Two-Factor Authentication

When two-factor authentication is enabled, you will be prompted to enter a six digit code from an authenticator app (usually on your phone) when you log into this control panel.

Enabling two-factor authentication does not protect access to your email
Enabling two-factor authentication on this page only limits access to this control panel. Remember that most websites allow you to reset your password by checking your email, so anyone with access to your email can typically take over your other accounts. Additionally, if your email address or any alias that forwards to your email address is a typical domain control validation address (e.g admin@, administrator@, postmaster@, hostmaster@, webmaster@, abuse@), extra care should be taken to protect the account. Always use a strong password, and ensure every administrator account for this control panel does the same.

Setup Instructions

1. Install FreeOTP or any other two-factor authentication app that supports TOTP.

2. Scan the QR code in the app or directly enter the secret into the app:

When you click Enable Two-Factor Authentication, you will be logged out of the control panel and will have to log in again, now using your two-factor authentication app.

Two-factor authentication is active for your account.

You will have to log into the admin panel again after disabling two-factor authentication.