if [ -z "$EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME" ]; then EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME=mykey fi UBUNTU_CONFIG="us-east-1 13.04 amd64 instance-store" export AMI=`curl -s http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/releasesTable | python3 tools/get_ubuntu_ami.py $UBUNTU_CONFIG` ec2-create-group -d "mailinabox" "mailinabox" for PORT in 25 53 587 993; do ec2-authorize mailinabox -P tcp -p $PORT -s; done for PORT in 53; do ec2-authorize mailinabox -P udp -p $PORT -s; done ec2run $AMI -k $EC2_KEYPAIR_NAME -t m1.small -z $AWS_AZ -g mailinabox > instance.info export INSTANCE=`cat instance.info | grep INSTANCE | awk {'print $2'}` echo Started instance $INSTANCE sleep 5 while [ 1 ] do export INSTANCE_IP=`ec2-describe-instances $INSTANCE | grep INSTANCE | awk {'print $14'}` if [ -z "$INSTANCE_IP" ] then echo "Waiting for $INSTANCE to start..." else break fi sleep 6 done # Give SSH time to start. sleep 5 echo New instance has IP: $INSTANCE_IP