" STATUST="`$CURLCMD -X PUT -K $CFGFILE -H "$TOTP" -s -d $MYIP https://$MIABHOST/admin/dns/custom/$DYNDNSNAME/AAAA`" case $STATUST in "OK") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API returned OK, cmd succeded but no update.";; "updated DNS: $DOMAIN") echo "$MYNAME: mailinabox API updated $DYNDNSNAME ipv6 OK.";; "invalid-totp-token") echo "$MYNAME: invalid TOTP token.";; *) echo "$MYNAME: other status from mailinabox API. Please check: $STATUST (2)";; esac ;; *) echo "$MYNAME: other status from mailinabox API. Please check: $STATUS (1)";; esac fi done else echo "$MYNAME: No ipv6 address found. Check myaddr.google and myip.opendns.com services." exit 99 fi exit 0