. * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ // ************************ // BackendIMAP settings // ************************ // Defines the server to which we want to connect define('IMAP_SERVER', 'localhost'); // connecting to default port (143) define('IMAP_PORT', 993); // best cross-platform compatibility (see http://php.net/imap_open for options) define('IMAP_OPTIONS', '/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert'); // overwrite the "from" header with some value // options: // '' - do nothing, use the From header // 'username' - the username will be set (usefull if your login is equal to your emailaddress) // 'domain' - the value of the "domain" field is used // 'sql' - the username will be the result of a sql query. REMEMBER TO INSTALL PHP-PDO AND PHP-DATABASE // 'ldap' - the username will be the result of a ldap query. REMEMBER TO INSTALL PHP-LDAP!! // '@mydomain.com' - the username is used and the given string will be appended define('IMAP_DEFAULTFROM', ''); // DSN: formatted PDO connection string // mysql:host=xxx;port=xxx;dbname=xxx // USER: username to DB // PASSWORD: password to DB // OPTIONS: array with options needed // QUERY: query to execute // FIELDS: columns in the query // FROM: string that will be the from, replacing the column names with the values define('IMAP_FROM_SQL_DSN', ''); define('IMAP_FROM_SQL_USER', ''); define('IMAP_FROM_SQL_PASSWORD', ''); define('IMAP_FROM_SQL_OPTIONS', serialize(array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true))); define('IMAP_FROM_SQL_QUERY', "select first_name, last_name, mail_address from users where mail_address = '#username@#domain'"); define('IMAP_FROM_SQL_FIELDS', serialize(array('first_name', 'last_name', 'mail_address'))); define('IMAP_FROM_SQL_FROM', '#first_name #last_name <#mail_address>'); // SERVER: ldap server // SERVER_PORT: ldap port // USER: dn to use for connecting // PASSWORD: password // QUERY: query to execute // FIELDS: columns in the query // FROM: string that will be the from, replacing the field names with the values define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_SERVER', 'localhost'); define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_SERVER_PORT', '389'); define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_USER', 'cn=zpush,ou=servers,dc=zpush,dc=org'); define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_PASSWORD', 'password'); define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_BASE', 'dc=zpush,dc=org'); define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_QUERY', '(mail=#username@#domain)'); define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_FIELDS', serialize(array('givenname', 'sn', 'mail'))); define('IMAP_FROM_LDAP_FROM', '#givenname #sn <#mail>'); // copy outgoing mail to this folder. If not set z-push will try the default folders define('IMAP_SENTFOLDER', ''); // forward messages inline (default true - inlined) define('IMAP_INLINE_FORWARD', true); // list of folders we want to exclude from sync. Names, or part of it, separated by | // example: dovecot.sieve|archive|spam define('IMAP_EXCLUDED_FOLDERS', ''); // Method used for sending mail // mail => mail() php function // sendmail => sendmail executable // smtp => direct connection against SMTP define('IMAP_SMTP_METHOD', 'mail'); global $imap_smtp_params; // SMTP Parameters // mail : no params $imap_smtp_params = array(); // sendmail //$imap_smtp_params = array('sendmail_path' => '/usr/bin/sendmail', 'sendmail_args' => '-i'); // smtp // "host" - The server to connect. Default is localhost. // "port" - The port to connect. Default is 25. // "auth" - Whether or not to use SMTP authentication. Default is FALSE. // "username" - The username to use for SMTP authentication. "imap_username" for using the same username as the imap server // "password" - The password to use for SMTP authentication. "imap_password" for using the same password as the imap server // "localhost" - The value to give when sending EHLO or HELO. Default is localhost // "timeout" - The SMTP connection timeout. Default is NULL (no timeout). // "verp" - Whether to use VERP or not. Default is FALSE. // "debug" - Whether to enable SMTP debug mode or not. Default is FALSE. // "persist" - Indicates whether or not the SMTP connection should persist over multiple calls to the send() method. // "pipelining" - Indicates whether or not the SMTP commands pipelining should be used. //$imap_smtp_params = array('host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 25, 'auth' => false); // If you want to use SSL with port 25 or port 465 you must preppend "ssl://" before the hostname or IP of your SMTP server // IMPORTANT: To use SSL you must use PHP 5.1 or later, install openssl libs and use ssl:// within the host variable //$imap_smtp_params = array('host' => 'ssl://localhost', 'port' => 465, 'auth' => true, 'username' => 'imap_username', 'password' => 'imap_password'); // If you are using IMAP_SMTP_METHOD = mail or sendmail and your sent messages are not correctly displayed you can change this to "\n". // BUT, it doesn't with RFC 2822 and will break if using smp method define('MAIL_MIMEPART_CRLF', "\r\n"); ?>