#!/usr/bin/python3 # This script performs a backup of all user data: # 1) System services are stopped while a copy of user data is made. # 2) An incremental encrypted backup is made using duplicity into the # directory STORAGE_ROOT/backup/encrypted. The password used for # encryption is stored in backup/secret_key.txt. # 3) The stopped services are restarted. # 5) STORAGE_ROOT/backup/after-backup is executd if it exists. import os, os.path, shutil, glob, re, datetime import dateutil.parser, dateutil.relativedelta, dateutil.tz from utils import exclusive_process, load_environment, shell # Destroy backups when the most recent increment in the chain # that depends on it is this many days old. keep_backups_for_days = 3 def backup_status(env): # What is the current status of backups? # Loop through all of the files in STORAGE_ROOT/backup/encrypted to # get a list of all of the backups taken and sum up file sizes to # see how large the storage is. now = datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal()) def reldate(date, ref, clip): if ref < date: return clip rd = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(ref, date) if rd.months > 1: return "%d months, %d days" % (rd.months, rd.days) if rd.months == 1: return "%d month, %d days" % (rd.months, rd.days) if rd.days >= 7: return "%d days" % rd.days if rd.days > 1: return "%d days, %d hours" % (rd.days, rd.hours) if rd.days == 1: return "%d day, %d hours" % (rd.days, rd.hours) return "%d hours, %d minutes" % (rd.hours, rd.minutes) backups = { } backup_dir = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'backup') backup_encrypted_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'encrypted') os.makedirs(backup_encrypted_dir, exist_ok=True) # os.listdir fails if directory does not exist for fn in os.listdir(backup_encrypted_dir): m = re.match(r"duplicity-(full|full-signatures|(inc|new-signatures)\.(?P\d+T\d+Z)\.to)\.(?P\d+T\d+Z)\.", fn) if not m: raise ValueError(fn) key = m.group("date") if key not in backups: date = dateutil.parser.parse(m.group("date")) backups[key] = { "date": m.group("date"), "date_str": date.strftime("%x %X"), "date_delta": reldate(date, now, "the future?"), "full": m.group("incbase") is None, "previous": m.group("incbase"), "size": 0, } backups[key]["size"] += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(backup_encrypted_dir, fn)) # Ensure the rows are sorted reverse chronologically. # This is relied on by should_force_full() and the next step. backups = sorted(backups.values(), key = lambda b : b["date"], reverse=True) # Get the average size of incremental backups and the size of the # most recent full backup. incremental_count = 0 incremental_size = 0 first_full_size = None for bak in backups: if bak["full"]: first_full_size = bak["size"] break incremental_count += 1 incremental_size += bak["size"] # Predict how many more increments until the next full backup, # and add to that the time we hold onto backups, to predict # how long the most recent full backup+increments will be held # onto. Round up since the backup occurs on the night following # when the threshold is met. deleted_in = None if incremental_count > 0 and first_full_size is not None: deleted_in = "approx. %d days" % round(keep_backups_for_days + (.5 * first_full_size - incremental_size) / (incremental_size/incremental_count) + .5) # When will a backup be deleted? saw_full = False days_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(days=keep_backups_for_days) for bak in backups: if deleted_in: # Subsequent backups are deleted when the most recent increment # in the chain would be deleted. bak["deleted_in"] = deleted_in if bak["full"]: # Reset when we get to a full backup. A new chain start next. saw_full = True deleted_in = None elif saw_full and not deleted_in: # Mark deleted_in only on the first increment after a full backup. deleted_in = reldate(days_ago, dateutil.parser.parse(bak["date"]), "on next daily backup") bak["deleted_in"] = deleted_in return { "directory": backup_encrypted_dir, "encpwfile": os.path.join(backup_dir, 'secret_key.txt'), "tz": now.tzname(), "backups": backups, } def should_force_full(env): # Force a full backup when the total size of the increments # since the last full backup is greater than half the size # of that full backup. inc_size = 0 for bak in backup_status(env)["backups"]: if not bak["full"]: # Scan through the incremental backups cumulating # size... inc_size += bak["size"] else: # ...until we reach the most recent full backup. # Return if we should to a full backup. return inc_size > .5*bak["size"] else: # If we got here there are no (full) backups, so make one. # (I love for/else blocks. Here it's just to show off.) return True def perform_backup(full_backup): env = load_environment() exclusive_process("backup") backup_dir = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'backup') backup_encrypted_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'encrypted') # In an older version of this