
Add a mail alias

Aliases are email forwarders. An alias can forward email to a mail user or to any email address.

To use an alias or any address besides your own login username in outbound mail, the sending user must be included as a permitted sender for the alias.

Enter just the part of an email address starting with the @-sign. You may use international (non-ASCII) characters for the domain part of the email address only.
Enter just the part of an email address starting with the @-sign.

Existing mail aliases

Forwards To Permitted Senders

hostmaster@, postmaster@, admin@ and abuse@ email addresses are required on some domains.

Mail aliases API (advanced)

Use your box’s mail aliases API to add and remove mail aliases from the command-line or custom services you build.


curl -X VERB [-d "parameters"] --user {email}:{password} https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/aliases[action]

Brackets denote an optional argument. Please note that the POST body parameters must be URL-encoded.

The email and password given to the --user option must be an administrative user on this system.


Verb Action
GET(none) Returns a list of existing mail aliases. Adding ?format=json to the URL will give JSON-encoded results.
POST/add Adds a new mail alias. Required POST-body parameters are address and forward_to.
POST/remove Removes a mail alias. Required POST-body parameter is address.


Try these examples. For simplicity the examples omit the --user command line argument which you must fill in with your email address and password.

# Gives a JSON-encoded list of all mail aliases
curl -X GET https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/aliases?format=json

# Adds a new alias
curl -X POST -d "" -d "" https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/aliases/add

# Removes an alias
curl -X POST -d "" https://{{hostname}}/admin/mail/aliases/remove