#!/bin/bash # # This script will save debug info to either a gist or /tmp/ # Are we running as root? if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root. Please re-run like this:" echo echo "sudo $0" echo exit fi echo "This script produces a diagnostic log to help the maintainers" echo "figure out why your Mail-in-a-Box installation isn't working the" echo "way you expected it to." echo echo "This log will contain sensitive information about your installation" echo "including, but not limited to:" echo "email addresses" echo "domain names" echo "IP addresses" echo "server security configuration" echo "etc." echo echo "=====================================================================" echo "Please do not post this file to the internet if you are not comfortable" echo "exposing this information publicly to the world forever." echo "=====================================================================" echo echo "Once the log has been collected, you will be given the option to post" echo "the log to https://gist.github.com/ so that others can help you diagnose" echo "the issues with your Mail-in-a-Box installation" echo echo "You are solely responsible for the data you choose to publish" source /etc/mailinabox.conf # load global vars TMP_FILE=/tmp/MIAB_debug_$(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").log touch $TMP_FILE; # MIAB status checks /root/mailinabox/management/status_checks.py >> $TMP_FILE; echo >> $TMP_FILE; # newline after status_checks # all of the commands we want to run. declare -a commands=("git -C /root/mailinabox status" "uptime" "lsb_release -a" "free -m" "df -h" "ps auxf" "pip3 list" "dpkg --list" "ufw status verbose" "ifconfig" "lsof -i" "cat /etc/hosts" "cat /etc/resolv.conf" "cat /var/log/syslog" "cat /var/log/mail.log" "cat /var/log/boot.log" "cat /var/log/roundcubemail/errors") function name_and_delineator () { CMD_LENGTH=${#1} DELINEATOR=""; for (( c=1; c<=$CMD_LENGTH; c++ )) do DELINEATOR+="="; done echo $1 >> $TMP_FILE echo $DELINEATOR >> $TMP_FILE; } # iterate through each command, announce it, execute it and log it. for i in "${commands[@]}" do echo "executing: $i and saving output to $TMP_FILE" name_and_delineator "$i" # pretty printing eval `echo $i` >> $TMP_FILE # execute string as a command, including spaces echo >> $TMP_FILE; # newline done function post_gist () { echo "Posting the debug log to https://gist.github.com at this url:" echo $(gist-paste -p -s `echo $TMP_FILE`) echo "Please provide this url to help diagnose your issue." } # double check that the user wants to post to github. echo "Do You want to post your debug log on https://gist.github.com publicly?" echo "Please type 'YES' below, anything else will cancel." echo -n "Type YES to publish:" read answer if echo "$answer" | grep -q "^YES" ;then if [ ! -f /root/.gist ]; then echo "You will need to log into Github first." echo "You can skip this step by pressing , but you will not" echo "be able to delete the debug log if you do not log in." gist-paste --login # ask again, just to be sure. echo "Are you sure you want to post your debug log on https://gist.github.com publicly?" echo "Please type 'YES' below, anything else will cancel." echo -n "Type YES to publish:" read answer if echo "$answer" | grep -q "^YES" ;then post_gist else # logged in to github, but said no on the second request echo "Your debug log file is here: $TMP_FILE" fi else post_gist fi else # said no to initial request to post to gist.github.com echo "Your debug log file is here: $TMP_FILE" fi