script, duplicity was called # such that it did not encrypt the backups it created (in # backup/duplicity), and instead openssl was called separately # after each backup run, creating AES256 encrypted copies of # each file created by duplicity in backup/encrypted. # # We detect the transition by the presence of backup/duplicity # and handle it by 'dupliception': we move all the old *un*encrypted # duplicity files up out of the backup/duplicity directory (as # backup/ is excluded from duplicity runs) in order that it is # included in the next run, and we delete backup/encrypted (which # duplicity will output files directly to, post-transition). # # This achieves two things: # 1. It preserves the pre-transition unencrypted backup files # within the encrypted backups we will immediately create, so # that they are kept until the next full backup is triggered. # (it is because those backups will be encrypted that we take # the old *un*encrypted backups, not the duplicates encrypted # with openssl). # 2. It results in backup_status() being called on a non-existant # backup/encrypted directory, which will trigger a full backup # (though duplicity ought to do one anyway as it ought not # recognise the old openssl encrypted .enc files, if we *had* # left them there). More to the point it clears out those .enc # files which are now redundant, thereby gaining disk space and # preventing backup_status() getting terribly confused by their # presence. # # A note about disk use: # At no point in the transition will we use more disk space than # was used pre-transition, because by deleting the openssl # encrypted duplicates we decrease by more* than half the disk # space used, while the addition by 'dupliception' of the old # *un*encrypted backups takes less space than we gained from # dropping the openssl encrypted duplicates. # # A note about the status page post-upgrade but pre-transition: # Between the point that the new code is deployed and when the first # daily backup is run, there will be a subtle change in the # behaviour of the web control panel's backup status page, in that # it will only sum the size of the encrypted backups when reporting # the total size on disk i.e. it will not consider the unencrypted # originals. # # *the openssl encrypted duplicates were base64 encrypted, hence # accounting for more than half of the space used. backup_duplicity_dir = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'duplicity') migrated_unencrypted_backup_dir = os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "migrated_unencrypted_backup") if os.path.isdir(backup_duplicity_dir): shutil.rmtree(backup_encrypted_dir) shutil.move(backup_duplicity_dir, migrated_unencrypted_backup_dir) # On the first run, always do a full backup. Incremental # will fail. Otherwise do a full backup when the size of # the increments since the most recent full backup are # large. full_backup = full_backup or should_force_full(env) # Stop services. shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "dovecot", "stop"]) shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "postfix", "stop"]) env_with_passphrase = { "PASSPHRASE" : open(os.path.join(backup_dir, 'secret_key.txt')).read() } # Update the backup mirror directory which mirrors the current # STORAGE_ROOT (but excluding the backups themselves!). try: shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "full" if full_backup else "incr", "--exclude", backup_dir, "--volsize", "250", env["STORAGE_ROOT"], "file://" + backup_encrypted_dir ], env_with_passphrase) finally: # Start services again. shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "dovecot", "start"]) shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "postfix", "start"]) if os.path.isdir(migrated_unencrypted_backup_dir): shutil.rmtree(migrated_unencrypted_backup_dir) # Remove old backups. This deletes all backup data no longer needed # from more than 3 days ago. shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "remove-older-than", "%dD" % keep_backups_for_days, "--force", "file://" + backup_encrypted_dir ], env_with_passphrase) # From duplicity's manual: # "This should only be necessary after a duplicity session fails or is # aborted prematurely." # That may be unlikely here but we may as well ensure we tidy up if # that does happen - it might just have been a poorly timed reboot. shell('check_call', [ "/usr/bin/duplicity", "cleanup", "--force", "file://" + backup_encrypted_dir ], env_with_passphrase) # Execute a post-backup script that does the copying to a remote server. # Run as the STORAGE_USER user, not as root. Pass our settings in # environment variables so the script has access to STORAGE_ROOT. post_script = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'after-backup') if os.path.exists(post_script): shell('check_call', ['su', env['STORAGE_USER'], '-c', post_script], env=env) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys full_backup = "--full" in sys.argv perform_backup(full_backup)